


  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    I actually just cancelled my Wow subscription today as I haven't played for 3 months or so. I'm playing LA Noire on the PS3 at the moment - it's amazing - the faces and expressions need to be seen to be believed.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Ex-WoW here. Account still active, but just haven't played much since Cata.
    Considering giving RIFT a try.
    Recently finished Dragon Age 2, anxiously awaiting more DLC modules for it!

    Rift is good, we preordered it haven't played it in about a month though. The character build and roles are really different from most other mmos
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    If anyone mainly plays MW2 on ps3 add me XxStaRs9967xX can add my mfp to :)
  • nighthawk327
    Major gamer here as well, I think playing WoW too much years ago (and not going out to exercise) contributed quite a bit to my state of health. Staying away from MMOs now but still playing other games... Probably going to start Portal/Portal 2 soon (and have Fallout: New Vegas to do as well)! Good to see other gamers here :).
  • XxXstars9967XxX
    If anyone mainly plays MW2 on ps3 add me XxStaRs9967xX can add my mfp to :) Anyone can add me on MFP as well as PS3 :)
    Also fallout 3 is the 2nd best game ever lmao
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I actually just cancelled my Wow subscription today as I haven't played for 3 months or so. I'm playing LA Noire on the PS3 at the moment - it's amazing - the faces and expressions need to be seen to be believed.

    That's on my list of games to buy at some point -- it looks pretty good!
  • ddonkeys
    ddonkeys Posts: 56
    I'm a gamer too. In fact I do my working out to Your Shape: Fitness Evolved and Kinect Sports. Otherwise I play Call of Duty on xbox 360 and am currently playing the new Mortal Kombat
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm guilty as well...I play mostly call of duty black ops, halo & all the different rock bands for xbox 360 also have a Wii with different games as for online gaming I've played WoW but I'm more into Runescape

    feel free to add me on xbox 360 gamertag is same as mfp
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm guilty as well...I play mostly call of duty black ops, halo & all the different rock bands for xbox 360 also have a Wii with different games as for online gaming I've played WoW but I'm more into Runescape

    feel free to add me on xbox 360 gamertag is same as mfp

    A couple friends have tried to get me to play WoW, but I hate the idea of a monthly subscription for a game I'd barely play. I've been playing runescape off and on for 10 years now, playing as I type actually (cooking).
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    lol..."My cooking level is 99" :tongue: I was just thinking if I wanna play tonight or not
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm guilty as well...I play mostly call of duty black ops, halo & all the different rock bands for xbox 360 also have a Wii with different games as for online gaming I've played WoW but I'm more into Runescape

    feel free to add me on xbox 360 gamertag is same as mfp

    A couple friends have tried to get me to play WoW, but I hate the idea of a monthly subscription for a game I'd barely play. I've been playing runescape off and on for 10 years now, playing as I type actually (cooking).

    lol..."My cooking level is 99" I was just thinking if I wanna play tonight or not
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm guilty as well...I play mostly call of duty black ops, halo & all the different rock bands for xbox 360 also have a Wii with different games as for online gaming I've played WoW but I'm more into Runescape

    feel free to add me on xbox 360 gamertag is same as mfp

    A couple friends have tried to get me to play WoW, but I hate the idea of a monthly subscription for a game I'd barely play. I've been playing runescape off and on for 10 years now, playing as I type actually (cooking).

    lol..."My cooking level is 99" I was just thinking if I wanna play tonight or not

    My cooking lvl is 85, which is my highest skill since I've been cooking so much lately. Recently discovered high alching for profit, so trying to do that as well.
  • chuku1981
    chuku1981 Posts: 34 Member
    <-- Gamer
    I did WoW for a bit, the Lord of the rings online, have PS3/PSP/PC

    On PS3, right now I'm playing portal 2 co-op to death.

    On PSP, I'm playing Patapon 2 while on the elliptical.

