


  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I dunno, my head about explodes when I am playing WoW and a 10 year old is on. I've been reamed for not watching my language around them in the past, and I pointed out that it is rated for a reason. They didn't like that too much.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    There is something to be said about that. But she could very well monitor their time and who they play with.
    Maybe they just play with friends or with no mic.

    Even with no mic, you still hear what other people are saying. Besides the content isn't exactly child-friendly is it?
    I dunno, my head about explodes when I am playing WoW and a 10 year old is on. I've been reamed for not watching my language around them in the past, and I pointed out that it is rated for a reason. They didn't like that too much.

    I have to say I agree with you. I think it's wrong to expect adults playing an adult-rated game to have to censor themselves because kids (who shouldn't be there) are playing. Just because I may not like to hear some of the language (and I'm certainly not a saint when it comes to swearing when gaming...but I don't play online!), it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the fact that in an adult environment, it's not unreasonable to expect a certain amount of latitude... without fear of someone complaining that kids might be offended or upset!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LOL.... My mom naggs at me all the time about my gaming! "Oh, Keith and you spend so much time in front of the computer playing *those* games". And then I just come back around and say, "Mom, it's no different than you sitting and watching your soaps for 3 hours". lol
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    Another gamer here! Currently I'm obsessed (again....) with WoW, but we also have 360, ps3, Wii, 3DS, Kinect....ugh. Hubby and I both have problems ;-). I typically play with the Wii and 3DS (Nintendo fangirl.....Legend of Zelda will always be my favorite video game series!), with a lot of Kinect in there too. Lately I haven't had nearly as much time as I'd like to play anything other than WoW - and that's only because I play it once I'm settled in for the evening in front of our TV before bed. There's a few games I'm really eager to get or try though!
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    Love the Zelda series
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    Gamer since the 70's starting with Pong. Owned consoles such as Atari, Nintendo, Dreamcast, PlayStation, Xbox and the Xbox 360. Also played many games on the computer dating back to the Commodore 64, Apple 2E and then the PC playing games like Quake and Unreal Tournament.

    I'm a FPS (First Person Shooter) myself and enjoy the Call of Duty series as well as Tom Clancy games such as Rainbow, GRAW, etc. I was also a big fan of Oblivion and am looking forward to the new Skyrim coming out in November.

    I think, if I did not work out as long as I have and 3-4 days a week, I wonder how large I would be right now. I don't game as often as I used to but do enjoy the odd game here and there when I can afford to.
  • Morfein
    Morfein Posts: 57 Member
    I just let my sub run out on World of Warcraft on Tuesday. I'm trying to find something "better" to do with my time.

    I may give League of Legends a try. Rift was too much like WoW for my tastes.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    What upcoming games this year is everyone most looking forward to? For me... The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is definitely on the top of my list, and close to my birthday.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I'm a Mario junkie! My favorite system is N64 . . . it's my favorite Mario game and I love the other cartoon games available for that system, like the Banjo-Kazooie games, Kameleon Twist, and Glover. I also love Mario Kart.
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    OK, I'm not all that old,

    I am! I've been playing video games for over 30 years! :laugh:

    same here :laugh: I keep telling myself I'll stop but I just can't
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    What upcoming games this year is everyone most looking forward to? For me... The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is definitely on the top of my list, and close to my birthday.

    Elder Scrolls V, ME 3, GOW 3, MW3, AC forget what it's called
  • vintageeve
    vintageeve Posts: 14
    A gamer here =)
    Plays CounterStrike , Warcraft(Dota) , Starcraft 2
    and plays random games on PS3 platform
  • firedwings
    firedwings Posts: 11
    I was born 19th of January at Whittington Hospital. I had 10 fingers, 10 toes and a joypad.....

    I love Assassin's Creed 2, Bioshock 2, Dragon Age 2 currently and Dragon age Origins, Kinect Sports, Adventures and Kinectimals, I was a Final Fantasy Online fan (11) until they brought out the new one and now I decided I want a life lol. I also play Borderlands (but been a while, sort of hard to level with no partner), Alan Wake (no real replay value), Kingdom Hearts series (was destroyed after 2), Final Fantasy series (13 was god awful), Wet, Resident Evil Series (5 WAS better than 4 deal with it) among others which I can't remember right now lol. Mainly Xbox gamer but started out on PC, moved to PS2, Wii and now Xbox.

    Oh and have been playing video games since I was 6.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I was born 19th of January at Whittington Hospital. I had 10 fingers, 10 toes and a joypad.....

