No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    You know, the body shape thing is an interesting question. Most things I read say that the "apple" shape is the shape that signals diabetes/ insulin resistant- but the ladies of my family (a couple of them diabetics), are major "pears". I am a major pear! 36-29-44. So, I don't know... I think insulin resistant people can come in either package.

    I read and heard today that apple/pear both tend to be insulin resistant.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    You know, the body shape thing is an interesting question. Most things I read say that the "apple" shape is the shape that signals diabetes/ insulin resistant- but the ladies of my family (a couple of them diabetics), are major "pears". I am a major pear! 36-29-44. So, I don't know... I think insulin resistant people can come in either package.

    by the way, i'm so jealous, i want a 29 inch waist!!
    i am apple all the way!!!! 41,41,46!!! ofcourse those were taken in march, only a few months after having a baby, i think my belly and boobs have both went down some. i'm going to retake them tomorrow
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    My fat also weighs largely in my midsection. I've read that excess sugars could be to blame. I also think it's genetics- my mom is an apple shape too. However, she has a sweet tooth too! I had a blood assessment recently, a service my job provides, and my triglycerides were really high. The person doing the assessment said it was because I didn't fast before the test but they were really high - 173 mg. which I've read is because of having a diet high in carbohydrates. Those are my reasons for wanting to change my diet. The biggest reason is my midsection. I've seen many others my same height and weight that don't have the belly fat I do. I want my belly button to come out of hiding from behind my rolls!

    me too girl, me too only i can't imagine how many rolls you have with a 32 inch waist! it amazes me how different everybody's bodies can be shaped, even at the same weight and height.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    My fat also weighs largely in my midsection. I've read that excess sugars could be to blame. I also think it's genetics- my mom is an apple shape too. However, she has a sweet tooth too! I had a blood assessment recently, a service my job provides, and my triglycerides were really high. The person doing the assessment said it was because I didn't fast before the test but they were really high - 173 mg. which I've read is because of having a diet high in carbohydrates. Those are my reasons for wanting to change my diet. The biggest reason is my midsection. I've seen many others my same height and weight that don't have the belly fat I do. I want my belly button to come out of hiding from behind my rolls!

    me too girl, me too only i can't imagine how many rolls you have with a 32 inch waist! it amazes me how different everybody's bodies can be shaped, even at the same weight and height.

    It is a crazy thing! I spent so much time making my stomach look the way it did with years of gradually gaining weight. I was always big.. I'm smaller now then I was in jr high. I think my stomach has just held the form it was used to... A lot of people seem to have a pooch under their belly button but I'm bigger above mine. My waist used to be 42 inches though! I barely remember what it looked like then and I don't remember it being that different! I know losing 10 inches it has to look different but like I said- I think it reduced overall but the form stayed.. and the rolls! One or two more inches from my waist will make me a happy camper!
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Exercise today: Check! Meant to just throw kettlebells for 30 minutes, but it was beautiful outside so cranked up the turnes, opened the doors and I threw the bells outside and jumped on the trampoline. When I got back in over an hour had passed. Ha! Sure feel it now!
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    So I didn't workout today but I will tomorrow morning.
    The insulin resistance makes sence to me because thouh I stay at 1250 calories a day I was still gaining weight. I haven't been on Atkins for that long and I've lost a good amount to begin. I haven't gone to the gym yet and I usually burm 500 a day. My diet before consisted of a lot of carbs and I could feel the difference the minute I cut it down to 20 per day.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    it amazes me how different everybody's bodies can be shaped, even at the same weight and height.

    Yeah I agree... not sure about my bust size but my waist is 37 and my hips are 40... size 12 and those are *snug* right now. :noway:
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    So the people in my house have decided to eat all of my sugar free jello. I really am killing for something sweet that's within the limits of the induction phase of Atkins! Anyone have a recipe?
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    BodyByBrusselSprouts Posts: 49 Member
    Name: Dave
    Age: 42
    Kids: 2 boys (17 and 4)
    Pets: 3 cats one dog
    Married/SO: Married
    Eating Lifestyle: Primal (started Primal on 4/25)
    Starting weight: 238.6 (on 4 /25 already down 6 lbs)
    Goal Weight: under 220 (long term goal under 180)
    Goals for this 8 wks: 20lbs. Stay primal and get better at it.

    Thanks for starting this thread, wish I had noticed it earlier.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Well, I only got in 42 minutes on the treadmill today (2.25 miles). I have been doing 4.5 miles in an hour everyday, but as soon as I got on and started running, I felt the dreaded sharp pains in my shins. I went ahead and pushed through it for 42 minutes. Hoping to do the stretches and be back tomorrow at normal pace.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I have been busy and haven't been able to post on the boards much.

