


  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    Love to game, trying to stay in shape to wear my assassins creed costume for cosplay events this summer. Nerd.

    I want an AC costume it's cool
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I'm a 33 year old female..and i game. i dont really find too many teenies on COD. most of the people i play with are are my age or near it.
  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    While everyone was playing WoW, I spent 4 years in FFXI. I played Aion for a while, going to re-install that for their 10-day reactivation event for the new content. I've had a serious craving for a good MMO, but because I was a console gamer for so long (FFXI on PS2), I didn't get a PC that could handle games. I can limp through some (like Aion), but not even close on the newer ones. Saving those pennies! For now, don't knock it, Wizard 101 is a good game.

    If you like the MMOs, you should check out MagiQuest. We have one near us, and I take my 6 year old. It's an RL RPG! We have a blast, and we're getting exercise with all the running we do while we're there. We only have her account since we both play on it, but if I didn't have her, I'd definitely be there ALL the time by myself!

    I have a PS3, and I see and hear about all these new games coming out, I listen to a PS3 podcast (BEYOND!), yet I haven't bought anything in a long while. I never seem to have money for it, I'm behind on the sequels because I never played the first, I fail at FPS (which is a vicious cycle, I need practice, but since I'm so bad at it, I don't want to practice), and a lack of PS3 friends. All these whining excuses. I'm going to get inFamous with the Welcome Back program and hopefully begin to catch back up.

    tl;dr PS3 name is Pyrena, needs moar friends.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    While everyone was playing WoW, I spent 4 years in FFXI. I played Aion for a while, going to re-install that for their 10-day reactivation event for the new content. I've had a serious craving for a good MMO, but because I was a console gamer for so long (FFXI on PS2), I didn't get a PC that could handle games. I can limp through some (like Aion), but not even close on the newer ones. Saving those pennies! For now, don't knock it, Wizard 101 is a good game.

    If you like the MMOs, you should check out MagiQuest. We have one near us, and I take my 6 year old. It's an RL RPG! We have a blast, and we're getting exercise with all the running we do while we're there. We only have her account since we both play on it, but if I didn't have her, I'd definitely be there ALL the time by myself!

    I have a PS3, and I see and hear about all these new games coming out, I listen to a PS3 podcast (BEYOND!), yet I haven't bought anything in a long while. I never seem to have money for it, I'm behind on the sequels because I never played the first, I fail at FPS (which is a vicious cycle, I need practice, but since I'm so bad at it, I don't want to practice), and a lack of PS3 friends. All these whining excuses. I'm going to get inFamous with the Welcome Back program and hopefully begin to catch back up.

    tl;dr PS3 name is Pyrena, needs moar friends.

    I did FFXI for awhile, first on Bahamut, and then on Unicorn before quitting. :-)
  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    I was so excited, I replied after reading page 2. Now that I've finished reading the thread, I realized I forgot some stuff.

    I love Civ5. I never save my games though because the beginning is always the best part.

    I love Fallout, too. I traded it in with out getting too far in order to help my daughter buy some DS games. Again, I need more friends. I was overwhelmed and wasn't sharing my little achievements (much like when you're trying to lose weight), I lost interest in getting them.

    As far as kids and games, my kid isn't much in to CoD and stuff, but if she was I'd let her play. We only have the one tv intentionally, so we're always playing/watching together, and I trust her. I know it's odd to say about a 6 year old, but I do. For kindergarten she had to transfer to a different daycare, it was a whole new environment. She came home saying "new things" and had new questions. We had to talk about bullies, lying, and even some sex stuff. After seeing parents pick up and drop off, I have full support to my theory that "your small children are jerks because you are a jerk". I know I'm not perfect, as much as I sound like I think I am. She's polite and well-behaved, in spite of the world around her, because I parent her. /soapbox

    I never snacked while gaming, I don't like chips either. I just put off being active to play games a little longer. Now that I am active, I'm too tired for late game nights. I also know I shouldn't us my calories on energy drinks and Ventrilo beer parties.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    I love Fallout, too. I traded it in with out getting too far in order to help my daughter buy some DS games. Again, I need more friends. I was overwhelmed and wasn't sharing my little achievements (much like when you're trying to lose weight), I lost interest in getting them.

    The achievements are one of my favorite things! One of my goals for 2011 is to try to pass my boyfriends gamerscore. Not sure it will happen, but I'll keep trying!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I don't worry about what our kids play either, we raise them well, they have self awareness, they know to monitor themselves in public.....etc.

    When the oldest was 8 and the youngest was 5, we started a policy where we wouldn't chastise them for swearing in our house as long as they understood that the language was never to be used in public and it was to be only used as a way of expressing frustration or telling a joke...

    it was not allowed to be directed AT people and used to demoralise or shame others.

    Needless to say other than a few "slip ups" our kids for the most part don't swear and aren't interested in the value of swearing. It's not new, exciting or forbidden, unlike with many of their colleagues.

