Women over 40- Let's lose 20 pounds!



  • rehand1978
    rehand1978 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm joining in - hope it's not too late. I'm 41 and 225lbs. I'm finding it harder to stick to my goals than I have in the past and I'm hoping maybe this group will be the support and encouragement I need to stay motivated. I've tried Keto, MFP, WW, high fiber, very low calorie, eliminating foods, and I've just not had any long term success. The best I've done is drop 20 pounds using MFP but that was when I was in my 20's. This time I am aiming for several small goals and focusing on changing one thing at a time. This week I am aiming to add more veggies and fruit in my diet. My first goal is to lose 10 pounds and I am not going to set a goal date yet, just see how this first week goes. My current track record is sticking with anything for 2 days max. If I can make it through this week I will be doing great.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I decided to face the music and get on the scale this morning. I'm up 8 pounds. I'm so annoyed with myself but not surprised because I have not had any self control during the stay at home order. I'm going to work on being positive, though, because I know how feeling too bad about it can make me feel unmotivated. The good news is that because I've done it before I know what to do now. I have a plan and I just need to stick to it if I don't want to see these legs in shorts this summer.
  • copernicus0001
    copernicus0001 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello All...

    It has been a two weeks since my last post and I see much has transpired since then.

    Welcome to all the new members -
    @cmchiarizzio, @rehand1978, @dangerousdumpling, @drollings2019, @jo_nz, @Comms0p, @maguiyr, @mgan9311, @worthit78, @aperfecttouch4474, @kristan8515, @ToniPressman

    Hopefully I didn't miss anyone... It is very nice to see all the great supportive interaction among the members of this thread.

    I have been exceptionally busy with work and have had little time to focus on my weight loss/health improvement journey. I have seen my weight loss slow substantially over the past 6 weeks or so - I think that is due to small but significant lapses in my diet paradigm. Fortunately, I am still losing weight, but at a rate that could be significantly higher without much more effort. I plan on doing my best to refine my focus and improve the outcomes in this endeavor.

    I need to cut this post short today... I look forward to hearing from everyone and reading about your progress and success as well as the tribulations in your health improvement journey.

    Stay safe and healthy!


  • cbenno97
    cbenno97 Posts: 130 Member
    edited May 2020
    Hi All,

    I'm hoping that I can join! I am 41 and live in Brooklyn, NY (African, born in London). I'm 5 ft 1 and seeking to get to 115lbs. (SW-142, CW-127, GW-115).

    I've been on MFP since 2012 on and (and more likely) off. I also signed up for Noom near the end of March and echo everything copernicus0001 says about it. I enjoy reading the articles daily, but the MFP message boards are much more engaging.

    The pandemic has definitely spurred me to make better choices-- no more vending machine runs or office baked delicacies to cram into my mouth. Since I live alone, I control what I am buying much better and am hoping to carry these habits and self control with me once I go back to the office!

    In terms of fitness, I walk about 13-15k steps a day and complete three 30 minute workouts (usually kickboxing and jump rope) a week in a local park.

    Good luck with your journeys--looking forward to checking in!
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    @dangerousdumpling I had this problem! When my boss had sent us home to work on March 20th, I had all these grand ideas about how I was going to walk before I started my work, I could walk at lunch. I could eat healthier because I was home to cook. I didn't do any of that! I sat in my chair working all day, ate whatever was convenient and didn't do much walking at all. I came back to the office yesterday. Not being able to fit comfortably in my prior office attire has motivated me a bit :) I get understand feeling bad can make you unmotivated. I do the same thing. But the last two days, I have had a more positive attitude, packed my lunch and am making sure I track everything again. I even got a walk in last night and hope to continue that daily. Good luck to you!
  • Comms0p
    Comms0p Posts: 228 Member
    For May 12-2020: Last night shift before some days off, did the 30 min workout program before work and then completed the 20min cardio (stair glider) :p . I am still trying to fit in my workouts from Naked Training, but I know I am off by a few days. I do workout at work now on night shifts - I am not just sitting! I try to get up and walk when I can! It feels great knowing I lost just a little over 1 lb (grams count too lol) and went from 41.1% body fat to 39.2% in 10 days feels great :) ! Looking forward to more losses in that area!
    I did have a regular "pop" as the vending machine was out of the diet coke - what I would usually go to when I had my sweet cravings late at night - and still maintained under calories! So to me that's a win! B) My dairy fluctuates and I am trying to curb that, maybe in time I will find what works and what doesn't in the upcoming weeks - hopefully the sooner the better!

    Hope you all are doing well! :)
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Today was my "30 Day Streak" and I am down 3 pounds. I will check my measurements and see if there are any changes there yet. Consistency has been one of my major issues and I committed to 3-months of MFP before allowing myself to feel defeated. While not a huge number, I am proud of myself. I had equated 1 pound of weight loss per week into MFP and with having difficulties in the past, I told myself that I would be happy to lose any weight.

    Today's diet was awful, but I stayed under my calories. Hopefully, my husband can make it to the grocery store tomorrow because I know that is why I was snacking around. Our daughter started feeling sick yesterday and it continued into today. It's so easy to just grab the crap lying around or munching on the kids leftovers when you feel that you are trying to just make it through the day.

    Overall, I have done well staying close to my calorie count this month. I have also increased my walking stamina to 3 miles this month! After a few years of sedentary life due to medical issues, this is a major accomplishment for me. I am excited to make some new goals for myself for this next 30 days! I look forward to more updates from our group!

