dangerousdumpling Member


  • I definitely recommend lifting weights. You'll be so much happier with how your body looks if you progressively increase how much weight you lift. You could do upper/lower body 3x per week or upper body 2x per week and lower body 2x per week. I'm glad to hear that you're excited about your progress. Keep going!
  • I enjoy all the exercise I do. I would say I lift weights because I know it's good for me and makes me look better. I walk and hike a lot for fun.
  • How are you doing on caffeine? I used to have mad insomnia. I had to quit drinking coffee. Now I drink a cup of black tea but I'd sleep even better without that. Chocolate or dessert right before bed will ruin my sleep. You already know about screen time and a weighted blanket has been mentioned. Have you tried ASMR? It…
  • I'm more of an inch loser than a pound loser, too. It will drive me crazy if I let it, but when I'm staying on top of my calorie goal and working out I love that my clothes fit better. Keep looking at the positives. Keep your eyes on where you're seeing results. And besides, no one knows how much you weight but people will…
  • I want to start off by saying I understand being desperate to lose weight and wanting to lose it fast. I get it. But what you're doing isn't sustainable and you're not being kind to yourself and your body. The fact is that healthy weight loss takes time and patience. I wish it didn't but it does. You'll feel much better…
  • Lose 5 pounds. I know that will give me the momentum to keep going. Just five pounds. I can do it. Don't think about anything beyond that. Just the five pounds.
  • It never seems to come off like we think it will, right? But it sounds like you've had some great results and a lot to be proud of. I'd be thrilled to lose 3 lbs per month. I just cannot seem to lose more than that in a month. I could if I could tolerate a low calorie diet but I can't. Anyway, just wanted to say hang in…
  • I decided to face the music and get on the scale this morning. I'm up 8 pounds. I'm so annoyed with myself but not surprised because I have not had any self control during the stay at home order. I'm going to work on being positive, though, because I know how feeling too bad about it can make me feel unmotivated. The good…
  • Hello, everyone. I hope it's not too late to join in here. I'm 45 and I've gained a few of the quarantine 15 but not sure how much. I haven't weighed myself in quite a while but my clothes are tighter and my middle is noticeably bigger. I've been exercising - that has never been a problem for me. I enjoy exercise. It's…
  • Just wanted to chime in and say you're not alone. I'm still exercising but eating is not under control. BUT today is a new day and a new opportunity to work on getting ourselves headed in the right direction. Whatever that means to you. Many of us are stress eating so I'm not sure it would be a good idea to take away all…
  • Watermelon and buttered corn on the cob with salt and pepper. mmmm
  • I get headaches if my calories are too low. I eat more, while still at a deficit, and headaches go away.
  • The above mentioned foods plus a high fiber cereal if you're not reaching your goal. All Bran or Kashi Go Lean Crunch. Also, drink lots of water along with your higher intake of fiber.
  • I walked outdoors and did Brazil Butt Lift Bum Bum. I haven't done it in ages and was pleasantly surprised by how much of it I could do. I'm considering a 30 or 60 day BBL commitment.
  • I know exactly how you feel and I'm doing the same thing. I know exactly what to do and I've had false start after false start. Except my kid is 16. I only have myself to blame for not getting serious and being disciplined. It's simply a matter of what do I want more - cookies right now or the smaller pants later. Right…
  • Can you post some specific info about what your plan entails?
  • It's ok if you can't get the same level of activity as you did in the past. Can you walk in your neighborhood? This will help you physically and mentally. I'm assuming you are not the grocery shopper or the one doing the cooking where you live but you can still control how much you eat. The above poster suggested a 1 pound…
  • I think there is a link between anxiety and unhealthy eating, especially sugar. Most people don't gain weight eating lean protein and vegetables. A friend told me low blood sugar triggers her anxiety. Sugar highs and lows feel horrible. I wouldn't say obesity causes anxiety but I would say that behaviors that lead to…
  • A 180 on your diet alone could result in quite a bit of water weight loss at first and coupling that with a huge calorie deficit and I can see how you're losing a pound a day. Consider increasing your calories, though. Especially when you start exercising. You will likely start to feel fatigued because you aren't giving…
  • I'd say work on acceptance more than changing anything else. It IS a slow process. We all want to shed weight quickly and then we're surprised when we learn how slowly it actually happens. I've had to learn that in order to stick with it I have to eat more and lose at a slower rate. I'll still get there. It'll just take a…
  • You could go through the thread called women in their 40s and send out a bunch of friend requests. There's lots of support there.
  • Ditto. I found out I had a fibroid during my first pregnancy. I didn't have any symptoms. About 5 years after my second pregnancy the symptoms started and gradually got worse. Looking back I should have seen a doctor because one night I hemorrhaged and needed a hysterectomy. It doesn't have to get that bad for you. You…
  • This has done wonders for my self esteem today.
  • This is my husband,too. He's a carnivore. When we have a meatless meal you'd think 'In the arms of an angel' was playing in the background as he eats because he's so sad. He's practically a meme. For me personally I'd say it's more important to cut down on sugar than meat. But if you feel better eating less meat then good…
  • Me, too. Not a single pound. I started in January and my calories were too low. I was hungry and feeling run down. And I got sick, although not the flu. I increased my calories and I have not had any results on the scale. I had a couple of weekends that went from bad to worse so I know that I may have had better results if…
  • Can you give us more info such as your current weight, calorie goal, actual calorie intake, exercise, and whether or not you're weighing your food on a food scale?
  • How many weeks? Did you take your measurements when you started? You may have made some progress but it can be hard to tell without numbers to compare. Hang in there and don't give up. Progress is never as fast as we'd like.
  • It can be hard to wrap your head around when you know your body is shrinking but you weigh the same. Our relationship with the scale is horrible. Think about it this way. Would it be ok if you were 5'0" 145lbs but looked like you weigh 125? No one knows how much you weigh. We don't go around with a lit up marquee flashing…
  • There's a big difference in knowing you need to start and being ready to start. I completely understand that. I've lived a big part of my life knowing I need to start but not actually starting. One thing that keeps people from actually starting is wrong ideas about what it takes to lose weight. I've seen some comments here…
  • I had a bad few days. It’s time to stop the snowball effect and get back on track. I’ve been doing this long enough to know that attaching emotions like guilt to this does not help. Guilt will just drive me into the arms of another brownie sundae. Just stop and get back on track.