No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    Anyone on here have open diaries? or good tips for menus? What do you eat for breakfast other than eggs? And dinner? I end up going to hot dogs (no nitrites/nitrates added) and ground beef a lot. I am very picky. But I am willing to try new items, I just don't know where to start or how to make things my family would eat with me. It is really pretty pathetic. I also getting leary of the costs with going low-carb, how are others getting around that?


  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Anyone on here have open diaries? or good tips for menus? What do you eat for breakfast other than eggs? And dinner? I end up going to hot dogs (no nitrites/nitrates added) and ground beef a lot. I am very picky. But I am willing to try new items, I just don't know where to start or how to make things my family would eat with me. It is really pretty pathetic. I also getting leary of the costs with going low-carb, how are others getting around that?


    I think mine is open, if not friend me. I do have eggs for breakfast, I haven't given up dairy so I have yogurt too. There are some good recipes here:
    and this one seems like the recipes are meat and vegetables so I include it but it doesn't claim to be paleo and addresses the cost:
    I think it is rather expensive too. I am eating a lot of chicken this week-I picked up a rotisserie chicken on Sunday and had that for two dinners and a lunch. I can put the chicken with pears and pecans over a salad and that is pretty tasty. You can also bake the chicken breasts with coconut or nut coating, I like that and it also makes a good carry for lunch over a salad kind of thing.
    I got ground beef but I don't know what to do with it...
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    oops, sorry I'm a bit late! Great work to everyon who achieved what they wanted to, to those who didn't never mind folks, all yr hard work will pay off soon :) xx

    Still getting on great witht he high protien low carb stuff! I'm rarely hungry and I've noticed my tummy is much happier (less bloated etc) so glad you guys are here :) ty

    Ales: SW 185 CW 185 - no loss yet! but its comin :) I can feel it! :D
    Pam LW 189.8 , CW 188 -1.8 this week
    Stephanie - LW 136.5, CW 136.5 - 0.0 this week
    Kim- LW 202.4, CW 199.4, loss of 3 lbs
    Rachel-LW 258, CW 256.8 loss of 1.2 this week
    Nikole LW 231.5lbs CW 228.2 lbs loss of 3,3lbs this week
    David LW 232.0 CW 230.2 Loss of 1.8 lbs this week
    Kimberly LW 135 CW 134 Loss of 1 lb.
    Amy CW 111.5 maintaining
    Susan LW 170.4 CW 170.2 loss of .2
    Aurelina, LW 169.8, CW 167.8 Loss of 2lbs
    Katy, LW 146.5, CW 145.5, loss of 1lbs this week
    Marline LW 196, CW 196, no loss :-(
    Linsben LW 165, CW 160.6- loss of 4.5 lbs this week
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    This is so interesting. I was just reading another thread called "sugar = poison" which has a link to a pretty interesting video and the whole thread got me thinking about all the benefits of this way of eating. Part of what I wrote and want to share are the benefits of low carb eating and I wonder others in the group would like to share what are the main benefits they have found in this way of eating?

    Here are mine: To lose weight I tried dropping carbs to the Atkins "Induction" level which is 20g per day or less. Well, thanks to MFP and logging my foods I see that is about impossible (for me). On any given day from fruits and veggies I am consuming between 50 - 100g of sugar/carbohydrates.

    Even though it's higher than the Atkins level and I don't think I've been in ketosis, the benefits I have gotten from this drop are out of this world and NOT what I expected. I expected weight loss and I got that - 14 lbs so far. What I didn't expect and got: more muscle definition, total disappearance of lifelong acne, level, stable, happy mood, increased energy, less joint pain, increased endurance in workouts (this took awhile as the first month I was fatigued), shinier hair, softer skin, less PMS and monthly issues and total disappearance of persistent candida/yeast issues. I have been on this way of eating for 3 months and these are the results I have seen. And I am not drastic - I usually eat one serving of fruit a day and often eat a TLC granola bar, not to mention I don't limit veggies at all.

    What are your benefits? :-)

    I love the new me from starting this new lifestyle! I actually started because I read all the weightloss benefits of going low carb. As I looked more into the primal lifestyle, I knew this was for me and my family. I started with just myself and after reading more and more, my hubby totally agreed with me. I think I started the first week of March and in less than a month, I started noticing even more amazing benefits! I was diagnosed with MS two years ago, and have not had one symptom since March. I think Kim picked the topic name perfectly! I am pain free!! I was on the primary MS med-Rebif, with prednisone, and my doc had just wrote a script for two more things right before I started MFP. Plus I was taking 18-20 ibuprofen/day. I can happily say I am completely med free. And I don't follow 100%. I still have to buy meat and fruit from Wal-mart, but have been grain free since March. Once I start working (aug-sept), we will be buying organic fruits and veggies and the good meats. I think of ourselves as primalists in training. But I have also noticed the hair/skin difference, more energy, better mood. And a 100% improvement during my TOM. It went from 6-8 days, extremely heavy, fatigue, and cramps to pain free, no water retention, more energy, 2 days and extremely light flow. I can also tell you that my children are so much healthier since switching. I have a 5 year old with Sensory Processing Disorder so we have our hands full sometimes. He is a completely different child since March. He had a sleep over at his grandparents last Saturday and had cookies, brownies, chicken nuggets, chips, mac and cheese, and who knows what else. He was uncontrollable Sunday. But after a full day of eating our way, he was back to what I was seeing lately.

