40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hello everyone. Things are crazy here and after 364 days of work we are having 4-6 inches of snow tomorrow. :(
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Swiss.... One of my husbands co workers dog had the same issue as mine, he took him to the vet yesterday and the vet told him that kennel cough is going around super bad where I live this year. My 4 pound chihuahua is also sick now. Poor little things.

    The 3002 is the year (reversed 2003) my husband actually started his business Property Depot. We already had property and a couple of rentals but that the year he really started putting a lot of effort towards it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia...enjoy that snow !!!! I am looking forward to getting some in Ohio. I know...I am probably making some enemies with that statement.

    :flowerforyou: Julie, I am hoping that your dogs get well quickly. Did you find out how to treat kennel cough? The reason I asked about the number is because it is the last of my SS so I use it a lot.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I have some catching up to do!

    Since it was the last week of the month, this past week has been Cardio Week with no barbell training. Just Cardio with some pushups, situps and chinups thrown in every now and then. I missed doing cardio, it seems to give me energy the next day while doing my strength training drains me for days. Just the nature of the beast.

    One more Cardio Day today, then back to Barbells with no cardio tomorrow for the next few weeks. I'm curious how it will go on the 1st day back to heavy lifting after a week layoff. I am hopeful :)

    Halloween Party tonight at a friends house. Going to be a big one, about 40 of us. Will be wearing a costume this year that I wouldn't have even thought about wearing last year. I'll post pics of it tomorrow :D

    I'll be taking my monthly progress pics this afternoon. Depending on how they turn out I may post those later as well.

    *silvana & Becky: Thanks :)

    *Tron: Sorry to hear about your dogs :( Hope they get well soon! All we can do is control what we can actually do something about. That's the great thing about working out and eating right, it's something we have control over. Circumstances may make it harder or easier to make healthy choices, but in the end we control what we do and decide how to modify what we need to do given the current circumstances. I don't have control over many things in my life, but I take great solace in the fact that I can decide to not eat that donut and have a banana instead :D

    *alf: Glad the reunion went well :)

    *Becky: grats on the Y classes! I bet you are excited to have your daughter join you :)

    *Lady Persia: Bummer! The time they steal away from your life is worse than the actual money I think :(

    *spacicca & maemiller & Terri & Tina & Kelly: Welcome! It's more of a sharing our life's triumphs and challenges and how we cope with it and our goals than anything else. Don't be shy, jump right in :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Took my Monthly Progress pics this morning. Gained a few pounds this month due to strength training eating, up to 173 pounds now. So, lost some definition in my Abs, but improved my Pecs and other muscle definition a bit. Wish I could gain muscle mass with no fat gain, but doesn't seem to work that way for me, lol. Best I can do is try and manage it some.

    Overall, I'm happy with this month's results :) I will probably continue my current workout plan of focusing mostly on strength gains for another month or two then start a cut around January for a month. We'll see :D

    Here's one of the pics. You can see more in my Profile, they are the last 4 in the list and the 1st one.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Chris, all I can say is WOW!!!! My husband works out at least six days a week at the YMCA. He also looks amazing and he is 60 years old. I think that he is using Jack LaLaine as his inspiration.

    Having another bad weekend. That is becoming a routine. I know that come Monday, I will be back on track.

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbell Workout Today: Squats, Seated Overhead Press, Deadlifts.

    Overall, the workout was encouraging. It's been a little over a week since I have done any heavy lifting and I was able to pick up right where I left off. Even a tad bit better, I think.
    Chris, all I can say is WOW!!!! My husband works out at least six days a week at the YMCA. He also looks amazing and he is 60 years old. I think that he is using Jack LaLaine as his inspiration.

    Thanks Becky :) I have a friend in his mid 50's that is ripped and in awesome shape. He keeps me humble :D
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Took my Monthly Progress pics this morning. Gained a few pounds this month due to strength training eating, up to 173 pounds now. So, lost some definition in my Abs, but improved my Pecs and other muscle definition a bit. Wish I could gain muscle mass with no fat gain, but doesn't seem to work that way for me, lol. Best I can do is try and manage it some.

    Overall, I'm happy with this month's results :) I will probably continue my current workout plan of focusing mostly on strength gains for another month or two then start a cut around January for a month. We'll see :D

    Here's one of the pics. You can see more in my Profile, they are the last 4 in the list and the 1st one.


    You are doing very well!!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    hello all,

    I've been away again - this time was without internet. I was at a conference for work and staying at a nice hotel, which charges for internet. I refuse to pay for internet while in a hotel in this day and age. All the small little hotels offer free internet and the big swanky ones charge!:grumble: Nope - would do it. Don't care that work was paying. It was the principal of it.

    Have slept so much this past weekend. Guess I needed it as I was tired. So tired.

    tron - this recession has hurt so many of us. I keep hoping that we will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel but it seems that the news just doesn't get any better. Not sure how long it is going to last, but something major is going to happen - has to happen. Maybe this whole "Occupy Wall Street" is the start??

    Chris - I am amazed at your progress and your progress pics. Well done!:flowerforyou:

    Swiss - weekends are tough for me as well. They're long and often lonely for me. I did get my workout in today though. It's funny - from the workout & diet perspective, I look forward to Mondays. :laugh:

    have a good night all.:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sdereski, glad to see that you are sticking it out. Funny, I feel that same about Mondays. I always begin to do better.

    Chris, that muscle weight will very quickly be used to burn calories. You are doing great. Keep it up!!!

    Is anyone else having problems with things now showing up here? My posts are not and other's pictures are not, either. It also shows that I have one new message but when I go to my mail it isn't there. What is going on?
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    So I did my "Down & Dirty Mud Run" yesterday. It was tiring but a LOT of fun! It was a 5K race with military-style obstacles and a few mud pits. Our time was 52:30 (due to all the obstacles and running up & down all the hills), and I finished 86th out of 222 women in my age group. Not bad for my first time.

    Here is our before & after (I'm wearing the pink camo bandanna):

    **SORRY, still trying to figure out the pics, it keeps cutting off the right side.**

    Can't wait to do it again next year!!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Ok, let's see if this works:



    Hooray, it worked! Here is our before & after (I'm wearing the pink camo bandanna).
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi! I'm still alive, checking in. I'm 5 lbs below my weight loss goal. Next goal: working on keeping up with water and vitamins, exercising regularly, and starting weight training.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow, Victorious_One...congratuations !!!! I wish I were in your shoes.:laugh:

    Will there be a new thread started for this month?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ok, let's see if this works:



    Hooray, it worked! Here is our before & after (I'm wearing the pink camo bandanna).

    Did the pictures get posted?
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Great pic Becky...congrats
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Just finally caught up wth three pages of post...Holy cow...Ive been out of the loop. All I can say is I missed you.

    Alf- Glad to hear your celebrations went well. As far as hackers......It has just been a mess. and overwhelming mess.

    Hewhoc- you are an inspiration to my fitness gene... thanks

    tron. I am in the same uncontrollable place and I hate it. I spent alot of money for this party and we didnt even have it. Now I feel angry about it. Like a two year old tantrum. All I can offer are hugs and an ear to listen, eyes to read and fingers to respons....LOL I do believe thatstress/emotions are a weight is an issue. How we deal with stress effects our weight and emotional being. When we have stress the fatty cells party. I use to do Thai chi at a Y and it was the greatest feeling I ever felt. If I can move out of the funk I may try that again. I'm not sure if it was becasue I was in a class though because when I try a DVD I dont get the same feeling. But anything is better than the moopies.

    Welcome newcomers!

    swissmiss- thanks for holding us together. Enjoy your classes
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Zumba class tonight. It isn't until 7:30. That really leaves me too much time to talk myself out of it. You know...just begin to veg at home. I need to stay very busy after I get home in order to keep up the enthusiasm for the YMCA.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hey everyone:

    Wanted to just touch base and let you know I haven't disappeared...entirely. :happy: I have been having a hard time getting back to the discipline of eating carefully and logging and excercising since I took so much time away to take care of my Mom. Things have slowed down now, and I think I just felt that for the last couple of weeks that I just deserved to do whatever I wanted to do after being stuck with doing everything I HAD to do...does that make sense? :ohwell: My Mom is doing much better now although she is reluctant to go out unless I'm the one to take her and she will not think about driving again yet. I give her confidence or make her feel safe or something. My sister, bless her heart, is coming to visit for several weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas to be with my Mom. My Mom is an extrovert and the being cooped up in the house all the time is really driving her crazy. Whereas for me, an introvet, being alone...reading all I want, watching movies etc....is like heaven! Anyway! I weighed in today and was only 1.1lb up from the last time I weighed myself over 3 weeks ago so am quite pleased with maintaining, now I'm recommiting to wt loss again and will try my best until my birthday in Feburary and then reassess things. Good to see everyones posts.

    Lady Persia, I'm so sorry about your party, when I heard about the snow in CT I just worried that it was going to ruin your Ghouls. I feel for you....with the Pumpkinwalk thing we do here there is many a year that my scene was covered in snow after working on it soooooo hard! :sad: So sorry! The hacking was just insult to injury.

    Swiss always glad to see you keeping our group together.

    Chris, good for you on everything and looking forward to your Halloween Pics!

    Alf: Hope you can recover from your family visits! Still planning on trying to get together with you when I'm in San Antonio...2 weeks!

    Welcome all new folks!

    Take care everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Yes Becky, the pics finally posted. Thanks!