    It never seems to come off like we think it will, right? But it sounds like you've had some great results and a lot to be proud of. I'd be thrilled to lose 3 lbs per month. I just cannot seem to lose more than that in a month. I could if I could tolerate a low calorie diet but I can't. Anyway, just wanted to say hang in there and keep doing what you're doing. And thanks for the reminder to check measurements. I need to do that today. It's day three for me so a good time to get some starting numbers.
  • rehand1978
    rehand1978 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the reminder to check measurements too! I haven't done that yet and I need my starting numbers so I know what I've lost!
  • FitAndGoodLooking
    FitAndGoodLooking Posts: 89 Member
    Ladies on this thread - please add me. I am on the same boat too. Let's join and have healthy goals and lose weight.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    These past couple of days, my weight is hovering in the 190's. After much research into BMR and TDE and all that jazz, I thought I should try to figure out where these numbers actually lie for me. I have received BMR estimates in the 1400's and some all the way in the 1700's; therefore, I had TDE's ranging from 1700 to 2100 with entering light exercise (I try to walk nearly everyday at a moderate pace for most of that walk).

    My original plan was to use MFP to set a 1 pound per week weight loss (which was set to 1610) and not to eat back my exercise calories. After my research, I thought that might not be the best way to go about losing weight because it would be hard for me to figure out what really works and what doesn't work for my body with fluctuating calories per day.

    What have you tried in the past or present that has worked/not worked for you?
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I’m turning 40 in 4 days !! I started the week with a 20 lb goal and have already lost 5 lbs! But this seems like a good fit for me if you guys will have me!
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    The kids are at school today!!
    I walked the youngest to school (with dog in tow) and carried on with a large loop walk around my area. Beautiful late autumn morning here, so it was a nice, if a bit chilly, walk - next time I will wear my waterproof hiking boots though...the grass through the parks was soaking, and I came home with wet shoes, socks & lower trouser legs.

    Now to get stuck into working from home without having to also supervise the kids' schoolwork while they are also bickering constantly.

    This week's first goal is to plan the meals and organise grocery shopping. With everyone else at home the past 8 weeks, I've definitely slipped into less-ideal eating habits, so time to change that.
  • ERB2018
    ERB2018 Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to join this group! I am 43 and have about 20kg to lose. ☹️ I like to walk and kayak. At the moment the gyms are closed but in normal life I tried to do body pump classes twice a week. Home exercise equivalent has been intermittent to zero. Will be great to have some buddies to check in with.
  • Comms0p
    Comms0p Posts: 228 Member
    These past couple of days, my weight is hovering in the 190's. After much research into BMR and TDE and all that jazz, I thought I should try to figure out where these numbers actually lie for me. I have received BMR estimates in the 1400's and some all the way in the 1700's; therefore, I had TDE's ranging from 1700 to 2100 with entering light exercise (I try to walk nearly everyday at a moderate pace for most of that walk).

    My original plan was to use MFP to set a 1 pound per week weight loss (which was set to 1610) and not to eat back my exercise calories. After my research, I thought that might not be the best way to go about losing weight because it would be hard for me to figure out what really works and what doesn't work for my body with fluctuating calories per day.

    What have you tried in the past or present that has worked/not worked for you?

    I have used MFP back in 2013 and it did help in losing 15lbs I think...but it was gradual. Took maybe 5 months plus I picked up running!
    I'm using it now to help track my Macros and trying to follow the Naked Training program - it's a struggle as everyone is home and I am the go getter for everything! 🤪 I know they love me, but I miss the gym as it was my solitude time - but I find I am constantly being interrupted.
    I used heavy weights at the gym. When weights, cardio and proper eating habits are used together, the results were seen faster!
    It's all just a matter of finding what works for you 🙂
  • nicolevawdrey
    nicolevawdrey Posts: 2 Member
    Hey y’all hope I can join in on the fun and friendship (can someone explain how I initiate friend requests from this group? I am just a few months shy of my 40th birthday and I am wanting to lose 15lbs before then. I had to pick up a second job about a year ago to save money to replace my roof which caused me to stop exercising and being mindful of what I eat. Prior to that I was an avid cyclist, runner, and yoga enthusiast (among other activities). I am back on my bike riding around 75 miles a week and running about 6 - 8 miles a week. I do yoga more for spirituality and core strength. Exercise is never really the issue, it is eating, I love food! Looking forward to getting to know you all and working towards our goals together. Cheers to good health!
  • mummiecakes
    mummiecakes Posts: 28 Member
    Hello All! For those in Canada, Happy Victoria Day!

    I've been away from this board for most of the past week. It's great to see so many new faces...we are all in this together! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you like :)

    Work from home has been hectic and somewhat stressful lately. This means that I spent a couple of days not logging well and definitely going over my calories. I did do all of my workouts though, so was happy about that.

    @BittersweetVita I spent some time a couple of weeks ago trying to figure out my numbers too. I believe that mine fell in the same range (BMR 1400ish), so my goal is to hit 1200 cals and burn an additional 300 through exercise 5-6 days per week. I am trying to stay under the 1400 mark on my off days as well.

    I learned my lesson about carbonated drinks (even without sugar), refined flour and salt this week...or rather, was reminded, as this is not new to me. Had an off day and indulged in some of these...weighed the next day and was up a pound. Gave it a couple of days and lots of water and am down 2lbs now...so overall down 1lb this week. What a roller coaster!! And why do I get so invested emotionally in that scale!?

    @Comms0p I love using weights to work out and completely understand the 'alone time' while working out. During the week I get up before anyone else in my house to get that time in. Otherwise, there is no way to do it uninterrupted for me.

    @jo_nz Where do you live that your kids are back to school? That must be a weird feeling after 8 weeks. Our kids have been off since March 16th and I doubt they will go back to school this year. You have a great goal for this week. Grocery shopping and staying on top of my own plan while the rest of the family is home and eating differently than usual has been hard. I find I will make a plan and even prep, then go to get my food and someone else has eaten it...I have three teenagers in the house, so our grocery bill has gone up incredibly over the past couple of months.