    On PC, League of Legends

    Though anyone else starting to feel they have less and less time for it games as they get older? It used to be I could sit down in front of the TV/computer for hours and hours on end, now after a few hours I gotta get up and do something productive.

    The craziest thing happened Sat, I got up early sat morning to get a long morning of gaming in, by hour two I found myself cleaning the bathroom to stay active. :/
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I dunno, I try not to blame games for my weight issues. I blame my poor choices in more than one aspect of my life, the games were just a loverly escape from the hell that was home. Now I play for a few hours here or there after homework when I just want a break from thinking, before, I'd be on 12+ hours straight.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LoL is a lot of fun! Long games but instant gratification ftw!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I dunno, I try not to blame games for my weight issues.

    Ditto! I put on weight because I stopped being as active as I was but didn't change my eating lifestyle - gaming had nothing to do with it. In fact, for long gaming sessions I've never felt the need to eat cr@p! My perfect gaming food is bananas! I can just put in my mouth and chomp, while both hands are on the controller! :laugh:
    Though anyone else starting to feel they have less and less time for games as they get older? It used to be I could sit down in front of the TV/computer for hours and hours on end, now after a few hours I gotta get up and do something productive.

    I only play less because I am no longer QA-ing as much as I used to. In fact, I probably only ever get asked to QA about once a year now! However, in terms of gaming for pleasure, nope - I make sure that once a month I set aside a weekend to spend with my 360! I do productive stuff every day of my life, so I don't have any problem with zoning out once in a while with my sprites of love! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    LoL is a lot of fun! Long games but instant gratification ftw!

    Yea, its the only game at the moment where i have a little time for. I used to play WoW a lot, raided 3 times a week doing hardmodes. And then i started working 40 hours a week... Now i dont have any time left and took a break from WoW. Then again, i wasnt missing it at all! Cata seems to have killed it for quite a few people.

    Also i met my boyfriend playing Guildwars. And we will sure play guildwars 2 when its out!

    If anyone wants to add me as friend, feel free ;)
  • rurukidoo
    rurukidoo Posts: 54
    Count me in, I likes my games. Currently about to start Fable 2 since I borrowed it from a friend after recently finally getting myself a 360! Woo!

    Apart from that, used to play Ragnarok Online, but haven't for ages and I really do not miss it! =D Helping my man play through Yakuza 4 (since apparently he doesn't know how to dress the hostesses....>.<) Plenty epic rockband 3 nights with friends and of course I love my Retro Games most of all. I could quite happily go back to playing zelda on my SNES and N64 any day of the week!

    Oh and also Steam, for L4D and other such funtimes!

    Feel free to add me gamers, always have more room for geeks in my life! =D
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member

    I am a hardcore Xbox 360 BBC2 Player, recently with the starting of my new business I can hardly ever play (twice in six months) but BELEIVE me, when #3 comes out, I am spending a full day that week just shooting people!

    I also played Evony for a year (online game) but had to quit when my business started as well.
  • melt57
    melt57 Posts: 60 Member
    My husband and I are games. Right now, it's mostly an MMO (WoW), but we've done a lot of old-fashioned paper and dice rpgs in the past and want to get back.

    The biggest hurdle to loosing weight I've had, related to gaming, is that our group always had tons of snacks (chips, dip, cookies, etc). My solution was to fix myself a big veggie tray with salsa (it's fat-free and low cal) and snack on that all night :)

    This is my problem too!!! Been gaming with the same guys for over ten years now. Their eating habits haven't changed, but mine had to. Aside from veggie snacking or air popped popcorn, I keep a water bottle with me all the time so every time I see one of them munching on more junk and I want to join them, I just keep on taking another drink of water.

    But our house has become gamer-central. We're running a 360 and a PC with a lot of old school games. Hubby had every system hooked up at one point, but with the high def TV, the games look awful and are hard to play. We've had the TV disconnected while we work on some home improvement, so paper RPGs have been the choice of late.