

  • Thanks for the answers. Losing weight in the kitchen and getting fit in the gym is a really great piece of advice :) Allow me to rephrase, has anyone had great fitness results from videos?
  • I did eat late at night a lot. I'm going to start my workouts again when my sister can go to the gym with me and my sunburn heals (next week). Maybe when I get back on shedule I'll drop fast.
  • yeah I eat my cereal plain.... Cereal is my go to snack. Maybe I should cut back.
  • Please could someone just look at my diary and possibly tell me what went wrong.
  • One more quick slightly dumb question. Coffee and tea count for water intake right?
  • My family and friends are my support (seeing as I'm single). My family eats pretty badly, but I have brought alternative foods into the house for me to eat and actually my family followed my lead. I lurk around the kitchen when my father cooks, and he uses a lot less oil and butter when I do and my mom and dad have both…
  • Ok I guess I'll stop stressing so much. I'm just afraid because I'm going to be in a bikini in 8 days (Disney world!) and I always put a lot of pressure on myself... I feel kinda ridiculous. Thanks for all the reassurance.
  • I used to have a hard time. It was mental though. I basically thought I couldn't have good meals anymore so I restricted myself watt too much, then I felt guilty eating anything that contained more than like 200 calories.
  • 5'5 my goal now is to maintain my 125.9- 127.5 weight range. I reached my goal (126) and that's just how my weight fluctuations seem to be mapping out.
  • 3,500 calories are in a pound so you would have to create a 3,500 calorie deficit.
  • I absolutely love your avatar! I'm a bit of a doctor who fanatic.
  • I meant to workout both days but it got interrupted..... Also I had been eating barley any and so I thought I should eat what mfp recommended.... Like I said I'm kind of clueless.
  • I hate feeling so sticky, but I'm guessing it'll hurt more without the goop so I'll be piling it on. I guess I will take tomorrow off, but I feel a little guilty cause I after a week of avoiding the gym like the plague I really wanted to go at least 3 times this week, but I got busy (or more likely made myself busy to have…
  • Maybe buy cereal that you can eat more of with less clalories. I eat rice kripies, chex, and cheerios when I'm trying to fix my epic cereal craving because I can have 1 and 1/4 cup of it for about 130 calories ( and you can sweeten them with a zero cal sweetener.). When I deserve a treat or really need a pick me up I'll…
  • I think I'm mostly stressed I have exams coming up and I just want to be able to take a break without fear of gaining it all or forgetting to ever get back to the gym.
  • I drink like 14 glasses on one day but then barely any the next. I'm not sure if my sodium is to high. It's always under 2500 but always in the 1000s.
  • Bump. Please help. Also anyone have tips for lack or motivation. I am getting lazy about the gym because I'm so close to goal I see no point. Trying to scare myself with the thought of being fat again just isn't doing it for me anymore.... My diet is fine and I'm always on calorie goal, but I just am to exhausted and I…
  • You should really eat breakfast to wake up your metabolism.
  • I just got back from a three day trip where we ate out every night. I don't care what the heck they put in my food. I made the decisions I wanted. I lost bout three pounds. I felt happy for the first time in months. I think you should watch eat, pray, love because the first part will really gave me my passion for food and…
  • So I'm weighing in again. SW: 128.2 W1: 129.9 (heaviest I remember) W2: 126.5 Total loss: 3.4 or is it 1.7 I'm confused....
  • Sorry I'm late. I meant to weigh in on Friday but I didn't so here it is Starting weight: 129.9 Ending weight: 126.5 Total loss: 3.4
  • I've gone from 200 to 128 in eight months.... I want to be 125 but I keep yo yoing between 128 and 129.9. It's getting super frustrating, but I'm taking the day off to relax and I'll start again tomorrow. I always like having new friends so feel free to add me.
  • I eat before to start my metabolism and give me calories to burn and I eat after so my body can repair. So I say eat before and after, but I'm no expert, just trying to be helpful.
  • I always feel like if I don't want to pass out after a workout, I'm not trying hard enough.... I think it's a mind set we get from those first workouts that feel like hell but make us loose weight fast, and now the workouts hurt less so we don't feel like we are working hard. If that makes any sense.
  • According to your dairy, you haven't even eaten 1.000 calories today anyway. Go on a walk, eat a good dinner, skip dessert. You'll be fine. It's never to late to change a bad decision.
  • I agree. Especially with the skinny people stuff. I used to hate them and thought they were all born that way, but now that I'm bordering on skinny, I have more sympathy for them because I always assume they work hard like I do to be thin. I have not respect for the teenagers and sometimes older people who are sickly…
  • Yeah. The month of febuary I gave up completely. I barely ever got to the gym, and I didn't track my calories very well. My advice is find something you love. Work towards the positive instead of working against the negative. Think about how much better you feel after excersize instead of thinking about how much you hate…
  • Try reintroducing foods you have been holding back on. Give yourself a little treat everyday for dessert, but tell yourself you can only have it if your really good throughout the day. Then you have a little motivation each day, and you might be able to control the binge because you get to eat the foods you would binge on,…
  • I'm in! I'm going to Atlanta on Friday and staying through sunday. I will not have a scale with me, so I should I weigh in weigh in on Thursday or Monday? Either way I'm not excited by all the southern cooking I might encounter (fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, ect.) I'll probably gain,but I'm hoping joining the…