


  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Hehe! It was actually my friends that called me it to start with cause I was being all stealth, and then I got a manga picture drawn of me and they put panda ears on my friend called me the Metal Gear Panda...Stealthy! and they fell about laughing and it's stuck ever since!

    I play on Draenor on WoW for anyone who is over on the horde on Draenor, Euthenasia the Shadow Priest or Sparklenips the mage are my main two at the moment :)
  • ChibiKittay
    ChibiKittay Posts: 14
    Me and the husband are also gamers, he loves Civ. 5 and I have my WoW lol We also play dragon age, mass effect, just finally got L4D and I love it, he has yet to try it.
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    I have an elite, it's the red Resident Evil one. Still going strong!

    I too have the Limited Edition Resident Evil Red Elite. The trick to ANY machine is to "download" the game you are playing to your harddrive; DO NOT play the disc. This will eliminate wear and tear and your machine will last longer.

    I also use my 360 to watch movies/TV shows I download, my iTunes, look at pictures and so on. I have a iMac and use Connect 360 to link my Apple computer and M$ 360. My machine is always on and is running great; knock on wood.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Total gamer here! I also work in IT, so extra geeky points! New to these forums...very glad to see this post!

    I love STEAM, have bought way too many games on it. :love:

    I have a Wii, but most of my games are played on my PC (custom built for gaming). :bigsmile:

    I'm currently playing Dragon Age 2 for the 3rd play-through (trying to get achievements). Love that game (and the original). :heart:

    I play mostly FPS and RPG games. Steam has helped me pick up all kinds of older games Other recent faves are Left For Dead, Plants vs. Zombies, Battlefield series (BF2 was my fave), Call of Duty, STALKER series, Elder Scrolls, etc.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Just thinking about getting back into warcraft and rolling horde. I have always been alliance. Any WoW players?
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Hehe! It was actually my friends that called me it to start with cause I was being all stealth, and then I got a manga picture drawn of me and they put panda ears on my friend called me the Metal Gear Panda...Stealthy! and they fell about laughing and it's stuck ever since!

    I play on Draenor on WoW for anyone who is over on the horde on Draenor, Euthenasia the Shadow Priest or Sparklenips the mage are my main two at the moment :)

    lol my priest is named Annasthetic
  • Jillatha
    Jillatha Posts: 85 Member
    I am a BIG xbox gamer but been out of action recently as my xbox broke :'(
  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28
    I played Wow until Cata and then i got bummed out on it.

    I now play Rift which is about as addicting but I am limiting myself to the time i spend on it now.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Been a WoW'er for over 4 years now. I play alliance and I really don't get it when people start saying that horde is so much better (I think they're about the same, and have about the same amount of annoying kids too).

    I totally understand how MMOs can ruin people's lives. But no more than any other activity taken in massive excess. It sucks about the Dad who missed time with his daughter and became a total looser because he was raiding. But it wasn't WoW, it was his choices.
    I'm fortunate to have a great guild who completely understand that real life always comes first. Even if someone is signed up to raid and can't because of life, it's not a huge deal.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Been a WoW'er for over 4 years now. I play alliance and I really don't get it when people start saying that horde is so much better (I think they're about the same, and have about the same amount of annoying kids too).

    I totally understand how MMOs can ruin people's lives. But no more than any other activity taken in massive excess. It sucks about the Dad who missed time with his daughter and became a total looser because he was raiding. But it wasn't WoW, it was his choices.
    I'm fortunate to have a great guild who completely understand that real life always comes first. Even if someone is signed up to raid and can't because of life, it's not a huge deal.

    I think that is a really important thing to remember. WoW or any other MMO is not holding us hostage. We are choosing to play it. Blame the person making the choice, not the game. It is SO easy to just blame the game for ruining your life when really, it was a series of choices.
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I also love the people who thunk that violent video games are the reason people go on random killing sprees.....*rolls eyes*'s a bit more complicated than that!

    And another rant- in Australia we don't have an 18+ rating for games. Most recently, this means we didn't get the latest Mortal Kombat. Yet somehow we can sell GTA to anyone over the age of 15. It hurts my brain, honestly.
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    I never blame WoW for the fact that my other half wants to raid all the time, It is his problem but we both play the game, I just know when to stop, he doesnt really lol!! But he gets a swift kick to the ankle and that keeps him in check, nah joking but he does play it alot and I know it's his choice. He just gets into games a lot, he bought Killzone 3 for the PS3 last weekend and completed it in under a day, so he is just a big gaming nerd, just like me lol!!

    But i do have friends that take the WoW thing too far, my ex boyfriend was on it for 12 hours a day, that got too much!

    I have just begun to play it again, after Cata I got a bit bored of it, but getting back into the swing of it now. I used to play Alliance but moved to Horde when all my mates went Horde.
  • theMightyAnt
    After years of playing several...well most... days I haven't really played much/at all since starting MFP as that is now my exercise time. I have been busy on weekends with weddings, stag's and birthdays. Anyone else finding the same?

    I want to find some balance but am worried to get back into old habits.
    I currently have Portal 2 and LA Noire & POP trilogy (all of which I preordered) sitting here unopened & unplayed which would have been unthinkable a few months ago.

    Any suggestions?

    My gaming history
    I'm an old school gamer here,been through most consoles from Atari 2600, Amstrad Tape Deck & Amiga PC's through to PS3, Xbox & PC.

    So many standout games along the way but a few to mention
    Shinobi, Y's & Spellcaster (Master System)
    Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III and Zelda (SNES)
    Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Collosus, Ico, Final Fantasy (in general) & God of War
    Now I mainly play XBox, PS3 and PC. Most recently loved Mass Effect, Uncharted, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Assassins Creed series.

