i failed i ate cool whip and a jumbo muffin :'(

I was on my way to the Gym.. i wasn't even in the mood to go to the gym..
i waited for the bus, it was late... and never showed.
so i walked home and went in my room and cried on my bed
and put myself down.
i came out of my room and ate cool whip with the 1/2 of a jumbo muffin..

i've been on this site for aprox. 23 days. i've lost 10lbs.
anybody go through this?
i go to the gym everyday. sometimes twice for the past week.

this is so hard. i struggle with being chubby all my life. i hate seeing skinny people,
i hate them. they have no idea how hard it is. im still in the same pant size. but some parts of the
pants are looser. but the weight is the same.
i do 30-45 minutes on the eliptical of cardio or fat burner.
and 15min on the step master.


  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    If you cry over a jumbo muffin what are you going to do when you get seriously ill? It's a muffin. You used the excuse of the no gym to eat the muffin. Lesson learned. It's painful and emotional to change our ways. But you gotta keep your chin up and get up and do it again. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you just fill your heart with hate for the thin people, hate for yourself, it's a heavy burden that keeps you fat. Let it go.

    EVERYONE (including those thin people) have a struggle. This is yours.
    23 days. 10 pounds. Don't overlook your success!
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    It's okay - we ALL have those days. It means you are HUMAN.
    I got upset and bought a box of those Drumstick ice cream waffle cones with caramel in the middle and at 3 out of the 4 in the box once!
    It's because we are looking at food as a reward/penalty system rather than just fuel.
    I do it too, a lot of people do.
    And those skinny people have problems of their own, some skinny people have other issues going on that you wouldn't want to have any part of.
    Keep your chin up, it's a new day, everyday, and don't dwell on your mistakes.:smile:
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    It sounds as though you've just had a down day. We all have them, honey - you certainly aren't alone there!
    Don't fee guilty for eating what you did. tomorrow is a new day.
    You are NOT a failure uless you give up. Which you won't because we won't let you.
    Today I let myself go. I ate a huge slice of apple strudel and then some huge dairy milk bar. I won't kick myself over it because life would be dull if you didn't allow a few setbacks now and again!
  • pinkchick2006
    pinkchick2006 Posts: 14 Member
    First of all dont beat yourself up!! Its one day!! And try adding some strength training to your mix! It may not seem like a big calorie burner but muscle burns more calories in the long run than fat so just keep up the good work and you will be one of those skinny people that you hate soon enough!!
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    What do you think you failed at? So you ate half a muffin. Its ok! You have lost 10 pounds! If you want half a muffin, you deserve to treat yourself once in awhile.

    I tried many times to lose weight in the past and I was always so unsuccessful because I restricted myself from the foods I love. Now I know I can still have those foods. Its all in moderation.

    You are off to a very good start and you CAN do this.

    And the thing about Cool Whip, 2 TBS of it is only 25 calories.

    Hang in there!
  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    Hmmm -....
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    firstly ... you haven't failed! You've only failed when you stop trying so dust yourself off and just pick up where you left off as though nothing has happened.

    secondly ... I've lost 25lbs and I'm not 'officially' a smaller trouser size yet - I can wear stretchy leggings in a smaller size and my trousers that were TIGHT before are now comfy - but it all takes time!! Keep going, 10lbs down is fab!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Take this experience and turn it into something to learn from. Ask yourself - WHY did I do that? Does it sound very logical to go home and eat like that because your bus didn't show up? Think what you could do next time: go for a walk around the neighborhood, do jumping jacks, pushups and situps, run up and down the stairs. You don't *have* to go to the gym to workout - so if you ever find yourself in a situation where your gym plans are derailed, come up with an alternative.

    Spend some time reflecting on what emotions you were feeling when you decided to eat that muffin. Were you sad? Anxious? Mad? Sounds like you didn't eat because you were truly hungry, but because you were avoiding dealing with other stuff going on. It's hard - but we all have to get to the root of our eating issues if we really want to make the transformations that we're working towards.

    One more thought - you never know what those "skinny people" have gone through. Maybe they used to be fat. Maybe they workout an hour *every day* to stay in the shape they are in. There's just no telling. Something to consider before you decide that they have no idea how hard it is (which may or may not be the case).

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleMissVintage
    Yeah. The month of febuary I gave up completely. I barely ever got to the gym, and I didn't track my calories very well. My advice is find something you love. Work towards the positive instead of working against the negative. Think about how much better you feel after excersize instead of thinking about how much you hate doing it or how much you hate yourself for not doing it. If you don't feel good about the excersize you do, change it. You're not going to stick to doing something you hate. Also remember two things: you'll never regret excersize, but you will regret not doing it and would you rather suffer one journey of physical pain on the elliptical, or 24 hours of mental stress and abuse you'll most likely give yourself if you skip? I always find when I excersize I feel good. When I feel good I feel skinny. When I feel skinny I have confidence. When I have confidence I don't overeat. So just give yourself a chance to have confidence.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Our circumstances don't define who we are!! You are a precious woman with a purpose! You are not a failure, each new day brings new possiblities :happy:

    And consider redirecting your energy into looking after YOU instead of hating thin people. As already noted by others, they have their issues too, just because they are thin doesn't mean they are happy. ( I was thin when I went through a divorce!)

    You will do this, with t he support of all of us!!
  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    You do NOT have to go to the gym everyday unless you really have that desire and it is fun for you.

    Start off going three times a week. Get out and walk for 20 - 30 minutes the other days. Once the workouts start becoming FUN, then go more often.

    Next time this happens, STAY AWAY FROM THE MUFFINS.....lol.... go home, do some stretching and you'll feel much better. Sometimes just putting on comfy clothes and stretching on the floor for 30 minutes can make the body & soul feel wonderful.

    Give your body time to adjust to the workouts. So many changes are taking place right now with the circulatory, respiratory, etc. systems. You'll get there. Hang tough.

    Don't let this little set back ruin your day. You've been at this for 23 days! That's 22 days longer than many people do it. Next week at this time you'll be at it for a MONTH.... and that's something to be proud of.

    Don't give up, Angela. You're doing fine.
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    really... you're upset about eating 1/2 a jumbo muffin? i would've ate the whole thing.

    you are allowed to eat something bad every now and again, but don't use this as an excuse to go crazy or you'll never get to where you want to go.

    and those skinny people you hate looking at have their own stories. some of them may have been fat at one point, and some of them may starve themselves and are miserable to be like that. try not to be so judgmental.
  • ChristinaRamos
    Hey, do you log all your food in your diary? It seems like you're a vegetarian, but I think you should eat more calories, not muffin calories
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    A bad choice is just that-one choice! Maybe change up your exercise. I tried Zumba last week and fell in love with it! Went again this morning and sweated and laughed again : )
    Be kind to yourself:flowerforyou:
  • rwinnie2
    rwinnie2 Posts: 59 Member
    No way have you failed you just had a blip, I will bet you a quid everyone on this site has had a day when they just went, Candy/ Chocolat/Cake/Beer got to have it, I know I have usualy for all three. :flowerforyou:

    how dumb am I all four but honestly candy does not do it for me. :laugh:
  • sushilicious
    You had a treat so what! No need to feel as if that one treat nulls all your previous hard work. Continue through it, don't let it mess you up and have it be the end of your journey. ;D
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    When we start learning and figuring out how to loose weight, we can how do we say become a smidge obsessed. The slightest off moment and we think we screwed ourselves up and can't do anything.

    Or while learning about food and what it does and doesn't do we become insane! Overwhelmed with the foolishness that is the weight loss industry....I say foolishness because 99 percent of it a load of crap!

    Here is the deal Hon, you had a ruff day and it did not effect your success or your future loss in any way. If anything it helped your metabolism from falling into a state of regularity.

    Nothing is supposed to make us feel worse then looking in the mirror.. Especially weight loss. I get it because it has been a train wreck for me. Be proud angel. You work out 90% of the time and you eat great more than you ever don't.

    You are already a different person, your body is already seeing major results....

    Dry the tears, get up and look at your coolwhip and muffin as an enjoyment.

    Hugs..and kick butt!
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    Hey, at least you only ate half the muffin! You coulda ate it all. And it's not like yo undone all your good work with some pudding and muffin!

    But learn from this and remember how crap you feel after trying to make yourself feel better with naughty food. Might make you think twice next time. Stick on an exercise DVD or just distract yourself with something fun next time instead, don't wallow.

    Also why hate the skinnies? They're inspiring you and don't exactly walk around being all skinny and stuff just to spite you! Hehe
  • dshorette
    dshorette Posts: 3 Member
    Firs off...you have not failed!! We all need to cheat once in a while or else you go nut!! Also its ok to take a Day off from the gym...there is such a thing as over training. Your body will start to store fat for energy if you are overtired. If you have hit a plateau...which we all do switch up your cardio...run/walk on the treadmill on a hill or do more on the stairmaster and less on the eliptical. Or ride the bike Your body gets used to the same routine and so the its not as effective. Also add weights to your routine. Weight training is a must in weight loss. 1 because when your muscles are recovering from weight training it works your body so you are continuing to burn calories even after your done working out. Also if you do too much cardio and no weight your body starts to use your muscles for energy and you will start to lose tone.
  • LittleMissVintage
    Take this experience and turn it into something to learn from. Ask yourself - WHY did I do that? Does it sound very logical to go home and eat like that because your bus didn't show up? Think what you could do next time: go for a walk around the neighborhood, do jumping jacks, pushups and situps, run up and down the stairs. You don't *have* to go to the gym to workout - so if you ever find yourself in a situation where your gym plans are derailed, come up with an alternative.

    Spend some time reflecting on what emotions you were feeling when you decided to eat that muffin. Were you sad? Anxious? Mad? Sounds like you didn't eat because you were truly hungry, but because you were avoiding dealing with other stuff going on. It's hard - but we all have to get to the root of our eating issues if we really want to make the transformations that we're working towards.

    One more thought - you never know what those "skinny people" have gone through. Maybe they used to be fat. Maybe they workout an hour *every day* to stay in the shape they are in. There's just no telling. Something to consider before you decide that they have no idea how hard it is (which may or may not be the case).

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
    I agree. Especially with the skinny people stuff. I used to hate them and thought they were all born that way, but now that I'm bordering on skinny, I have more sympathy for them because I always assume they work hard like I do to be thin. I have not respect for the teenagers and sometimes older people who are sickly skinny that have thighs that look like arms, because I feel they are harming their bodies, but I have a great amount of respect for those who are trying to love their body to the fullest.