    I first watched the big fat fiasco video on the net, then watched FAtHead on Netflix and was hooked! It has become so easy for us to follow. I was also led to FoodMatters on Netflix last week. Although I would never become vegetarian, my eyes were opened to why our food should be organic and the message that proper nutrition can heal the body, instead of a pill for every ill. They told of healing with giving the body what it needs through food and vitamins-cancers, autoimmune, and even mental illnesses. I can not wait to be able to afford to buy the better food for my family once I start working (tight grocery budget right now). I know the benefits of going primal will only get better!!!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member

    What are your benefits? :-)

    Well the benefits for me have been amazing! I have PCOS and in the past I thought lactose intolerance, which after omitting grain, soy, grains, legumes I found out was a grain intolerance. My acne is 99% gone! My roscesa is clearly up ! My skin is more balanced - no very dry and very oily patches! No ingestion or acide reflux. No more bloating and stomach cramps. No more intense mindless eating since I never felt full. I'm starting to understand my body ironicallly at 31! I'm off Metaformin and Yasmin. My TOM comes now naturally without medical intervention. Stamina and mood better. More better sleeping - I was a insomniac before. I eat less since I'm fuller longer ... and with less food. It has made me more conious of what I put in my mouth, not only does it contain grains but what processing has it been throu, where did it come from, proper safe cookware, enviormental impact of foods also, my blood tests/levels are normal, I'm more active and have the energy to be! And the scale isn't even the best benefit but was the reason I made the change!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    My benefits :

    I feel a little guilty claiming my benefits b/c i pigged out on strawberry shortcake Sunday, and it seems like everytime I'm getting somewhere I fall to a craving for sugar, so I'm still battling this demon, however, I did manage to go a few weeks before without messing up and the reason I love this lifestyle and I'm trying so hard to maintain it is b/c I remember how I felt, how much weight I lost, and how I didn't feel like I was starving all the time. So yeah, I'm carb sensitive, cramming carbs and sugar down my throat spikes my sugar, only for it to plummet in an hour or so, causing cravings, light headedness, dizziness, and the shakes, then I have to eat more of it and more of it. It's a horrible cycle. When I finally went long enough without sugar, i no longer felt those things. i wasn't starving all the time, I wasn't thinking about when my next meal was. I lost 6 lbs the first week. (i'm sure alot was water weight), but i know it works i know if i could just stick to it, it's what my body needs. so there, those will be my benefits!
  • katyrose221
    katyrose221 Posts: 69 Member
    I too often fail with the carbs. I'll be good for a few days, then go way over. However, I keep fighting to get it right (I want to be under 100 carbs a day, and the closer the 50 the better). Once you know how bad sugar and grain-based carbs are, you can't unknow that. Everytime I feel weak, I remember why I am doing this. I know this will be a long process for me. Doesn't help that I don't really care for vegetables (I am learning). I did bad today, already; celebrating my hubby's first completed semester of school in over 6 years.

    But I will be back at it tomorrow. I think I am going to focus for the next two weeks on refined sugar and enriched wheat (even whole wheat) products. Carbs will be there too, but if I can get past my longing for icecream and candybars, I thihk I will be better able to handle restricting other carb-heavy food (especially pizza and grilled cheese, my favs).

  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Once you know how bad sugar and grain-based carbs are, you can't unknow that.

    I agree. That is what made me realize how important it was for me to stick with it. I guess if it was just me, following this, it might be easier to cave sometimes. But I am starting to do this for my whole family. Once I read how bad this stuff was, what it is doing to our bodies, I find it really hard to eat them. A few weeks ago, we were out all day and into the evening, so I wanted to whip up something fast for the hubby and kids. I made hamburgers and shells and cheese. It actually disgusted me to make the shells and cheese. I hated the thought of feeding that to my kids and to think, that is something 3 months ago, we ate several times a week, ugh!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hi - I'd like to join this group, too, but I'm not comfortable putting my real name out there. Hope that's okay!

