
So I just started MFP on Feb. 17th. I'd gone to my ob/gyn, stepped on the scales, and thought "Ohhhh no...something's gotta give." I decided I was absolutely fed up with myself, there is NO REASON I should be this heavy. I'd been taking diet pills, but not watching the calories with them. Now that I'm doing both...I'm SO excited...I've lost 13 pounds in 13 days! I never DREAMED it would fall off this fast! I feel like all I do is eat...but I'm making better choices, and I'm watching my portions (which is pretty much something I've never done).

I've been up & down on the scales since I was 13. I lost 35 pounds that summer...I lost 20 before I found out I was pregnant with my oldest son...15 while I was pregnant with him...57 with/shortly after my youngest son (23 while pregnant, 34 within 6 weeks after) I know how to do it. The last time, though, was due to a diabetic diet (I had gestational diabetes with both kids). I had to cut out essentially all carbs. That's always been a big part of my diet. This time, I'm loving MFP...if I want macaroni, fine - I just have to watch really carefully the rest of the day.

I feel like I'm getting to eat whatever I want and I'm still successful!


  • sweebeesmom
    sweebeesmom Posts: 148
    wow, 13 lbs in 13 days.. that sounds a little dangerous to me.
  • jsmjboertlein
    wow, 13 lbs in 13 days.. that sounds a little dangerous to me.

    I agree. I don't want to discourage you at all, but please be careful!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    that's great, good job. Just don't get discouraged if you don't lose a pound a day going forward. I say this cause my first week I lost like 12 lbs, and now I am averaging about 5 lbs/week on a very restrictive hospital monitored diet. Plus I have over 125 lbs to lose in all. Keep it up though.
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    the other comment is right about ur 13 pounds in 13 days. u prolly didnt really lose that.
  • fitnezrox
    fitnezrox Posts: 41
    You should be excited, 13 pounds in 13 days is awesome!!! As long as you are getting proper healthy nutrition, calories and exercising you are doing great. Weight loss is about calories in and calories out. A deficit of 3500 calories will burn 1 pound of fat. That being said, anytime we start a new "diet" (diet is not a 4 letter word nor a "fad" eating plan, but the definition is actually...... diet: food and drink regularly provided or consumed) and there is a caloric deficit we will lose weight, there has been a shift in the way your body functions, it is no longer running on auto pilot, it does not know what to expect next so it has to stand up and pay attention and actually work harder. Now grant it a good portion of that weight is going to be excess water weight and waste that our bodies have been holding onto during the time we were eating like crap. Most likely you will not continue to lose at that pace, but it certainly is a great moral boost to keep going with it. It also depends on how much weight you need to lose (the heavier you are the faster it will initially come off, the closer to goal weight the slower it will come off), and how your metabolism in your body runs, everyone will loses weight differently, we are all built differently.

    The most important thing is to develop a healthy eating plan that you will be able to sustain for the rest of your life, of course while trying to lose weight you will be more strict than when you are trying to maintain your weight, but the habits you form now will need to stay with you for the remainder of your life. This is why "fad" diets don't work, no one can sustain them permenantly, once you go back to the old habits you gain all the weight back plus some. Losing weight is not a race but a marathon.

    We have to think of getting our bodies healthy first and the weight loss is just an added bonus. I see a lot of food journals where people are under their caloric intake but the foods they are eating are crap...... take out food, snack foods, high in sugar, sodium and fat, and not a lot of food....some are eating 1 or 2 meals and lots of snacks. Just because someone is thin doesn't make them healthy by any means, and just because someone is under their caloric intake and losing weight at a slow pace doesn't necesarilly mean they are eating and obtaining a healthy body, then the postings and complaints come about being at a plataeu and not able to lose when they are under their calories everyday.......when they really need to take a look at the nutrition and exercise aspect of it, too many processed carbs, sugars, sodiums and fats are not going to allow you to lose the weight even if you are under calories.....your body will protest. We don't put the wrong fuel into our vehicles why do we feel the need to put the wrong fuel into our most precious cargo.....our bodies!

    Keep up the good work and stay healthy everyone!!!
    Have a beautiful and healthy evening

    ***I was a certified fitness trainer and lifestyle weight management consultant for 9 years, I had to give it up due to Rheumatoid Arthritis.*** I promise I am not just spewing words on a page, I have worked with many, many people over the years, seen and heard almost all, I continue to learn, struggle and challenge myself daily, just like everyone else on here.
  • elleninez
    elleninez Posts: 44
    Options me, I know all about what actually works and what doesn't...I just haven't had the willpower to do this before now. I think it took me actually being completely fed up with myself to do it.

    I know it's probably water weight at the's just a huge boost to see results. And I am eating healthy - I love veggies and salads. The best thing about this is that it's FORCING me to choose healthy snacks instead of junk. Before, I'd fix some kind of junk snack and sit in front of the TV at night. Now I'm more conscientious.

    As far as "not losing that"...think what you want. I'm not on here to argue or take criticism from anyone else. I'm not on here for anyone else at all...this is all about me. It's the one selfish thing I'm going to do, and I feel great about it.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    13 pounds in the first 13 days is not abormal.

    I was losing weight rapidly my first month. Now, it's 1-2 pounds a week :-)

    Congrats on finding some motivation!!
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