SAHM 9/1-9/30



  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Congrats on meeting your goal Shoppie! And thanks for sending good weather wishes. We're fully ready for chilly, windy, rainy. It IS England afterall. ;) I checked the weather and we've been 70's (Farenheit) during the day and 40's at night, and they've been 58-60 during the day and high 40's at night. :) We're just happy to be visiting Paul's family again after six years. In 2004 we spent two week at St. Catherine's in London and it was about 29 Centigrade the whole time!! I'm happy it won't be that hot this time.
    Nicole - how excited are you now?? Every day its sunny I think 'please stay sunny for Nicole's hols'. It is getting brisk now but such lovely weather, clear skies and sunny most days :bigsmile:

    Stacey-Welcome back!

    Melatonin-TOM sucks!! It always makes me feel like a ton of bricks. WTG on the 15 pounds! It's always nice to feel clothes fitting better. :)

    So I've been doing BFBM over the past 2 days, but did so many hours of cleaning today I didn't get around to it. Tomorrow is DH's first day of vaca so I'll have to make sure it gets done. Saturday we drive to NY for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary dinner, and Monday we fly to London. My goal there is to drink as little as possible (MIL thinks it's funny to see me tipsy) and walk a trail at least once a day. I'm not going to be tracking at all, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that I don't gain too much weight! I'm also going to bring BFBM with me and I'm hoping to it a few times. I hope everyone has a great few weeks and I'll be back in the October thread. :)
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Shoppie! Great job! Good luck with adjusting to maintaining--you can do it!

    Nicole--Have a great trip!

    Barb--The new pup is adorable! Sorry to hear about your job!

    Things are going well here....adjusting to the new schedule with school and other commitments. Have a great weekend!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Happy October, everyone! I'm trying to decide if I'm a solo biz owner working from home, or a stay at home mom. :bigsmile:
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member