


  • mierla
    mierla Posts: 25
    Hubby's a gamer, but I like to watch him play a lot of the games. Most of his stuff is xbox360, but he's dying for a ps3... I plan on getting one for him next year for his birthday (the big 30)/graduation. Any game suggestions for the ps3? Can't get him a system and no games to play! lol :)

    COD and assassins creed for him, little big planet for you :) Thats what we like haha!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Ok, let's hear it WoW fanatics....

    Which server did you play on and which class/faction?

    - Sentinels (lame *kitten* server) for 3 years / Hunter/Alliance

    - Area 52 for 2 years / Shaman/Druid/Hunter / Horde!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Hubby's a gamer, but I like to watch him play a lot of the games. Most of his stuff is xbox360, but he's dying for a ps3... I plan on getting one for him next year for his birthday (the big 30)/graduation. Any game suggestions for the ps3? Can't get him a system and no games to play! lol :)
    Have him help Sony secure the PS network. LOL
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    MW2 - Black Ops - Gears of War - Assassin's Creed - Boarderlands all on the 360

    Eagerly awaiting Gears of War 3. Next purchase will probably be Dead Space 2 (the last one nearly gave me a heart attack)

    I am binary jester on xbox live if you want to add me
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Currently lost in LA Noire and way ok with that! The only complaint I have is the driving. I wish there was a time warp or maybe there is some other form of faster travel I have yet to find.

    I have both 360 and PS3 tags..

    Xbox360- Omega666
    PS3- Equinox666

    Feel free to add me!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My hubby got me into gaming when we were engaged, with an innocent little game called Animal Crossing. I bought it for him because he wanted it, even though I thought it looked stupid. But then I watched him play, and loved it so much that I bought my own Gamecube a couple of weeks later. From there it spiraled out of control with me "stealing" his old PSX along with FFVII and Chrono Cross. And we both played Guild Wars for a while, which was when I discovered that MMORPGs are really bad for my mental health because they suck me in too much. I wouldn't touch WoW with a 10-foot pole!

    I really like JRPGs, but when our oldest child got to crawling age that drastically cut my gaming time in half because she kept crawling around and eating strange things like the phone book if my attention was focused elsewhere. Now the kids are a little older and I could probably play more than I do, but I'm so far out of the habit. :sad: Starting to get back into it a bit though. Most recently I played through Portal 2 (which was awesome) and I'm going back and finishing some of the RPGs that had been abandoned during my lull.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Currently lost in LA Noire and way ok with that! The only complaint I have is the driving. I wish there was a time warp or maybe there is some other form of faster travel I have yet to find.

    I know what you mean. You can always let your partner drive, but you miss out on things if you do this too much...
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    My hubby got me into gaming when we were engaged, with an innocent little game called Animal Crossing. I bought it for him because he wanted it, even though I thought it looked stupid.

    And we both played Guild Wars for a while, which was when I discovered that MMORPGs are really bad for my mental health because they suck me in too much. I wouldn't touch WoW with a 10-foot pole!

    I really like JRPGs.......recently I played through Portal 2 (which was awesome) and I'm going back and finishing some of the RPGs that had been abandoned during my lull.

    I loved Animal Crossing. Can't wait for a 3DS version. Oh and new Zelda! Have you/anyone played Harvest Moon? Best.

    I will NEVER be a wow player. I get addicted to games way too easily, and I predict I would have no life whatsoever of I started playing wow. I just couldn't balance it. :p

    Portal 2 is great. Glados sure is meaner, though.

    What RPGs are you playing through? I'm halfway through Dragon Age 2...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I loved Animal Crossing. Can't wait for a 3DS version. Oh and new Zelda! Have you/anyone played Harvest Moon? Best.

    I will NEVER be a wow player. I get addicted to games way too easily, and I predict I would have no life whatsoever of I started playing wow. I just couldn't balance it. :p

    Portal 2 is great. Glados sure is meaner, though.

    What RPGs are you playing through? I'm halfway through Dragon Age 2...

    I was so disappointed in City Folk. I felt like it was a step backward in some ways. I really miss the island. I have played Harvest Moon! I used to love it but I didn't play for a while and ended up trading it in. Have you played Rune Factory: Frontier? So fun.

    Right now I'm playing through Tales of Vesperia (360). Looking to go through some more of the Tales games, and then on to the Shin Megami Tensei series, although I can't play those when the kids are awake so that severely limits my playing time. And I want to try to get through Elder Scrolls IV at some point, but it's just so huge. I don't think I have the energy.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Currently lost in LA Noire and way ok with that! The only complaint I have is the driving. I wish there was a time warp or maybe there is some other form of faster travel I have yet to find.
    I think that is a Rockstar problem. That was my only complaint for the last GTA game. Drive across all 3 cities to get to the start of your mission....die...and have to drive across all three !%^$#^&@^#!!! cities again. :mutters:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Currently lost in LA Noire and way ok with that! The only complaint I have is the driving. I wish there was a time warp or maybe there is some other form of faster travel I have yet to find.
    I think that is a Rockstar problem. That was my only complaint for the last GTA game. Drive across all 3 cities to get to the start of your mission....die...and have to drive across all three !%^$#^&@^#!!! cities again. :mutters:

    I agree. I'm all about the sandbox games, but it would be nice if there were an option to skip all that crap when you're going somewhere specific.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    After years of playing several...well most... days I haven't really played much/at all since starting MFP as that is now my exercise time. I have been busy on weekends with weddings, stag's and birthdays. Anyone else finding the same?

