40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Class of 77 here. BeeGees, Barry Manilow and Cher! Gunney Sax gingham peasant dress for prom. My sister had a blue one. My daughter's best friend's mom had a yellow one. We tried to get the girls to wear them during dress-up week in high school. They refused. I thought they were beautiful...
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Class of "87". Totally loved Valley Girl and all the Brat Pack movies.....16 Candles, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, etc. The sad thing is I have all of them on DVD in my movie collection.:laugh:

    Class of 85. Also loved the Brat Pack movies and E.T.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good evening all,

    didn't get any exercise in today. Had a staff appreciation dinner this evening and was hoping to do some hill training afterward. Didn't happen. :tongue:

    Busy day at work - worked right through lunch. Had a new employee start today and am getting ready to leave around noon tomorrow. Headed out of town for some training, which really messes up my eating and exercise routines.
    Am bringing my running stuff, but they often come for a ride with me~but you never know, I just may hit the workout room at the hotel.

    Hope everyone had a good day. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Well, my computer issues are resolved for the moment...

    Thank you all for being concerned with my whereabouts! I am not going to leave you! It's nice to have new and old faces alike posting on this thread. Welcome to all of our newbies and howdy to all of our old-bies!!!

    I am still struggling with my diet on night shift. I can't seem to get away from the junk food here at work. Hopefully that will pass soon. I am exercising daily, strength training most days and hiking-biking every day. Right now I am doing a daily climb up the mountain, which takes about an hour and is 1000 ft high. I gives me a good workout in a short time. Even in this heat I am still climbing that hill (the bugs are terrible).

    Zebras, we are heading back to Maine in August, and will stop in Mass. on the way home. I will be at a work conference the week of June 20. I hope I can keep my eating under control then. The day after I get home from that, we are going to Philadelphia to see the Mormon Tab. Choir at the Mann Center.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    Singfree, I work the night shift as well, try bringing your snacks, I bring apples, oranges, Triscuits with cheese, carrots, cut veggies, almonds and Pistachios to "munch on" I do drink coffee and plenty of water.

    but yes the night shift is hard to cook for I liek to grill up chicken at home, slice it up and keep it in the fridge, I then bring it in with a salad to eat midway through.

    Just some ideas!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :bigsmile: sing, it sure is good to see you again. I don't know about night work as I work during the day. But, I bring my own food into work and stick with that. Fortunately, I am not exposed to much junk food while here. The exception is the salt and vineger potato chips that my supervisor eats every day. They are addictive. But, I try to not watch her eating and will go grap a piece of fruit.

    I went to my first deep water aerobic class last night. It ran 45 minutes and I got quite a workout. Never realized how hard it is to do exercising against water pressure. Hoping to kick in some weight lose through this.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Does anyone know if lifting weights counts as calories burned? I am sure that some are burned but can we add this to our diaries?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Does anyone know if lifting weights counts as calories burned? I am sure that some are burned but can we add this to our diaries?

    Of course you can add them! You go girl!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!! So many posts so little time!!! Glad to hear from so many!!!! Welcome to all the new members!!!!! I have been busy busy busy...trying to catch up after my brother left. We had a great time!!! My Zumba classes keep going steady. I am about to change up my resistance trng routine with some new DVDs I got from the library. Let's see how I like them. My eating is great at the moment, very clean.

    Oh, class of 81 here!!!! Celebrating 30 yrs in 2011!!! Wow, how time flies!!! My class has a reunion in Dec in Puerto Rico but I am not sure if I am going.

    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Class of 82 myself! Hard to imagine where the time has gone.

    Got an hour and a half in at the gym last night. We didn't get our lunchtime walk in though. We were all sitting at the picnic table, wondering who was going to mention the walk first, and no one did. Today begins the last week of our walking challenge. The goal will be 60,000 steps, and I have had no problem reaching that number for the past few weeks, so I'm ahead of the game. The prizes are all drawn randomly from the people who met the goals anyhow. I just wish they had some incentive for everyone who meets the goals, as so many people have fallen by the wayside. I can be very ADD and give up on things when I lose my pedometer or forget to log in for one day or something, but I have managed to wear the thing every day even during vacation, and log things both on the official site, and my own spreadsheet without fail, so if I can do it, anyone can. Oh well. Off my soap box now!

    We're heading into a heatwave, so we probably won't get the lunchtime walks in, but the new gym by my house is well air-conditioned, so I should be able to keep things moving along!
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Absolutely weight lifting counts as calories burned. I wear a HRM to see where I stand with calories burned. Lifting does not burn as many calories as cardio but you need lean muscle to do a long burn. You should be able to plug it into MFP and it will give you calories burned. I'm starting to lift 3 times a week to try to build the muslce I lost when I played derby for 2 1/2 years. Just retired a couple of months ago. Did Turbo Fire and now getting back into P90X.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    It's hard to believe how fast time has flown.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I've been doing Jillian Michaels' "30-Day Shred" since April; just got the "6-Week Six-Pack" DVD, will probably start it tomorrow. Has anybody here tried it? What are your thouhts?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    tladame, I can't answer your question about Zumba DVDs. I know Swissmiss just ordered some, so hopefully she can comment.

    But I can answer your question about 6 Weeks/6 Pack. I like these workouts. As you probably know, there are two 30 minutes core workouts on the DVD. The first is primarily focused on floor core work with some upper body work (and a little bit of cardio to keep your heart rate up). The second workout is primarily standing abs/core work, so it is a little more cardio intensive. I like both routines, and find them to be a good add-on to other workouts.

    I'm doing Asylum and did another workout from it today. This one was called 'Back to Core' and it focuses on the upper and lower back and the hamstrings. There is a little oblique and front core work, but it is primarily a back core workout. Very different from anything I've done, and I really liked it.

    I'm also doing a set of workouts called Supreme 90. I recommended these to Robin a little while back and decided since I recommended them, I should do them. There are 10 DVDs in this set....a mix of strength training, cardio and core workouts. The entire set costs $19.99. The workouts are short (most are around the 30-40 minute mark) but done very quickly to keep the heart rate up. In other words, they are an effective use of time. I've done four of them now, and just based on those four, I think these are excellent workouts for the cost. If anybody is looking for a P90X-type system but with shorter workouts AND less expensive workouts, I highly recommend looking into these. They are not easy, but I can see where they will be very effective.

    Class of '83 here!! What makes me laugh is when I see a movie from that period of time. Everything looks so dated!!! It's hard to believe how much has changed since then.

    singfree, I'm glad your computer is working again. I missed you!!! :flowerforyou: I have no words of wisdom for eating right now because I'm struggling to get my eating under control. I do everything right. Make healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner choices. I don't keep sweets in the house. But that never stops me when I get that ice cream craving at 9:00pm from hopping in the car, driving to the store and buying the ice cream. It's bad. For me, the only way to stop it is to remind myself that I really just don't want to eat it....because I don't. But I'm not always good at convincing myself of that.......
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Class of '72 checking in...wait...am I really that old????

    A really HOT day here in PA, and tomorrow will be even hotter! Add in the mid-atlantic humidity...YUCK...

    It was a struggle hiking up the mountain today. Very hot and steamy. Even the bugs were too hot to bother me!! It was a 2-bottle of water hike. Usually, I only need one. I'll give it a go again tomorrow. It really seems to be helping my fat loss and conditioning. Funny though, I can still feel the effects of my concussion on a day like today, even after more than a year.

    Have a great day!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    Yea it's been blistering hot here n GA, with no rain to boot, I think it has rained 1 day in the last 40 days! my poor yard and my poor water bill, betweent eh lawn and the pool.....yikes!

    Glad my elliptical is in my basement where it is nice and cool.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tladame...sorry I missed your question about Zumba DVDs. Yes, I ordered the ones advertised on TV. I have only view a few minutes of the first one. But, I liked what I saw. They take you step by step into it. So, if you don't know the dance steps, they teach them to you. I have taken Zumba classes in the past but didn't get this sort of instruction. I think I am going to love it. I also thought of bringing the DVD and my laptop to work and doing it when I have a few minutes. I am sure that you have seen the ads for these. I am making three monthly payments. Included were the Zumba weights.

    MellowGa...I should have sent you some of the rain we had last month here in Ohio. Way to much. The farmers are just now starting to work their fields.

    sing...you are younger than me by two years. You are still a pup. :laugh:

    stiring...yep everything looks dated from the 80s and the 70s or 60s is even worse.

    Well sing, I am back to having a glass or two of wine. This does take me over calories by just a few. MFP still says that I will be losing at this rate.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!! Not much to report that is new, teaching Zumba, upper body/lower body splits at home and eating clean.

    Stiring, you are a workout DVD Junkie!!! :noway: :laugh: Wow! Doing Asylum and another DVD program? You go girl. :drinker:

    Sing, yes, you are old. :laugh: :wink: :wink: Be careful on those rides, drink plenty of water.

    Mellow, it has been the same here in SA. Last time it rained was in mid May and for about 2 hrs and before that it had not rained for over a month. And we are under water restrictions since early spring. We can only water with sprinklers once a week according to our house # Mondays for us and before 10 or after 8pm. The rest of the time we can only water by hand. So you can imagine how the lawns look like. Mine is not too bad because I do try to water it as much as possible. Hate an ugly lawn...

    tladame, how did you like the shred. I did it for a while but I was doing it every other day, 2-3 levels at a time. I really enjoyed it. She has other DVDs now using the same system. I like Jillian. I should check the six pack one, where is it sold?

    I gotta go!!!! Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I think I need to come here more often.
    I'm so discouraged. Same weight for six months no matter what I try.

    :sad: :cry:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Thursday All!

    Cletc, please, yes, come visit us often, talk with us, This is a great encouraging group.

    Got an hour and a half on the treadmill at the gym last night. Thank god its well air-conditioned as its really hot out and supposed to get worse. Managed to get some 30-second spurts of jogging into the routine, which you all know is a big deal for me.
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