Victorious_One Member


  • That makes perfect sense, HLeAnn! I know that this particular song requires me to definitely use everything I've got to keep the notes up there. If inhaling is it, then maybe I need to try to run and sing it. :laugh:
  • Hi there, Stricki2! Your tummy is still very new, so don't worry about getting enough protein right now. Just continue to sip, sip, sip on fluids, preferably sugar free. Walk if you can for at least 30 minutes a day. Your body is still healing. The guideline that many DSers go by is to try to be able to get in 30g of…
  • Hi, Melissa! Yes, please send me the challenges. Thanks for the reply and the encouragement. I think I'm 3 lbs down--halfway there! I will look for your friend request. Nikki
  • DSer here! I had surgery with Dr. David Greenbaum in New Jersey in June 2010. I'm here working on pushing back a 6 lbs regain/bounce from my ideal weight. How's everyone doing?
  • Hi, Melissa. I need some accountability! We can call it support, love or a kick in the pants if accountability seems too punitive. :bigsmile: Here's my story: I had the Duodenal Switch (DS) in June 2010 with Dr. David Greenbaum in New Jersey. I lost 110 lbs, got down to a 21 BMI and a size 2, and have been loving life!…
  • We need a *Like* button around here! :)
  • Hi, everyone. I had the Duodenal Switch (DS) in June 2010. I lost 110 lbs, got down to a 21 BMI and a size 2, and have been loving life! Recently, some pounds have been creeping back on. Eating bags of chips and cookies probably hasn't helped. ;) I have been doing a lot of socializing where junk food is the standard fare.…
  • Hi, everyone! It's been a long while... My 2012 goals are: 1) Drink more water/fluids (still struggle with that :ohwell: )--ultimate goal 120oz/day, current target 70oz/day 2) Move my body--starting Couch to 5k (c25k) program this week :smile: 3) Take all my required vitamins--it's somewhere between 30 and 50 pills per day…
  • Hi, everybody! I hope everyone's doing OK in trick-or-treat land. :laugh: Our community's Trick or Treat night was last week, so I've been dealing with a big ole stash of candy since then. The good news is that it's almost gone. :wink: Just checking in. I've been busy doing business-building stuff, but I'm still on…
  • Hi! I'm still alive, checking in. I'm 5 lbs below my weight loss goal. Next goal: working on keeping up with water and vitamins, exercising regularly, and starting weight training.
  • Hey there, everyone! Happy weekend! I've been away for a while, but I'm working to get back in the old saddle.
  • Happy October, everyone! I'm trying to decide if I'm a solo biz owner working from home, or a stay at home mom. :bigsmile:
  • Hi, everyone. It's been forever since I've checked in! I think I missed all of July. I've been doing a lot of living this summer! Yahoo! Like someone who isn't using all her faculties, I've applied for a job. Even though I was sure I officially shot myself in the foot at the interview, they want to see me for a second one…
  • Here's a support thread for SAHM: It changes every month.
  • The best exercise is the one you're going to do! If you like walking, then stick with that. Weight loss is 30% exercise and 70% eating (at least Bob on The Biggest Loser says so!). You can technically lose weight without exercising, but why not give yourself the extra 30% boost? If you do like walking, I agree with the…
  • I think the thing is busted! 10 inches is hourglass. A mirror can tell you that. Congratulations! :bigsmile: I'm a banana because my gut is so big. My bust and hips are 36, but my gut is 31. A few sit-ups and a few less carbs, and maybe I can make that hourglass after all! :laugh: Great link, thanks!
  • Hi, everyone! I'm still alive, still in the game, still working at it all. I'm battling 3 lbs on the scale. I know it's not a big deal, but after having dipped to a low after surgery and then having a bit of a bounce back already, I'm totally frustrated! My goal is to lose about 8-11 more lbs and stay there. Guess I'll…
  • Hi there, Maura. Yeah, I got in my 40's and had weight loss surgery. I was way overweight, though. I knew I'd be battling that bulge well into my 80's! Hang in there, it can be done. Join the 40's board if you haven't already.
  • Hi, everyone! I've been away for a while. Summer has been fun, and has me active, out and about. Yay! I gained about 5 lbs with my TOM, and then didn't lose them because I dove into piles of carbs for like 2 weeks. Ooops! So, now that the holidays are behind me, I have to get back on the horse. I had some good conversation…
  • Hi, everyone! I've been away for a while. Summer has me out and about! Right now I'm out on my deck in the shade, enjoying the mild temp before it gets too hot here. I do need to walk the dog, so I may do that after posting. I also found out that cooking is considered exercise. Who knew? I'll take all the inspiration as I…
  • Hey, Becky. I just sent you a friend request. Welcome! OK, I'm totally behind on updates, and I've been MIA. Summer seems to be a busy time for me, which is GREAT because I love the warm/hot weather. I haven't been exercising as much as I'd like in the past few days. I went to go swimming, but the weather was crappy.…
  • BlueRose, you are rockin' it out, girl! Way to go! I've lost 100 lbs since June 7, 2010. Unbelievable! I have about 8 more lbs to get to my ultimate goal, which will put me smack in the middle of normal range BMI. I'm so happy! I think that walking and drinking water had something to do with it. :-) I've committed to…
  • Hey there, everyone! I've dropped 100 lbs since my weight loss surgery! I can't believe it. A year ago, I weighed 100 lbs more than I do today. That's crazy to me. I hope to lose 8 more pounds, which will put me at a 21.6 BMI, almost smack dab in the middle of normal weight range. Just in time for my 25th class reunion.…
  • BlueRose/Barb, congratulations! That's a great milestone. Today, I'm headed to the pool with my kid. I'm dreading it, but it's a beautiful day and I'm out of excuses. What's wrong with me? I love to swim, but I hate going to the pool here. Too many people around, I think. OK, have a great day and a great weekend!
  • Purplefly & Pverbarg, welcome! Great to have you aboard. Singfree, I suspect you live around the corner from me! :-) I live a stone's throw from Chocolate World. I try to stay out of that place as much as possible. I only go when we have visitors and I REFUSE to buy one of those enormous chocolate bars because yes, I will…
  • Shannon, I've been there! I had to go back to work full time when my baby was 9 weeks old. I pray too that you'll be able to be home and be a full-time mom. It really is a blessing. I haven't read everyone else's updates. I've been too busy walking and drinking water. Can you even believe it? It's a miracle! :bigsmile: I'm…
  • Ok, I'm way behind on everyone's updates. I'm sorry! I've been having too much fun in the sun! Our trip to Baltimore was fun. Ethiopian food went OK according to MFP--not too many carbs. We walked around a lot at a big ole mall there, and listened to music outdoors. I knew I'd spent all my energy when I was asleep with my…
  • JoeyandChase / Rachel - Welcome! I've been at home for just about 2 years and yes, putting yourself last seems to be the order of the day. Have a great girls weekend! I've been trying to get my girls together for six months now. It's getting ridiculous. Katapple - Hope your son is feeling better, and acting normal! They…
  • Tron3002 - The time...who knows? I think kids are on their own clock, growing up twice as fast as time passes. Congratulations! I hope your hubby wins the pot. Crewellademel - You're doing great! Rest when your body calls for it. Don't feel bad about doing a little less on those days, especially when you've been working so…