    I want to find some balance but am worried to get back into old habits.
    I currently have Portal 2 and LA Noire & POP trilogy (all of which I preordered) sitting here unopened & unplayed which would have been unthinkable a few months ago.

    Any suggestions?

    My gaming history
    I'm an old school gamer here,been through most consoles from Atari 2600, Amstrad Tape Deck & Amiga PC's through to PS3, Xbox & PC.

    So many standout games along the way but a few to mention
    Shinobi, Y's & Spellcaster (Master System)
    Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III and Zelda (SNES)
    Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Collosus, Ico, Final Fantasy (in general) & God of War
    Now I mainly play XBox, PS3 and PC. Most recently loved Mass Effect, Uncharted, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Assassins Creed series.

    I have previously played online both MMORPG's and FPS's Team fortress, MW etc. However stopped as I found it very difficult to curtail the amount of time spent so mainly play single player now, but do miss the camaraderie and banter.

    I go through periods of time when I don't play games, due to my schedule or just need a break.

    If you want to play again, but want to make sure it doesn't take up too much time, set aside a set amount of time every day, or every few days, to play, and make yourself stop when the time's up. Say, 30 minutes. Set an alarm if you have to.

    The great thing about games is you can pick up right where you left off.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157

    I loved Animal Crossing. Can't wait for a 3DS version. Oh and new Zelda! Have you/anyone played Harvest Moon? Best.

    I will NEVER be a wow player. I get addicted to games way too easily, and I predict I would have no life whatsoever of I started playing wow. I just couldn't balance it. :p

    Portal 2 is great. Glados sure is meaner, though.

    What RPGs are you playing through? I'm halfway through Dragon Age 2...

    I loved Harvest Moon!

    Also, I'm the same with regard to WoW. I KNOW that I would have an addiction issue, and the best way to avoid that is to not start playing. Mental health, social life, etc...
  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    I played Aion again over the weekend, mmorpg. Yesterday afternoon I got into a legion, did an event with them, and now I'm hooked again. Thankfully I have better habits. But I really missed playing a game like that!

    Also started up inFamous, thanks to PSN's Welcome Back.

    My 6 year old daughter is really good at Little Big Planet. I let her play online so people can cooperate to get her past that parts she can't do on her own. Or that neither one of us can seem to get past when we play together.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Has anyone seen the new Tomb Raider vids? Shiny!


    Stunning video:

    Looks fab, doesn't it? :bigsmile:

    I am so glad it's been delayed until next year - far better to do that than release a game before it's ready (yes Bethesda, I'm looking at you!).
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Anybody watch any E3 coverage last night? I think I like the direction they're going with the PS Vita, but time will tell. Not that I'll buy one anyway, but my husband probably will, so I'll just play his. :laugh:
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Ok, let's hear it WoW fanatics....

    Which server did you play on and which class/faction?

    - Sentinels (lame *kitten* server) for 3 years / Hunter/Alliance

    - Area 52 for 2 years / Shaman/Druid/Hunter / Horde!!

    I played on Aggrammar on Alliance for a year and a bit

    For the last two years I've been on Draenor and Horde - Shadow Priest and many more lol!

    I'm also a console geek, I have a PS3 thanks to the hubby and Xbox 360 which is my second one, Noodle my original went to the 360 red ring of death scrapheap due to my other half playing NHL and scoring the goal of his career...too much for the xbox to handle and he didnt even get the replay! lol!!

    At the moment I have loan of Naughty Bear from my friend...I was skeptical, but I have to say, there is something definitely therapeutic about hitting something that looks like a care bear!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Ok, let's hear it WoW fanatics....

    Which server did you play on and which class/faction?

    - Sentinels (lame *kitten* server) for 3 years / Hunter/Alliance

    - Area 52 for 2 years / Shaman/Druid/Hunter / Horde!!

    All of my max levels are on drak'thul (hunter, shammy, mage, pally)..which is a major noob realm and i believe they actually made it a "new player" realm again lol. I tried going to a better server to play but at this point I hate leveling without the finances from my other toons and I'm not willing to pay the money to transfer. I play alliance, always have, I've rolled a couple low level horde before but i hate the layout of their cities, they give me a headache.
  • newt1975
    newt1975 Posts: 23
    Halo 4 not made by Bungie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Duke Nukem is out!



    ...Also, E3. Thoughts?