

  • Try watching your sugars as well. Make sure you are getting enough calories and change up your workout. If you push yourself a little harder on your workouts and change it up from walking only, you should see some changes in the scale. Also watch carbs at night. Hope you see some changes soon, but do remember regardless of…
    in HELP Comment by fitnezrox September 2011
  • Sweetie, Please, please, please heed these BIG RED FLAG WARNINGS!!! Unless you want to spend the rest of your life FEELING this exact same way......and someday maybe even bring a child or two into learning this behavior....a boy will follow in his fathers footsteps and a daughter will learn to ACCEPT a relationship and man…
  • You need to eat really lean and clean. Because you only have a small amount of weight to lose, you are going to have to work hard at getting that last bit off. Lots of lean protein, and vegetables some fruits and grains. No white foods, all whole grains, watch your sodium (yours is extremely high most days, I try and keep…
  • Definitely your heart rate monitor, especially if you are using a chest strap. Equipment numbers are an estimate at best. Every singe person burns calories differently, even if doing the same exact workout at the same exact pace and exertion.
  • It really is not considered exercise, but should have been calculated in your initial caloric intake for the day. When it asked you what your lifestyle is sedentary, active, etc. It gives you calories to accommodate the extra energy you would burn being active throughout the day versus sitting at a desk all day. In order…
  • Ideally you should try and stay within 1500mg per day. Also tracking your sugars helps, as both of these can't stall weight loss. Just go to your food diary and add in sodium and sugar from your just might be surprised how much of each you consume in a day! Have a happy and healthy night Kim
    in sodium Comment by fitnezrox April 2011
  • You may want to track sodium and sugars on your daily food log. So you have an accurate account of both of them. Both tend to stall weight loss. Sodium by way of water retention and sugar by turning into glycogen in the body and then storing in your fat cells since our bodies cannot burn off and metabolize large quantities…
  • You will lose it through urine and sweat.
  • Hi again, I took a look at your food diary, and I would say you really need to keep away from all the packaged foods you are eating. They are high in sodium, preservatives, sugars, and fats.......the nutrition value in these foods is very low. Try to get more vegetables and low sugar fruits (like berries) and lean fresh…
  • Try to eliminate as many processed and packaged foods as you can. I shoot for 1500mg and under each day (most days I am under). Sugar and sodium will hinder your weight loss. Too much sugar will turn to fat in your body and too much sodium will make you reatin water weight. Make sure you are drinking a minimum of 8 glasses…
  • Go and give it your best, remember your body will not let you down, you must get your mind on the same level. It is usually mind over matter when it comes to achieving fitness goals. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE YOU CAN AND WILL PASS THE FITNESS TESTS.............if your mind beleives it your body will follow, even if it FEELS like…
  • Try nonfat Fage Greek yogurt. It is not sweet, very low in sugar and nice and thick like a sour cream. I use it in place of sour cream and mayonaise in everything. Also I bake and cook with it using it to make sauces and more, not to mention I like to eat it with a few berries on absolute favorite way to…
  • The Fruta Planta is being recalled by the Government here is the link to the information. As for a 500 calorie a day diet, it is not healthy. You are better off eating about 1200 calories a day and exercising intensly. If that photo of your profile pic…
  • I would say do not log it. Fat burning begins when you have an elevated heart rate and you are sweating (during your workouts you should be able to talk, but not want to talk). Things like a leisure walk with the kids is movement but I would not log it as if it were a workout. Think of it just as great quality time with…
  • Try not to think of it as "cheating", and more of making healthy and not so healthy choices. The minute we start using negative terms for food or denying yourself a food group, it makes you want it that much more.........remember when you were a kid and mom and dad said you couldn't (fill in blank here), didn't it make you…
  • I do not know how tall you are but at the amount of stones you are you should be eating somewhere between 1300-1600 calories a day. When you eat too few calories you put your body into starvation mode, it basically slows your metabolism down so much because it literally thinks it is starving, and you are now burning less…
  • It is a very personal choice, I think you need to decide what works best for you. I personally like to jump on the scale daily, every morning, for me it is more of how my body is reacting to what I am eating versus the weight loss. If I put on a pound I look at what I ate the day before so I can better understand what…
  • You should be excited, 13 pounds in 13 days is awesome!!! As long as you are getting proper healthy nutrition, calories and exercising you are doing great. Weight loss is about calories in and calories out. A deficit of 3500 calories will burn 1 pound of fat. That being said, anytime we start a new "diet" (diet is not a 4…
    in New... Comment by fitnezrox March 2011
  • Hi Faye, I love using a whole wheat pita for my pizza crust. If I need fewer carbs I cut the pita in half (around) and carefully separate the round into two pieces, it makes a nice thin crust. If I have extra carbs available I just use the whole pita as is for a thicker crust. Use homemade pizza sauce and pile on my…
  • Your body really needs the right balance of nutrients. Carbs are your body's fuel. Each meal should consist of healthy whole grain carbs (small amounts), a vegetable (larger amounts) and protein (about 3 ounces). Diets that have you cut out an entire food group is not healthy in the long run. Fad diets do not work becuase…
  • It is a fantastic but very tough workout. There are different levels to it. My boyfriend does it. Just make sure to modify where needed, and no one I know can start off doing the whole thing full on right off the bat.
    in P90X? Comment by fitnezrox March 2011
  • It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound of fat. This deficit can be from exercise alone, or a combination of exercise and calorie reduction. If you eat ALL your workout calories back you are defeating the purpose of the workouts. Your caloric needs are determined by many factors, current weight, height, activity…
  • Hi Shannon, check out my page, I am on here daily 50+ days now, if you like you can definitely add me. Also take a look at my facebook page!/profile.php?id=100001938122130 it is dedicated as a support page…
  • I love this book, and his methods really work. Can be difficult to follow for some though since it is such low sugar. lol
  • Yes, natural sugars are better than processed sugars. That being said, sugar is sugar, it will still store as fat in the body if not utilized as energy, and if you have too much of it in your system (too much is a toxin to the body and the body can only utilize very little) you are not then burning fat but burning just the…
  • I think the best thing to do is start off slowly and listen to your body. Make sure to ice your back for 20 minutes after you workout session. I had 2 discs slip in my back 2 years ago and was not able to move for 4 months. I did water therapy to heal the injury, but still have chronic back pain. I also have Rheumatoid…
  • Yes, you can choose which nutrients you would like to track. I personally track, calories, proteins, fats, carbs, sugars and sodium. Just go into your settings in your food diary and customize. It is really simple, and makes it a wonderful tool to track exactly what your needs are. Yes, natural sugars are better than…
  • Just make sure that you put in your correct information to the monitor (watch) your sex, age, height, weight, etc. If you have the one that includes the chest strap it should be pretty accurate. You log in your calories burned for your activity, it should tell you right on the watch. I wouldn't necesarilly add in calories…
  • Hmmmmm sounds interesting, I am always up for trying new things, I really hope I like this one. I usually just put fresh ground cinnamon on my oatmeal, so if it does taste like peanut butter oatmeal cookies that would be awesome, I think I will still put my fresh ground cinnamon as well. Wish me luck, lol. I think I will…
  • You can always customize your calories and nutrient goals. For instance my body works better with fewer carbs, fats, sugars and sodium, therefore I have adjusted the percentages on these to fit my personal goals. Just be careful to not eat too few calories or it slows down your metabolism qutie drastically and you are no…