SMJohnson27 Member


  • Hello everyone! Restarter here with ya. Started in 2011, came back last year and now I'm back...again😄 Desperately need friends to keep going!
  • Read L4D and sent a friend request :smiley: That and Resident Evil are my jams. Obsessed with Dr Who, Buffy, etc. Pretty much any sci-fi/fantasy. Don't get to nerd out with anyone but my 14 yr old son, who's into the same nerdfandom stuff, so it would be nice to have friends on here with similar interests!
  • Hello! I'm just starting back, going Keto as well. I joined mfp in 2011, losing 40+ lbs following a primal lifestyle. I did well for quite a while until I went back to school and changed careers. Hoping to make this a permanent lifestyle change this time, as I have never felt better than I did going primal. Feel free to…
  • Hello! Im just starting back, going Keto as well. I joined mfp in 2011, losing 40+ lbs following a primal lifestyle. I did well for quite a while until I went back to school and changed careers. Hoping to make this a permanent lifestyle change this time, as I have never felt better than I did going primal. Feel free to add…
  • I'm 34, need to lose 47ish lbs, and watch my sugar closely too! Feel free to add me!
  • I'm just starting back. Went Primal in 2011 and loved it, but a busy lifestyle over the last couple years has caused me to fall off the wagon. Feel free to add me!
  • I would eliminate the cereal and oatmeal and soda and see how that works. 2 pounds a week is great. I have been low-carb for several months and usually lose 0.5-1.0/week. And some weeks lose several inches and no loss on the scale. Here is an idea of what I eat some days. Breakfast- 3-4 whole eggs (scrambled in coconut oil…
  • 1. Things you pack in a hospital bag? camera, clothes for baby and mom to come home, makeup, nicer hospital gown, hairbrush, toothbrush 2. Popular brands of diapers? pampers, huggies, luvs, white cloud, parents choice, 3. Things you put in a diaper bag? diapers, wipes, bottle, pacifier, clothes, blanket 4. Nicknames for a…
  • Yes, my kids are monitored while on-line, we don't use it as a built-in babysitter. They are usually playing right along side one of us. Most of the time, he doesn't have his headset on anyways. I don't think there is much he hasn't heard before that anyway. He came home from preschool telling us racial slurs and bad words…
  • Gamer here! Nice to see so many others!! Our main console is 360. love L4D, Halo, Gears, RDR, COD, Bioshock, Fallout, Boderlands, etc (too many to mention, lol). It is a family thing. My 4 year old is a beast on Lost Planet games or any Mario game. My 7 year old plays most of the above online. We get ragged on all the time…
  • I totally agree! I had read up on this a few months ago. AND, about 4 minutes ago, they said needing 8 glasses of water a day is a myth, on the TODAY SHOW!! You get plenty of water from everything you eat and drink throughout the day (yes, even juice and pop). If your pee is clear, you are fine.
  • I was set at 1200 by MFP from January to April. I hit a plateau in March for about 8 weeks, so I increased it to 1300. I did start to lose again with 1300-1400, but it is really hard for me to eat that much food in one day, so now I just go with what my body says-anywhere from 1000-1400 most days. It is not something I…
  • May 17th Weigh in, Week 3! Susan: LW 170.2, CW 171, gain of .8 Marie: LW 204, CW 203, loss of 1 Kimberly: LW 134, CW 133.6, loss of .4 Kim: LW 199.4, CW 195.6, loss of 3.8 Katy: LW 145.5, CW 145, loss of .5 Stephanie: LW 136.5, CW 134.0, loss of 2.5
  • I just started meal planning for my hubby's breakfasts. Last month, I started making an extra serving of dinner for his lunches, because he was limited to vending machine sandwiches-not only unhealthy, but he said they were disgusting and over-priced. Now he has a filling lunch everday. But last Friday, my youngest told…
  • That is what I started recently. I set my diary to 100 and after several weeks, to 75. I have found after a few weeks, it becomes easier. I can now eat A LOT and keep it under 75. There is a thread- No grain...No pain, with like minded people who are doing the same.
  • We have Kinect and have used Kinect Sports and Adventures since December. I just got Your Shape Fitness Evolved for Mother's Day. The experts may say it doesn't do much, but I think differently. My hubby lost 10 pounds in 1 month just playing the first two, and absolutely nothing else. He didn't watch what he ate, chugs…
  • I also love using coconut oil. I do use EVOO if cooking at low-temps, but mostly just use the coconut oil and butter. I started using it after I found this page, looking for the same answer.
  • Good luck, Kim!! I know you can do this! Great way to turn negative comments into motivation!!
  • I did Wednesday's journal this morning and just finished todays.
  • I agree. That is what made me realize how important it was for me to stick with it. I guess if it was just me, following this, it might be easier to cave sometimes. But I am starting to do this for my whole family. Once I read how bad this stuff was, what it is doing to our bodies, I find it really hard to eat them. A few…
  • I love watching the Backyardigans with my kids-I think I know every song by heart! I can't stand Yo Gabba Gabba, but still let them watch it. Spongebob and Barney have been banned in our house.
  • I had 4 large eggs scrambled in bacon grease, covered in salsa and 3 strips of thick cut bacon with a glass of whole milk-yummm!!! Oh and coffee, too.
  • I love the new me from starting this new lifestyle! I actually started because I read all the weightloss benefits of going low carb. As I looked more into the primal lifestyle, I knew this was for me and my family. I started with just myself and after reading more and more, my hubby totally agreed with me. I think I…
  • Great job everyone!! Great challenge for the week Kim. I have been lazy about filling out my food diary. My computer is soooo freakin slow right now, but I should still be doing it everyday.
  • Pam LW 189.8 , CW 188 -1.8 this week Stephanie - LW 136.5, CW 136.5 - 0.0 this week
  • Exercise-Saturday-I tried out the new weight lifting info I learned. Went with 20 lb weights for arms. Did strength training for about 20 minutes and then 15 mintues of rowing (did 5-3 minute sets with leg presses in between). Later that night, I tried out my Mother's Day present (Xbox Kinect-Your Shape Fitness Evolved)…
  • I have had the same problem after I started running. I read to draw the alphabet with your feet, but after a week the shin splints returned. A friend gave me this site with more stretches. They have worked wonders. Hope it helps, good luck!!…
  • Agreed. I have noticed the same thing. I lost weight with cardio. But am now dealing with the "skinny fat" look. I am now doing mostly weight lifting with only 15-20 minutes of cardio and have noticed better results.