No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Sorry it took so long to get back! I had to make dinner and hit the gym. Wow, ummm, caught me off guard a little. I would have to say.....Let's all try to get at least 30 mins of daily exercise. There are days I am tired or just feel like being lazy. I gave myself two rest days last week and at the end of the day, regretted it. I feel so much better when I do something, even when it isn't a hardcore workout. So, lets all make sure we get a little something in everyday!!

    sounds great Stephanie!! I have the same problem!!! and no excuse besides just being lazy!!! Everyone that is participating check in everyday what exercise you did ;)
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Do we check in daily with the excercise or in one week?
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Even though I'm not weighing in regularly, I plan on doing the challenges you guys pick every week.

    I'm just so happy to find like-minded eaters :)

    today I did 30 min elliptical, 20 min gazelle, and 10 min weighted hula-hooping.

    and maybe later I'll go for a walk :)
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Someone PMed me for the banana flax pancake recipe so I am sharing it here also:

    yield about 3-4 medium size pancakes.

    -½ cup mashed banana
    -2tbs almond butter
    -1 ½tbs ground flax seeds
    -1 egg
    - Coconut oil, olive oil or butter for frying

    -Place ingredients in a bowl except for the oil and combine well.
    -Place some oil in a frying pan on low-medium heat, and then place a scoop of pancake mixture into the frying pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes min before flipping over and cooking for a further 2-3 minutes on the other side.

    They are not fluffy pancakes, kinda heavy and flat but so GOOD!

    This sounds awesome. I don't eat a lot of bananas, but when I'm really craving pancakes (which does happen), this is definitely a decent option.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    mmm, maybe those banana pancakes with a scoop of coconut "ice cream", hm?
    Dinner last night was chicken and vegetables from thai place.
    Tonight, I have some ginger steak marinating:
    DH better get the grill fixed, I can't get the fuel can open.
    Last night I did a bodyrocks work out, tonight I am going to body pump at 24h fitness.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Do we check in daily with the excercise or in one week?

    I say daily! help keep us accountable! but just whenever you can :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Last night I walked my dog for 30 minutes. Tonight I'm taking Zumba class. :) Last night I ate pasta and hershey kisses to be completely honest. Oops.. Not a good day of low carb eating. I have good intentions for today though! I'm having a spinich and strawberry salad for lunch with some cottage cheese. My "regular" lunch the last couple weeks has been about 40g carbs and today it'll be like 15! Slowly but surely! For dinner I'm going out for mexican and will have a taco salad with no shell.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I hate to say it, but I didn't do any form of exercise yesterday :( but i plan to the rest of the week! My baby was sick last night, I didn't get much sleep either, I pretty much had to hold him all night.

    lol, Kimberly, I ate bad yesterday too! we are in crazy need of groceries! and i am going tonight! today i'm determined to eat good, but i haven't ate yet at all, and all i have at work to eat is some hard boiled eggs. was thinking about just fasting today, but then scared when i go grocery shopping i will totally screw up!! and your mexican dinner sounds yummy :( i always get a fajita and just don't use the tortillas :) great, now you got me craving it! maybe that's where me and darron can go for our anniversary friday.
  • IndyCarfan
    IndyCarfan Posts: 11 Member
    Does shopping count as exercise? I was walking around the mall for awhile. :wink:

    At lunch I'll be walking a few blocks from my office in order to buy socks because I forgot to stick them in my gym bag. Tonight I'm doing my final short run before my half marathon on Saturday. I'm looking forward to logging the 1400 calories I'll be burning on Saturday!
  • donnamariemoon
    Hi, guys & gals!

    On the exercise, yesterday I FINALLY made it to the swimming pool after six months off and swam for 30 minutes.

    Tonight I plan to do 30 on elliptical and 15 minutes of strength training (lower body with Jackie Warner DVD).


  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Sorry to say no exercise for me today. But I'll try tomorrow.

    I did, however, do my very first fast today. No food for 16 hours. Wow. Can't believe I did it. Wasn't as bad as I thought.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    okay, so i'm going to post this here and in the nograin no pain thread. b/c i have a few questions and need some advice! first of all, i know i mentioned before about how my daycare keeps putting cereal in dj's bottle and i keep getting into with them about it. i thought i had it taken care of but yesterday she admitted to me that she was still putting some in his bottle for breakfast. he's five months old!!! he can eat the cereal with a spoon!!! but point being, i told her i didn't want him to have cereal at all. esp in his bottle. i even got a note from the doctor and took it to her showing that my doctor asked that he not be fed cereal through a bottle. her response yesterday was that she was required by the govt to give him at least 2 tablespoons of cereal a day. but she said she wouldn't give him any more than that, and agreed to feed it to him with a spoon. so when i got home i looked up the alabama guidelines for daycare, it says "0-3 tbsp infant cereal for infants 4-7 mos, the serving of this component shall be optional" that is from page 72 of the "manual" so really?? i don't want to fight with this woman b/c she takes care of my son! and i've already changed daycares once, i live in a small town, don't have many more options! you just can't argue with people that are stuck in their ways. she actually told me that the cereal helps his stomach and it's filling for him, that's why he's so hungry all the time, b/c i'm not giving him cereal. i told her she is welcome to feed him all the fruits and veggies she wants (he eats it all!) but to please stop giving him cereal. and ofcourse it ended with her saying she's required to give him at least 2 tbsp, which is a load of crap. okay, so what now? i'm tired of fighting with her? and i was thinking this morning in the shower, that when he reaches one year old they will switch him over to cows milk(whole milk) instead of formula. what do i do then? what do yall think is best? would he need cows milk? any milk? i now can see why people don't like drinking water. why not feed babies water? why do they say not too?? could he not get everything that is found in milk in his diet?? yall help me here!!! dj is a big baby and i know he will be b/c his daddy is a big man. and i know babies are supposed to be fat, i'm okay with that. she keeps acting like i'm trying to put dj on a diet, and it's not that at all. i could care less how fat he is right now, he's a baby! i'm just thinking about his health and his future, and teaching him the right way to eat. not stuffing him so full that his stomach is already strecthed out this early in life. she keeps saying when he starts walking this weight will melt off. lady i'm not worried about the weight!!! i could scream!

