Do I get exercise credit for working a 12hr shift on my feet



  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 222 Member
    I would think if you set your goals correctly when you first started then you do not need to log it as exercise. If you set your goals incorrectly then you may need to adjust them.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    If you had put down that your lifestyle is active due to your profession, no I wouldn't include it. Your daily amount is derived from what you do on a daily basis. If you count that as exercise, and eating those calories, you are negating the calorie deficit you are trying to create. I put down a sedentary lifestyle because I am in front of a computer most of the day. I wouldn't factor in any calories I get from walking to the bathroom and back. Those are already factored into my day.

    This is exactly what I was going to say ... this should already be accounted for in your settings. If you aren't sure, go to goals, click on 'change goals', select guided and change the option for how much movement you are getting during the day and it will take that into consideration automatically when it calculates your calories :)
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    Though ultimately it is up to you, if you set your daily activity level above 'sedentary' that probably falls under the umbrella of your daily caloric needs as figured by MFP - if you opted to claim you are sedentary you MIGHT want to put some of the time in as exercise. (I rarely include work related stuff as exercise, but that is me.)

    **DISCLAIMER: I may not know what I am talking about.**

  • fitnezrox
    fitnezrox Posts: 41
    It really is not considered exercise, but should have been calculated in your initial caloric intake for the day. When it asked you what your lifestyle is sedentary, active, etc. It gives you calories to accommodate the extra energy you would burn being active throughout the day versus sitting at a desk all day.
    In order to truly count a workout one must sweat to burn the fat, a workout is over and beyond your regular daily activities. I see a lot of people adding in and eating calories back for things that would not really constitute a workout but rather a daily life activity, and then they are griping about not losing weight, lol. Now if you are mowing your lawn with a push mower, and squatting down and pulling weeds for an hour or two and you are working up a sweat then you can add that in as a strength workout., but leisurely shopping and strolling around a mall is not really an exercise. It takes 3500 calories burned in order to drop 1 pound of body fat. The more honest we are with our numbers.....calories and exercise......the better the results we will see!
  • haylayne81
    I wore a pedometer for a month as a bartender. I average 4 miles a day. I count them!

    How do you record the mile on MFP though? I wear one everyday too...
    My pedometer has a calorie meter on it. I know I'm not running around for a straight 4 hours, so find a "moderate pace" and set the time in to what's closest to what the calorie meter says.

    Hmmm...I bet mine doesn't have a calorie meter because it's a $5 special from WalMart, lol. Guess I will try to find one that does because I'm amazed at how much walking I do in a day, and I defintely want to record it. Thank you!!!!!