    I love Assassin's Creed 2, Bioshock 2, Dragon Age 2 currently and Dragon age Origins, Kinect Sports, Adventures and Kinectimals, I was a Final Fantasy Online fan (11) until they brought out the new one and now I decided I want a life lol. I also play Borderlands (but been a while, sort of hard to level with no partner), Alan Wake (no real replay value), Kingdom Hearts series (was destroyed after 2), Final Fantasy series (13 was god awful), Wet, Resident Evil Series (5 WAS better than 4 deal with it) among others which I can't remember right now lol. Mainly Xbox gamer but started out on PC, moved to PS2, Wii and now Xbox.

    Oh and have been playing video games since I was 6.

    I hope your momma had pain meds... considering she had to pop out a joypad. :laugh: I played FFXI for a few years, but Abyssea killed it for me. I had leveled a BLM and hated that people were able to do what took me a year in a day. So I went back to WoW where I had friends and whatnot.
  • vintageeve
    vintageeve Posts: 14
    hahaha... that was funny >.< ...
    sometimes we have to admit playing is not just playing becomes addictive .. even become a reason I cant concentrate on my review >.<
  • notoriousgtt
    notoriousgtt Posts: 75 Member
    Big gamer here. Although don't get to play as much as I would like to nowadays. Sony fanboy btw.
    Love racing games, RPGs and action adventure.
    Have recently started playing blops online so if you wanna add me my PSN is the same as my forum name.

    Top games for me recently have been:
    Black Ops
    Heavy Rain
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    yup..gamer here

    i play both ps3 and xbox. i play call of duty on both consoles.

    i like splinter cell, assasians creed, oblivion/morrowind, mass effect, fable, fallout, half-life, fear, and many many others.

    ya i cant stand xbox live either..way to many homophobes and people throwing around hateful comments. i perfer the ps3 to play online, less people talk and there isnt a lot of the crap on less cheating, glitching etc. and the game mechanics seem much better especially the COD games. on the xbox its like you can unload a whole clip and nothing, they turn to look at you and you die. or you run behind a building and two seconds later somehow the bullets from the other guy curve and kill you..drives me crazy..ps3 is much better.
  • vintageeve
    vintageeve Posts: 14
    I hate playin shooting games on PS3 ,,makes me dizzy .. i played modernwarfare ...i got headache after playin for 20mins
    so when it comes to shooting games im on PC .. haahah
    prettymuch CounterStrike is my mainstream game ^,..,^ i play it on Steam including Left4dead 2 and if anyone wants to add me at Steam if they have one just lemme know ^,..,^
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    ya i cant stand xbox live either..way to many homophobes and people throwing around hateful comments.

    I just don't get why some people have to do that. I understand why you might yell at someone for being a "useless f***er"!", or even call them a lamer (my partner got called a lamer by some teenage girls in PINK Masterchief armour in H3!), but to use sexual orientation or race as an insult is just beyond my comprehension. Maybe I ought to try it.....hang on....

    "Oh, you suck - you're so hetero"


    Mostly the reason I don't play online though is because I'm just not that sociable! My gaming time is my own, I don't actually want other people in my fantasy world! I did try playing L4D2 a few months ago with a group of RL friends, and while it was fun for a short while, it soon lost its appeal. I'd rather socialise with them properly, TBH. I'm happy to play CivRev online with my partner, or Carcassonne but that really is the limit of my gaming sociability! Of course, if I were into shooters, I might feel differently, but I like immersive, story-based games that I can engage with on an emotional level. Having said that, I used to love MoH on PS2!

    Which games am I looking forward to this year? Tomb Raider, if it actually materialises (and who knows, maybe this will be the one which isn't broken!). Other than that, the games I most want my mitts on - AC: Revelations and Mass Effect 3 - aren't due out until next year. Boh!

    Already released and on my 'would like to get' list are Portal 2 and LA Noire....but I'm happy to wait for a price drop, or buy them pre-owned.

    All this talk of Zelda is tempting me to boot up my 64 and play Ocarina of Time!

    BTW, there's a great iPhone App which turns the phone into an ocarina....and you can download loads of music sheets for Zelda! There's actually a Zelda scale setting! Plus a function where you can listen to what other people all over the world are playing - Zelda comes up loads (as does Picard's 'Inner Light' tune, and the Imperial March)! It's pretty geektastic! :laugh:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yeah, well unfortunately the age base for games like CoD and FPS are going to be wide with a lot of teens. We all know that teens and the younger crowd don't care and a lot of them have the social graces of a goat. Comes with the territory of playing video games :P. Even so, I don't let that ruin my gaming, I just look past it and pew pew pew, stab!!!!