


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    My hubster just finished Fable 3. He liked it a lot for those of you wanting to try it, he recommends it.

    Can't. wait. for. Battlefield 3! lol

    We should totally make a BLIZZCON WEIGHT CHALLENGE!! Lose weight by Blizzcon!! :P
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    Count me in, I likes my games. Currently about to start Fable 2 since I borrowed it from a friend after recently finally getting myself a 360! Woo!

    That was one of the first "newer" games I started playing when I really got into playing games (I took a long hiatus between SNES/Sega Genesis and the newer stuff! Although I played a lot of Halo/Halo 2 in the first few years of college.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157

    I also played Evony for a year (online game) but had to quit when my business started as well.

    I used to play Evony as well, although I gave up after getting frustrated with all the people that could afford to put lots of "real" money into it, which I couldn't do.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Tree you play Day of Defeat?!!!

    Err, no, sorry, just plain old Dungeons and Dragons, the paper and book version. We had a pretty good session last night. My spirit shaman is finally level 13. Happily a lot of our group are more focused on getting healthier at the moment, so "bad" snacks are a rarity. And since it's a my house, I can provide healthy things if I'm in the mood to snack. We usually meet from 7 to 10 though, so everyone generally eats dinner right before.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    My *worst* snack is rice cakes >.< Luckily my husband is being supportive of this whole healthy eating thing, so I don't have to be surrounded by junk food, granted, I don't like chips (ZOMGNOWAI) but I have an unhealthy love for cupcakes.... *insert GIR here*
  • milehighcritic
    I have always been a gamer going back to Sega \ Nintendo days. I'm strictly a Xbox 360 gamer now since I grew tired of constantly upgrading my PC to play games. I have cut back on playing time but still love a good game.

    Call of Duty series
    Gears of War series
    Dragon Age Origins
    Red Dead Redemption
    Forza 3 \MotoGP 09/10
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    HAHA Sorry Tree! I play Day of Defeat with my husband at times and we refer to it as DD. :)
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    My mother insists on calling D&D Dungeons and Dragqueens :laugh:
  • RJaxon00
    RJaxon00 Posts: 13 Member
    360 gamer here. These days, it's Call of Duty: Black Ops and, more recently, Brink (don't judge, it's fun!) with my bro online.

    For single player, it's

    dragon age series
    mass effect series
    bethesda rpgs

    I was heavily into GoW 2 when it first came out, but the game made me rage too much so I doubt I'll get GoW 3.
  • chuku1981
    chuku1981 Posts: 34 Member
    I have always been a gamer going back to Sega \ Nintendo days. I'm strictly a Xbox 360 gamer now since I grew tired of constantly upgrading my PC to play games. I have cut back on playing time but still love a good game.

    Yea, that can be a pain in the *kitten*, especially when you get a new game and its not as friendly as it should be w/ the newer graphics card you have, its still choppy.

    But then again, computer does have so much better sim if they'd only make a sim city 5 or roller coaster tycoon 4. :/
  • chuku1981
    chuku1981 Posts: 34 Member
    My mother insists on calling D&D Dungeons and Dragqueens :laugh:

    And I would LOVE to play a variation of D&D like that.... wait...aren't there some clubs downtown that already have that?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I've been with LOTRO (Lord of the rings online) since beta, but the real question is..

    WHO IS READY FOR STAR WARS?! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    OK, I'm not all that old, but I remember when "gaming" meant paper character sheets, lead figures (and we spent as much time/money on buying and painting those as we now do on our MMO's ... well not quite), dice, and roll-playing. My mom still calls it table-top improv theater.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Wow, have 2 85's and an 83, and 7 others, and am an officer in my guild and all that. But ... I miss they days of paper-and-dice. And creativity. It definitely took a LOT more creativity, problem solving, and cooperation than any computer game on the market.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    OK, I'm not all that old,

    I am! I've been playing video games for over 30 years! :laugh:
    But ... I miss they days of paper-and-dice. And creativity. It definitely took a LOT more creativity, problem solving, and cooperation than any computer game on the market.

    Aaahh the days of weekend-long Ars Magica sessions! Some of our games ran so long (years in real time), that our mages grew old, trained new ones, who grew was great how their characters developed, and how their lives unfolded!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Nonpracticing gamer here...

    Been gaming since I was in early kindergarten (Atari 2600, Colecovision)
    Gaming really took off for me on the Commodore 64, and then became a lifestyle when Nintendo Entertainment System came out.

    PSone, sega saturn, dreamcast, turbografix16, snes, n64, gamecube, ps2, ps3, wii...i think the only think I haven't ever owned is a xbox (both versions).

    In my early 20s i got addicted to EverQuest, and went from years there to DAOC, Star Wars: Galaxies, LotRO, EQ2, Wow (for a long time), Age of Conan, Warhammer, and most recently Rift.

    Console gaming I like racing (Gran Turismo), fps (CoD series), and have been trying to get through Fallout.

    Haven't gamed much since I started exercising and dieting - I find that i just don't have the time right now...need to figure out how to remedy that, I have probably 5 PS3 games that have never been opened, haha.

    Would love to be added by some fellow gamers, send some invites!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Nice to see so many gamers trying to lose the love handles, like me :D
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Gamer here! Nice to see so many others!! Our main console is 360. love L4D, Halo, Gears, RDR, COD, Bioshock, Fallout, Boderlands, etc (too many to mention, lol). It is a family thing. My 4 year old is a beast on Lost Planet games or any Mario game. My 7 year old plays most of the above online.

    We get ragged on all the time by family. In our house we have 6 TVs with some kind of console hooked up. We started the kids on the leapster (baby gamers), then they each got handheld leapsters, then the DS. We still have those, gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast, 2 Xbox (both hooked up in the living room) w/ kinect and getting a 3rd by christmas, and computer. And they all get played, everyday, well, maybe not the leapsters as much.

    My two new favs-Your Shape and Kinect Sports.

    I originally thought it was the gaming that made us fat (me and hubby, kids are not), but we have managed to live healthier lives and still play all of these everyday. We started making healthier food choices and take the kids to the gym with us everyday.

    Glad to see other gamers trying to get fit!!!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    kinect boxing is a good workout, I'm looking for more kinect games to incorporate into my routine lol
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Gamer here! Nice to see so many others!! Our main console is 360. love L4D, Halo, Gears, RDR, COD, Bioshock, Fallout, Boderlands, etc (too many to mention, lol). It is a family thing. My 4 year old is a beast on Lost Planet games or any Mario game. My 7 year old plays most of the above online.

    We get ragged on all the time by family. In our house we have 6 TVs with some kind of console hooked up. We started the kids on the leapster (baby gamers), then they each got handheld leapsters, then the DS. We still have those, gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast, 2 Xbox (both hooked up in the living room) w/ kinect and getting a 3rd by christmas, and computer. And they all get played, everyday, well, maybe not the leapsters as much.

    My two new favs-Your Shape and Kinect Sports.

    I originally thought it was the gaming that made us fat (me and hubby, kids are not), but we have managed to live healthier lives and still play all of these everyday. We started making healthier food choices and take the kids to the gym with us everyday.

    Glad to see other gamers trying to get fit!!!

    You let your seven-year-old play 18-rated games online?? :noway: OMG! My partner used to play CoD online...the language and bullying, and racism (not directed at him, I hasten to add) was shocking! Appalling even. Not the kind of thing I'd have wanted my kids exposed to!
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    There is something to be said about that. But she could very well monitor their time and who they play with.
    Maybe they just play with friends or with no mic.