    We started pretty soon after that to employ the same standard with their gaming. If they wanted to play an adult type of game, then they had to understand that this was a privielge allowed in our house and that other children may not have that privilege. They know to let their friends be the leaders and guides in choosing games to play. That way allowing our kids to gauge where their friends are and aren't allowed to play...and therefore not introducing games the other childrens parents would have issues with.

    Plainly put, kids are bombarded with violence, adults themes, sex and increasingly grown up aspects in their day to day life. It's in their media, in their social constructs, in their schools, their neighbourhoods, their music...etc.

    It's almost a bigger blessing to let them understand that the information is out there and if they feel they need to understand it, we will help them. They have very little shame in asking us some pretty tough questions, and they have a lot of self awareness in how they comport themselves in public and with their peers. yet they aren't in a hurry to grow up, because they know it's there and ready for when they are ready, unlike some of theif friends who almost seem to want to push for that "forbidden knowledge" because they know it's something they shouldn't have access to.
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    Gamer here.

    New to the forum's and wondered if there was a place for people like me! :D

    In my house hold there are two supped up pc's, PS2, PS3, XBox 360 and a Kinect to go with it. :) I used to have a DS but got bored of it. Also a Final Fantasy nut...have been since FF7

    I am a WoWer...I'm not ashamed lol! Anyone play on Draenor? :)

  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm a gamer! I don't do much with single player games but I looooooooove MMO's. I am huge into playing World of Warcraft! Fellow gamers are welcome to add me. :)
  • rigbly
    rigbly Posts: 6
    All the systems all the time lol

    Currently playing Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3 New Vegas, Killzone 3 and Monopoly with the lady in Wii
  • rigbly
    rigbly Posts: 6
    Fallout NV, what a game!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Fallout NV, what a game!

    Have you played any of the DLC? I'm currently playing Honest's OK but not up the the standard of F3 DLC, IMO. The new companions are deeply irritating! :laugh: :laugh:
  • FantasticDolly
    I spy a fellow MGS lover!(:
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    *hides* Who me? >.> <.<
  • Xonim
    Xonim Posts: 5 Member
    I used to be a hardcore WoW nerd.....raiding 5 hours per night / 6 nights per week when BWL was hard. Raided a bit in TBC, then WotLK was just heroics because I could only play in 30 minute spurts. With the longer heroics in Cata, that pretty much killed it for me. WoW-free for four months now. Wasn't all bad though - it's how I met my wife =)

    We sold our 360/Wii recently as they weren't getting used. Regret selling the 360...might buy another one for GoW3.

    Still have the PS3 - recently picked up the God of War collection and Killzone 2 from the bargain bin. Really want Killzone 3, but I refuse to pay $60 for new games anymore.
  • metalgearpanda
    metalgearpanda Posts: 43 Member
    My other half would be a hardcore raider..if I let him, which I dont as I refuse to be ignored for 5 hours a night for 5 nights a week, I'd have him flung out! LOL

    My other half just recently bought Killzone 3 (Helghast Edition) So i'm left with a rather ugly looking bust of that helmet thing in my bedroom lol!!! He completed it in just over a day but loved every minute of it.

    We traded our Wii in cause it wasnt getting used, kept a hold of the 360 even though it didnt get used but it is now as we have a lot more games for it.

    PS3 is my new edition, I got it for my Christmas with Heavy Rain, I sat for about 14 hours solid staring at the T.V. lol, I didnt move! Love the God of War games too, button mashing seems to be my forte! That and I love playing Kratos!
  • FantasticDolly
    *hides* Who me? >.> <.<

    No, not at all!
    I have an email address thats a play on MGS, too, but not nearly as cute.
  • britachu
    britachu Posts: 157
    Fallout NV, what a game!

    Have you played any of the DLC? I'm currently playing Honest's OK but not up the the standard of F3 DLC, IMO. The new companions are deeply irritating! :laugh: :laugh:

    I haven't played any of the DLC yet... I did all of them for F3, but haven't had the time (or money) for this round...
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I'm a World of Warcraft nerd myself. Even have a horde tattoo.

    I'm Ziaki on Shadowmoon if anybody plays on there. Used to be on Malorne but that server is so underpopulated it's sad.

    I raid 9 hours a week. Currently 6/12 heroic. /brag

    Don't play too much other than raiding now that it's nice outside.

    Not too big on consoles though I did love God Of War I and II. Really want to play III but can't afford a PS3 just to play one game.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh oh, pick me pick me!
    I LOVE gaming, always have and no doubt always will!

    I have an Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and an Xperia Play (Android), used to have an iphone 4 but sold it, I also have a PC but don't really game on it as that's what games consoles are for!

    My Xbox Live gamertag: FK1983
    Feel free to add me on here or on Xbox Live :happy: