40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday:happy:

    Sorry for being out of the loop for so long, but I have a really good excuse....my very first grandchild was born!! Esme Sophia made her debut on Independance Day (our little Miss America!)
    We are Canadian, but we call her Miss America because she was born in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, which is a border city to SSM, MI, and fireworks went off on the day she was born - to welcome her. :wink:

    Anyway, we celebrated Canada Day last Friday, and then moved my office on Saturday and took my son & daughter-in-law out for lunch. Had a horrible eating day that day, but Sunday got myself back on track. Started off with a nice morning run and then while doing my housework, got the call that the baby was starting to make it's move! Needless to say, that since she has been born, my extra time is being spent with her.

    After work yesterday, I went for my run and then picked up the baby and took her for a 2 hr walk so that her parents could rest. I lvoed every minute of it. People that saw me told me they could see my smile from a mile away. I love being a grandma. :heart:

    Yes, I did qualify and ran the Boston Marathon this year. That was an experience I wish every marathon runner could experience. I was never a fast runner, so Boston was never a marathon I thought I would run. I was just happy to run marathons, and I ran some great ones. Then, last year, my running changed. I started to get faster (this after 15 years of running?!) I did 5 marathons in my 50th year to celebrate turning 50 (1 for every decade). I couldn't believe how fast my first marathon was. It was then that I realized Boston was in my grasp. I had been running without a watch and just ran how I felt, so I had NO idea what I was doing. At my 5th marathon, I ran a qualifying time, and was lucky to be one of the 27,000 runners that was successful in registering on time. Registration filled up in a record 8 hours this year~unheard of in Boston's history. I don't know if I will ever make it again, however, I was fortunate enough to enjoy the experience once.

    My eating hasn't been too bad this week. Have been very busy at work, and still managing my exercise and running, so I'm happy.

    Haven't had time to get caught up in all the posts, but hope to this weekend.

    Hope you are all doing well, and the sun in hot and bright in your part of the world. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    loseisthegoal4me...the diabetic diet is a great way to lose weight. I lost 55 pounds using it. Just set the exchanges you can have and stay within them.

    :flowerforyou: sdereski..you are one busy woman. You look great also.

    :flowerforyou: WOW zebras, that is great.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, I did the same this past winter. I stopped exercising also. I gained 15 pounds. Well, I think some of it is due to no longer smoking. So, you continueing with the exercise has kept you healthy. Congrats.

    I am not sick. I have allergies. It took severals days for me to figure that one out. And, I actually realized it when my youngest daughter began complaining about her allergies. Well, I have the same symptoms.
  • loseisthegoal4me
    Silvana - I am so impressed with running the Boston - congratulations. I did a 5K two years ago and felt like that was an accomplishment - I walked most of it to stay with my partner. The store changed their training program to conflict with another weekly meeting I have so I haven't trained for another. :-(

    Thanks Becky for the thought - I have never looked up the exchanges for a diabetic diet - maybe I will.

    My trainer used the TRX bands with me today. It was actually kinda fun - but shows that while my core is better it still needs work. When I got home my dog had yet again dug himself over into the neighbor's yard and couldn't get back - I have got to fill the hole with the chicken wire I bought this time (they say they hate the way it feels on the paws). It is just so hot here to work outside. He is resting up from his adventure now.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! I am bummed. I left work early to get home, change and get to the natatorium for 5:30 water polo. There was unscheduled maintenance in the pool so the pool was closed so no water polo... WAAAA! I wlll miss next week because we will be in Austin helping our daughter move into a new apartment. Oh well, river aerobics starts back on Monday.

    I got to make one of my favorite dishes ever last night: ratatouille with fresh eggplant from our back yard. I don't know why I love eggplant so much. Hubs is not a fan but plants several plants for me each summer. He loves lima beans and I don't but I will cook them for him (he can also cook them himself too.)

    It is hot here: TV says it is 105 here but our electronic thermometer says 110. The cat keeps going outside for 10 sseconds and deciding it is too hot and comes right back in. When you open the door, it feels like you are opening an oven.

    Sdereski: congrats on the Boston marathon and being a grandma!! I am not ready for that one yet (hopefully my kids in their 20s are not ready yet either).

    Zebras: congrats on the weight loss. A couple of weeks ago when you posted that you had not lost any weight, I was wondering if you were replacing fat with muscle. Good job, keep it up.