    okay, next question. what is best to eat to break a fast?? does it even matter if it's just a lil 24 hours fast?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kim, I am not a parent so I can't say what is best for children, that is quite a quandry. What kind of milk/protein is in the formula?
    I looked up the issue of water and they don't recommend giving babies water because of their suckling reflex they will drink water and fill up on it and not nutrient rich foods that they need.
    it says it could cause water toxicity.
    I would look into what would be done if her were allergic to wheat and treat him like a child with celiac or gluten intolerance.
  • Hellsbells42
    I've never heard that babies have to be fed with cereals, especially not at that young age! What if your son was allergic to gluten?
    Anyway, I think I'd best start with introducing myslef. :)

    Name: Hellsbells
    Age: 49
    Kids: 2 (adults)
    Pets: none
    Married/SO: Married
    Eating Lifestyle: LCHF
    Starting weight: 66kg (I think it was 64.5 when I joined MFP)
    Goal Weight: 56kg
    Goals for this 8 wks: reducing the amount of body fat and building more muscles.
    Plus, I want to fit in my clothes again!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm just curious, I've been doing alot of research about why this diet works so well for so many of us, how many of us actually know for a fact that we are insulin resistant???

    I wish we could put polls on here :)
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I'm just curious, I've been doing alot of research about why this diet works so well for so many of us, how many of us actually know for a fact that we are insulin resistant???

    I wish we could put polls on here :)

    So, technically, I've never been had any health symptoms to qualify me as insulin resistant, as far as blood work. Even at 320 pounds, all my bloodwork levels were "normal". They are even better now. But, there's diabetes all over the place on both sides of my family. And other health issues I used to have, (that I have read MAY be connected to insulin resistance, but not for certain), have ceased since going low-carb/ high-fat- such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatique, and acne (lol).

    So, I guess, I believe it is fact that I'm insulin resistant, but a doctor might not say so for lack of evidence.
    But, this lifestyle also works for my family members who certainly are insulin resistant/ diabetic.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm just curious, I've been doing alot of research about why this diet works so well for so many of us, how many of us actually know for a fact that we are insulin resistant???

    I wish we could put polls on here :)

    So, technically, I've never been had any health symptoms to qualify me as insulin resistant, as far as blood work. Even at 320 pounds, all my bloodwork levels were "normal". They are even better now. But, there's diabetes all over the place on both sides of my family. And other health issues I used to have, (that I have read MAY be connected to insulin resistance, but not for certain), have ceased since going low-carb/ high-fat- such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatique, and acne (lol).

    So, I guess, I believe it is fact that I'm insulin resistant, but a doctor might not say so for lack of evidence.
    But, this lifestyle also works for my family members who certainly are insulin resistant/ diabetic.

    Everyone in my family has full blown diabetes, I'm talking, my mom, my dad, all of my grandparents. All but one have to give themselves shots everyday. I've been hypoglycemic my whole life, meaning my sugar drops real low and i get real dizzy and light headed, cold sweats, that kind of thing, then i eat something sweet and it gets better. During my pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestation diabetes. I had to check my blood sugar four times a day and I was on a real strict diet. honestly that has helped me so much. I learned what food made my blood sugar spike, and what foods didn't. I know it's different now that I'm not pregnant anymore, but I wonder if those same foods will still do the same. I may do some experimenting since I still have a glucose monitor. but everytime I've ate a ton of carbs a few hours later i feel like i'm going to pass out if i don't eat something. but when I'm eating with the primal lifestyle i don't have that problem at all. that's why i love it so much. even if i didn't lose one pound, i think i would still do this diet just for the way it makes me feel (when i actually can stick with it!) I've also heard that excess abdominal fat is a sign. and that's where me and all my family tends to store fat. so does this mean i am insulin resistant?
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    You know, the body shape thing is an interesting question. Most things I read say that the "apple" shape is the shape that signals diabetes/ insulin resistant- but the ladies of my family (a couple of them diabetics), are major "pears". I am a major pear! 36-29-44. So, I don't know... I think insulin resistant people can come in either package.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    My fat also weighs largely in my midsection. I've read that excess sugars could be to blame. I also think it's genetics- my mom is an apple shape too. However, she has a sweet tooth too! I had a blood assessment recently, a service my job provides, and my triglycerides were really high. The person doing the assessment said it was because I didn't fast before the test but they were really high - 173 mg. which I've read is because of having a diet high in carbohydrates. Those are my reasons for wanting to change my diet. The biggest reason is my midsection. I've seen many others my same height and weight that don't have the belly fat I do. I want my belly button to come out of hiding from behind my rolls!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    You know, the body shape thing is an interesting question. Most things I read say that the "apple" shape is the shape that signals diabetes/ insulin resistant- but the ladies of my family (a couple of them diabetics), are major "pears". I am a major pear! 36-29-44. So, I don't know... I think insulin resistant people can come in either package.

    Major apple here! something like.. 34- 32 - 34