    Name: LuvChocLabs
    Age: 53
    Kids: 5 (3 of my own and two step)
    Pets: one female chocolate lab, 2 years old (Our Baby!)
    Married/SO: Married
    Eating Lifestyle: low-carb
    Starting weight: 215
    Goal Weight: 150
    Goals for this 8 wks: 20 lbs by June 30

    Welcome! got ya in the list, i will be updating the webite in a minute!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    stephanie, i feel the same way, no wonder we have so many health problems and obesity, it is sickening...I hope i can get a good grasp on this before dj gets too much bigger so that he can have a fresh start on healthy eating!

    the website is updated.

    There are alot of people's names on there that haven't weighed in these two weeks, that I'd like to delete, but there are also people on there i need to keep b/c they are only weighing in ever so often! if you are one of those people that want me to keep you on there, but aren't weighing in every week, send me a message to my inbox so i'll know to keep you!

  • BrakemanSlova
    BrakemanSlova Posts: 54 Member

    Name: Catharine
    Age: 52
    Kids: 3 teenaged daughters
    Pets: dogs, chickens (whose eggs I eat so maybe not pets, especially if I end up eating THEM)
    Married/SO: Pete - married 1990
    Eating Lifestyle: Paleo - not eating dairy presently but I miss cheese and butter
    Starting weight: 161
    Goal Weight: 140 or down to 120 if I can still do my job that skinny (railroad brakeman)
    Goals for this 8 wks: 140
  • BrakemanSlova
    BrakemanSlova Posts: 54 Member
    Could somebody teach me the abbreviations such as PCOS and those other paleo things - something like MW....?
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I just logged my food! for the 2nd day in a row! how is everyone else doing?
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    I just logged my food! for the 2nd day in a row! how is everyone else doing?

    I did Wednesday's journal this morning and just finished todays.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    I just logged my food! for the 2nd day in a row! how is everyone else doing?

    I did Wednesday's journal this morning and just finished todays.

    I've been journaling every day since I got here. I like the interface and this place much better than fitday or whatever else I used over the years. It's oddly addictive....
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    How's everyone doing today??

    I need all the motivation I can get for the next 6 days y'all! I've been in a biggest loser weight loss competition for the last several months, and the final weigh in is next week. I need a loss of at least 3 lbs to win. and I really want to win! it's a 100$ prize and i'm using that money to get my hair done. plus the girl who is neck to neck with me has been taunting me all day saying she knows that i'm a stress eater and she's just waiting on me to mess up..etc..etc..i hear it all day. yes i'm using that as motivation! i want to beat this girl! I'm eating as clean as possible everyday, drinking lots of water, and working out everyday. So y'all keep a check on me! and i'll take any advice and suggestions y'all have!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good Luck Miss Kim! 3 lbs in 3 days-you can do it, maybe you could look at ways to lose water weight, it might temporary but that's 100 bucks. Don't let that girl psych you out:)
    I have been almost two weeks without flour, sugar or booze and tomorrow is my friends wedding so I am gonna splurge and have some wine. For dinner I ordered the island chicken, but now I am wishing I ordered the steak but it came with trout and I knew that would be a waste for me-can't do the river fish! anyway, DH ordered that so maybe he will give me a bite!
    Today there was a party for a co-workers graduation and there was a chocolate mousse cake and brownies and cookies but I've been tempted with worse so I declined. Next week I am going to try 90% compliance, but I am getting good at this!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Luck Miss Kim! 3 lbs in 3 days-you can do it, maybe you could look at ways to lose water weight, it might temporary but that's 100 bucks. Don't let that girl psych you out:)
    I have been almost two weeks without flour, sugar or booze and tomorrow is my friends wedding so I am gonna splurge and have some wine. For dinner I ordered the island chicken, but now I am wishing I ordered the steak but it came with trout and I knew that would be a waste for me-can't do the river fish! anyway, DH ordered that so maybe he will give me a bite!
    Today there was a party for a co-workers graduation and there was a chocolate mousse cake and brownies and cookies but I've been tempted with worse so I declined. Next week I am going to try 90% compliance, but I am getting good at this!

    I have six days!! my weigh in is next thursday! so i'm def thinking is possible!! and thanks!!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Luck Miss Kim! 3 lbs in 3 days-you can do it, maybe you could look at ways to lose water weight, it might temporary but that's 100 bucks. Don't let that girl psych you out:)
    I have been almost two weeks without flour, sugar or booze and tomorrow is my friends wedding so I am gonna splurge and have some wine. For dinner I ordered the island chicken, but now I am wishing I ordered the steak but it came with trout and I knew that would be a waste for me-can't do the river fish! anyway, DH ordered that so maybe he will give me a bite!
    Today there was a party for a co-workers graduation and there was a chocolate mousse cake and brownies and cookies but I've been tempted with worse so I declined. Next week I am going to try 90% compliance, but I am getting good at this!

    btw, great job and being strong!! chocolate anything would be the worst temptation for me!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I meant 6 days! Be strong!