    Swiss: congrats on quitting smoking. that is a big deal to be able to do that.

    Robin: glad to here from you. Keep taking care of yourself. and keep us in the loop with how you are doing.

    Stiring: always great to read your posts.

    Everyone else: keep up the good work and stay cool! TxMs
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Just a quick check in...Really busy weekend and I want to say Hi to everyone. I will write a better note tomorrow> Hugs and Congrats to all you movers out there. You are my inspiration and I thank you!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    ::flowerforyou: loseisthegoal4me...Our animals can cause so much trouble for us. So glad that we have them, though.

    :flowerforyou: tex, your dinner sounds wonderful. Oh, have you considered all the exerice you will be getting while moving your daughter?

    :flowerforyou: Hi LadyPersia, you changed your picture. I didn't recognize you. :laugh:

    I am still not feeling well. Not sure what it is. The allergie meds that my company nurse said to get did nothing for me. Going to try something different.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm still alive, still in the game, still working at it all.

    I'm battling 3 lbs on the scale. I know it's not a big deal, but after having dipped to a low after surgery and then having a bit of a bounce back already, I'm totally frustrated! My goal is to lose about 8-11 more lbs and stay there. Guess I'll have to give up my carb addiction for real. :sad: :laugh:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone: Boy has the week just flown by! Good to see everyones posts....took me 30 minutes just to catch up on everyone. Well I've had a very wierd week. After doing the swim part of that triathalon last Saturday......I basically slept for 2 days...NO KIDDING! I was exhausted! :laugh: Then I really started craving carbs especially bread. It has toned down a bit over the last day or so but very wierd. I tried hard to choose healthy carbs but sometimes was more succesful than others. The other thing about this week was that I got so excited after my triathalon relay I decided that I really needed to learn how to run so I could do a sprint triathalon all by myself.....so.....I went online and Tues started the C25K program...which has been really cool. My 3rd run is tonight and that will complete my first week. Does anyone think it was the big swim or the new running that prompted the carb surge? If so what do I do about it? It has gone down but my wt went up...up.....up 1.5lbs this week just like it always does when I eat too many carbs. :sad: I'm just kinda frustrated right now because I'm getting excited and into my excercise but I've lost that balance of calories in and calorie out and it is affecting my wt loss efforts. I know I'll figure it out but DANG! :explode: How come I can't lose wt like a 20 year old? :laugh: Anyway.....another week......great to hear from all of you....welcome new people......take care till next time. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia, I understand the three pounds one way or another thing. I hate it when I get stuck. You just have to try different things to see just what will get you moving again. Frustrating.:angry:

    crewellademel, I don't do the things that you are involved in but I can say that I do have the carbs graving !!!:smile: Sorry, I do not mean to make light of what you are experiencing and I am sure that there is someone here who can honestly answer your question. My best to you.

    I am finally feeling better...think I will live. Medications did not work. I just had to rest through it.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Hi all! Hey crewelldemel - because we're not 20 anymore! :flowerforyou: I know, wish I had done this then! It would have been easier! Hope everyone is well! It's been a busy summer week here - swim lessons, karate, & music for my kids, lots of exercising for me & lots of time at the pool. This weekend is my anniversary - 12 years with my wonderful hubby! My parents took the kids away this weekend, so we went out to eat twice and to a movie, then shopping in peace and quiet! This week is camp for both kids in the morning, and I have an inservice day mid-week. It's going to fly by!! Have a wonderful week!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: nlsalvatore, what an exciting, fun filled, exhausting summer you are having. At least if you are staying so busy you will not have time to snack on junk.

    I am back to work this morning. And, am feeling a lot better. Spent the entire day of Saturday in bed. So, I think I am beating this.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    crewel, without a doubt the increase in your cardio activity can lead to carb cravings. When people are doing more cardio and very intense cardio, they actually should increae their carbs a bit to sustain that activity. There is science behind that which I'm not able to fully articulate right now. But whenever I do more cardio, I always try to make sure that I eat a proper amount of carbs. Carbs are not the enemy....by a VERY long shot. They are necessary. So don't try to restrict them, especially if you are craving them. Listen to that body! But, as you indicated, it is important to make healthier choices when it comes to carbs. So if you are craving bread or pasta, get the whole grain or whole wheat and enjoy! As you indicated, watching calories is important to weight loss. Carbs and protein have pretty much the same number of calories per gram (4) while fat is higher in calories per gram (9), so maybe adjust the fat grams a little if possible to adjust for the added carbs. Fat is a necessary part of the diet as well and should never be eliminated, but it can be restricted to 20-30% of the total daily caloric intake and still be healthy and sustainable.

    nlsalvatore, Happy Belated Anniversary! Sounds like you had a great, full weekend! Enjoy the coming week.

    Swissmiss, I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. Maybe a good long day's rest is what you needed. Hope you continue to improve.

    All here is going well. Had a fun weekend of sunshine and golf, which I enjoy. Also got in a couple of good workouts. This morning I did a step workout that I haven't done in months and had all kinds of fun. Later I'll do my strength training (chest/shoulders/triceps). My eating was really good this weekend which makes me happy. Well, except for the blueberry pie on Saturday night, but what can I say? It's just that time of year when it tastes too good to pass up! :blushing: :happy:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning All! Not much to report. Have trouble getting workouts in on the weekend, but generally if I can do it every weeknight, the results are good. Eating not too bad. We went out once, and I made a good choice.. Everyone sounds like they are having a fun summer.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    What an awesome weekend. We went to the Hawley Fire Dept concert for Vets and It was awesome!!! Had alot of yard work sunday breaking stone and working with the bobcat. I so love big work machines...LOL The fire pit will be ready for my friends pig roast by August! Where is the summer going? On Friday I leave for Hilton Head to visit my mom. First time since my father past.

    Crewellademel- I am doing c25k also I love it week 6 for me.
    Swissmiss- Feel better.

    I may not respond to everyone but I do read all of your post. Its hard now to respond from my cell phone but YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Not going to stay here long today. I have only two and a half weeks til I fly to Florida. I need to be jumping rope instead of typing.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I did the actual first workout from insanity... That's a warm up!?!!!?!!! Who is this guy kiddling? :laugh:
    My son did it with me. I had to stop multiple times for rests. He stopped once it got to the basketball drills. That's pretty far into it. He just turned 18 on the 9th so I was excited to see him have to rest and say it was tiering for him also.

    I haven't done any workouts only because my sister in law finally moved up here and is staying with us. So, I went with her to get the stuff she needs for her new job. She started today. I'll be in Nevada cleaning a rental for the next two days but once I get back I will squeeze a few more insanity workouts in. I figure I'll try the best I can and when this winter rolls around and rentals slow down I will try to do the program correctly.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Back from my week off. The time really flew by quickly. We had a good week with our Grandson and visiting friends. We joked to our retired friends that the "retired" life is sure fun!!! Dream on...unless my portfolio perks up quickly, I'm doomed to working the next 7-8 years. My wife will retire sooner as she is a bit older than me.

    Back to work, too!! I found out when I arrived at work last night that I am on 12 hour shifts this week. So I am working from 7 pm-7am....and I have to work on Saturday. That'll teach me to take off!

    I did not eat all that well last week, but I exercised every day. It's nice to take a break from a diet once in a while.

    I hope everyone is well.

    Take care friends!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    SING...It is so good to hear from you. I am sure that your bad eating did not hurt you as active as you are. Well, what a welcome back...working 12 hour shift. Well, it is better than not working at all. If you are like me you are not planning on retiring anytime soon.

    :flowerforyou: tron, I have heard that insanity is a killer. Take it easy. It will get better the more you do it.

    I did my Zumba DVD at home. Only burned 130 calories but not bad considering I have not been doing anything for months.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    how is everyone doing, I am trying this for now...

    I am doing New Rules of Lifting, with no Cardio for the month, then I will add Cardio next month, so let's see how it goes, I am going for Muscle gain as opposed to fat loss.

    My wife is also doing NROL for Women, so it will be interesting to see how that goes.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    MellowGa, I think that working entirely on muscles for a while would be a good idea. As you build your muscles they will begin to burn fat. So, when you incorporate the cardio, you will be ready for some serious burning. I have not heard of NORL. Is this something new...well, of course it is.:laugh: NEW...duh. Keep us up to date on how it goes.

    I burned only about 130 calories last night doing Zumba. I should have gone longer but it was so hot !!! I quit after 20 minutes. Will be at the Deep Water Power class tonight. I am hoping that my youngest daughter will join me.