    I have previously played online both MMORPG's and FPS's Team fortress, MW etc. However stopped as I found it very difficult to curtail the amount of time spent so mainly play single player now, but do miss the camaraderie and banter.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Super Mario Brothers was my gateway drug.
    Legend of Zelda just about put me in rehab.

    Former WoW (Horde and Alliance) addict here. But I gave it up when I decided I was losing too much real world time. Not to mention the effects on my relationships, my health, and my sanity. Decided I had other goals besides raiding and leveling another character.

    Now I have a Wii and an Xbox. But I find I am so behind the times on most games, that I can buy the used copies for about $10 bucks. I look at Cataclysm every now and then and have to turn away from that addiction. Seems like I can only manage to play on the weekends anyhow. Too much work and P90X during the week to handle devoting more than a few minutes at a time. No complaints. Though I do miss WoW sometimes.
  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome back PSN! I've only been counting the days because I've been reading this thread and feel like I've missed so much. I want to see if I can bring the old spark back.

    When I played FFXI, I found friends that I would have never found irl. I miss having that team. And now the market is flooded with MMOs, finding a new team hasn't been easy. Aion has a 10 day reactivation that starts tomorrow for their new content. I'll probably play that over the weekend.

    I rave about podcasts for when I'm running. I listen to Massively and IGN's PS3 Beyond, and even though I'm not playing anything they're talking about most of the time, it's interesting enough to make me run so I can listen.
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    After years of playing several...well most... days I haven't really played much/at all since starting MFP as that is now my exercise time. I have been busy on weekends with weddings, stag's and birthdays. Anyone else finding the same?

    I want to find some balance but am worried to get back into old habits.
    I currently have Portal 2 and LA Noire & POP trilogy (all of which I preordered) sitting here unopened & unplayed which would have been unthinkable a few months ago.

    Any suggestions?

    My gaming history
    I'm an old school gamer here,been through most consoles from Atari 2600, Amstrad Tape Deck & Amiga PC's through to PS3, Xbox & PC.

    So many standout games along the way but a few to mention
    Shinobi, Y's & Spellcaster (Master System)
    Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III and Zelda (SNES)
    Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Collosus, Ico, Final Fantasy (in general) & God of War
    Now I mainly play XBox, PS3 and PC. Most recently loved Mass Effect, Uncharted, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Assassins Creed series.

    I have previously played online both MMORPG's and FPS's Team fortress, MW etc. However stopped as I found it very difficult to curtail the amount of time spent so mainly play single player now, but do miss the camaraderie and banter.

    Are you sure we are related? jk :angry:

    I have the exact same issue. My old gaming time which was usually after work has now been sucked up by working out. Most times after working out I do not have time or feel like gaming. I thought maybe I was losing my gaming need.

    You are not alone.
  • lilfaerygoddess
    Wow nerd here, but me and hubby play.
  • firedwings
    firedwings Posts: 11
    Hey, just remembered that I haven't put my gamer tag up on here! I just got myself the kinect sports, adventures and kinectimals games as well as resident evil 5 gold on the way - if anyone plays these games and wants a partner for those achievements then add me - LunaFireBird. (Xbox 360)
  • newt1975
    newt1975 Posts: 23
    Hi, I am a gamer......I am an addict...

    My wife calls me a geek lol
    I have.........
    The original playstation, ps2, ps3, xbox, xbox 360, wii, ds and a psp.........

    I play the 360 most, Ps3 is mainly used for blu-ray's, just can't bring my self to get rid of the older consoles, they have not been played for ages.

    I like mainly FPS and third person .....
    mw2, black ops, halo reach and a fair few others..
    I can't wait for GOW3 later this year......
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have.........
    The original playstation, ps2, ps3, xbox, xbox 360, wii, ds and a psp......... just can't bring my self to get rid of the older consoles, they have not been played for ages.

    I know that feeling! When my partner and I bought our house in 2006, I felt I ought to downsize a bit (y'know, showing willing and being a grown-up an' all that!), so I found good homes for my Sega MS 1&2, MD 1&2, MCD and Dreamcast. Plus six of my seven PSXs (I had one from each series - I managed to keep hold of my original 1st series one its turquoise cover!), and two of my PS2s (I actually 'went through' six of these but I kept my dev kit, plus a normal PS2...I re-homed the latter a couple of years ago). I hung onto my NES and 64 (my SNES went to my son). I still play Zelda on the 64 though! I sold my GC and bought a Wii (yeah I got caught up in the original hype, so got my mitts on one of the very first ones); however, I soon got bored with it! I kept hold of it because I was working for a publisher which did mostly Wii games, but it was really out of a sense of obligation, than desire to play Wii games (besides, I was demoing them, and used a dev kit - so I didn't really need a Wii at home)! I eventually sold it for a fat pile of cash to spend on 'proper' games! :devil:

    For quite a few years now, my console of choice has been the 360 (sigh - remember when the dashboard *didn't* look like Wii?). I don't have a PS3 - never felt the need to get one....although I'm considering it just so I can play Ico/Shadow again! Having said that, I *do* still have both PS2 versions (despite being offered insane amounts of money for Ico!)!

    Never got into handheld consoles - partly because I just didn't see the point, and partly because of having to demo so many DS and PSP games! Having said that, I am thoroughly enjoying playing Myst and Riven on my iPad - I hope they do the rest of the series. I still have all my PC versions...which don't really run on any of my computers! :ohwell: