
I got a really bad burn today and I'm as red as a lobster from my toes to my nose (literally). Should I still try to go swimming (indoors) for a workout or should I just rest tomorrow? Has anyone ever tried to workout with a sunburn? Also does anyone have quick remedies for a burn?


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Rest today! Likely rest tomorrow too.

    Drink water, so much water. Rub more lotion than you can imagine on yourself. Goopy goopy mess of lotion. And then drink more water.

    Quick remedies? No :( Sorry. I had one first week of this month, it was terrible. Shoulders bubbling and all that nasty stuff. I took (I think?) 2 days off exercises, then I went back into it on day 3. It hurt SO BAD to move. But I pushed through to get some activity in. I don't think I needed to.

    Sleep, water, goop. The more sleep and water you get, the happier your body will be as it tries to recover the injured skin cells. Feel better soon! :( Hate sunburns.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I got a really bad burn today and I'm as red as a lobster from my toes to my nose (literally). Should I still try to go swimming (indoors) for a workout or should I just rest tomorrow? Has anyone ever tried to workout with a sunburn? Also does anyone have quick remedies for a burn?

    If you can order some ST37 from your pharmacy it will take the burn out and is great for so many things they should have it by the next day
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I got a really bad burn today and I'm as red as a lobster from my toes to my nose (literally). Should I still try to go swimming (indoors) for a workout or should I just rest tomorrow? Has anyone ever tried to workout with a sunburn? Also does anyone have quick remedies for a burn?

    I wouldn't work out when that badly burned. You'll be in a lot of pain. :(

    Take an anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen, tylenol, aspirin, naproxen sodium), find some aloe with lidocaine and take it easy.
  • LittleMissVintage
    Rest today! Likely rest tomorrow too.

    Drink water, so much water. Rub more lotion than you can imagine on yourself. Goopy goopy mess of lotion. And then drink more water.

    Quick remedies? No :( Sorry. I had one first week of this month, it was terrible. Shoulders bubbling and all that nasty stuff. I took (I think?) 2 days off exercises, then I went back into it on day 3. It hurt SO BAD to move. But I pushed through to get some activity in. I don't think I needed to.

    Sleep, water, goop. The more sleep and water you get, the happier your body will be as it tries to recover the injured skin cells. Feel better soon! :( Hate sunburns.
    I hate feeling so sticky, but I'm guessing it'll hurt more without the goop so I'll be piling it on. I guess I will take tomorrow off, but I feel a little guilty cause I after a week of avoiding the gym like the plague I really wanted to go at least 3 times this week, but I got busy (or more likely made myself busy to have an exuse not to go) and only made it two times for kind of half hearted workouts. I still would rather have my skin repair nicely than have really damaged skin over a slightly more toned muscle mass. I will always have second chance to take control of my weight, but I can't control the regeneration of my skin, so I guess I'll take a brake from the controls and let mother nature work her course. Sorry if I'm rambling and not making any sense... Sometimes I just need to give myself a pep talk.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    You've got the right idea, for sure. I also hate feeling sticky. The anti-inflammatories really help, too! I love my Ibuprofen. I also hate feeling goopy. Lots of folks said 'use aloe!'. Growing up, my mom kept a lot of plants. We had plenty of aloe plants around the house. We'd just break open a stalk and rub it on ourselves. This gel that comes in a bottle from the store? It doesn't feel similar at all, and it rarely gives me relief. In desperate hope, I smear it on anyway. Ick :(

    I used a new brand this time, banana boat after-sun aloe (i'm pretty sure that is what it is called)
    I also used 'burn relief spray' from the medicine cabinet where I work.

    one of these two things I am allergic to, and I got hives in the area where my sunburn was :laughing: it only lasted a day and a half, but it is worth it to remember that you should be careful with new creams. especially with a full body burn
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    a cool bath with some baking soda or vinegar in the water will also ease the sting. Definitely ibuprofen!

    I'm not preaching, I've done it too many times myself, so take this as it's intended, with love and concern: in the future, WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN!!!!!

    The lotion doesn't do much except keep the peeling to a lesser amount, so you don't have to overdo it. Just moisturize everything nicely and call it good.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Ibuprophen, aloe with lidocane (usually a blue or green gel) on day 1&2, after that use a thick lotion or cream. Drink a bit of sports drink to help your body balance the electrolytes, and lots and lots of water. If you get a nasty headache, feaver or feel sick to the stomach you may want to head to the clinic/ER, you may be very dehydrated.