    I did take my dogs on a 50 minute walk this evening and enjoyed the brisk spring air. I will be glad when it warms up and stays warm!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Well, I only got in 42 minutes on the treadmill today (2.25 miles). I have been doing 4.5 miles in an hour everyday, but as soon as I got on and started running, I felt the dreaded sharp pains in my shins. I went ahead and pushed through it for 42 minutes. Hoping to do the stretches and be back tomorrow at normal pace.

    What kind of shoes are you wearing? I was having the same issue and I changed my shoes and no more shin pains.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    So the people in my house have decided to eat all of my sugar free jello. I really am killing for something sweet that's within the limits of the induction phase of Atkins! Anyone have a recipe?

    Found this one before on Sugarfree Sheila try adapting the Splenda for Stevia and omitting chocolate extract whatever that is
    Quick Pumpkin Mini-Cheesecakes

    Makes 4 cheesecakes
    (If during Induction, use Splenda packets rather than granular - less carbs!)
    7½ net effective carbs per cheesecake

    1½ cup pumpkin
    1 cup cream cheese
    4 eggs
    2 T butter, melted
    1 cup Splenda
    1 T cinnamon (or more!)
    1 T vanilla
    1 tsp. almond extract
    ½ tsp. lemon extract
    1 tsp. chocolate extract (optional)
    1 tsp. salt
    Blend ingredients & pour into 4 disposable aluminum pie shells.
    375º for 25-30 minutes.
    Also these look promising ...

    Excerise so far AM stretch, 2km walk to take my daughter to school, then 2km back home ... after housework I will do some time on my cross trainer and lift.

    I had those pains in my knees and feet before, but I discovered it was my shoes- or lack of shoes which hurt me.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Well, I only got in 42 minutes on the treadmill today (2.25 miles). I have been doing 4.5 miles in an hour everyday, but as soon as I got on and started running, I felt the dreaded sharp pains in my shins. I went ahead and pushed through it for 42 minutes. Hoping to do the stretches and be back tomorrow at normal pace.

    Deep stretches to your ankle tendons (achilles, soleus etc..) should help. I also will ice after a run, then before bed apply some voltaren. Chromium & Magnesium will also help with the aches and pains.
  • Carol_123
    Carol_123 Posts: 74 Member
    Ugh..... I can't seem to stop myself from eating bread products. I'm going grocery shopping this morning so will try to get myself better set up for success. I'm finding it hard because I'm allergic to eggs, hate cottage cheese and really can only stand so much meat. Breakfast is the hardest time for me.

    Congrats again Steph....... thanks for going easy on us.

    Just got my elliptical put together, may need help moving it into the right place to reach the wall plug but hopefully my 2yr old will let me do that each morning. That's what I'm hoping. I prefer to exercise first thing in the morning cause I get real lazy by the end of the day :P
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Morning Y' my exercise in yesterday, went walking last night for 30 min, and then stayed up cleaning and doing laundry until almost 11 :( fun. don't fret Carol, I'm the same way, esp this week. I keep putting off going grocery shopping. but i have to go tonight. our fridge is completely empty :( I have an elliptical too, but I find myself dreading it. I'd rather go outside. I know that's crazy. I need to start getting up in the morning and getting on the elliptical too. I will start tomorrow. If I would just get it out of the way first thing in the morning, that would be great. b/c i tend to skip working out alot b/c i want to spend time with my baby when i get home :) I'm going to have to fit in a workout tonight. Darron has a softball game and i have to go grocery shopping. maybe i'll go walk on lunch or something! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • BodyByBrusselSprouts
    BodyByBrusselSprouts Posts: 49 Member
    Well, I only got in 42 minutes on the treadmill today (2.25 miles). I have been doing 4.5 miles in an hour everyday, but as soon as I got on and started running, I felt the dreaded sharp pains in my shins. I went ahead and pushed through it for 42 minutes. Hoping to do the stretches and be back tomorrow at normal pace.

    I get the shin splints too. Different shoes so far have not helped. I was told they are from calcium deposits. Massage helps a lot. And the stretch I do that helps the most is to get on my knees and sit so my butt pushes against the my heels and lean back.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did go to body pump last night, it was good. No exercise today, it is a day of rest!
    I left my greek yogurt and berry smoothie on the counter at home though:grumble:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good morning everyone. I got some heavy lifting done today by lifting computers from one building to my car and them to the next building.....

    Going for another long walk when I get home this afternoon.

    Eating is good. Eggs fried in coconut oil and nitrate free bacon this morning for breakfast and will have grilled chicken caesar salad for lunch with slivered almonds and ground chia seed on top.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hey All! Just popping in to say hello!! Did another fast today, but then I just read you shouldn't do it two days in a row. Oops!! Oh well.

    Hope everyone is have an awesome day!!