40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Having a great day today. I've been a little over on my calories the last few days. Had a glass of milk with 2 chocolate chip cookies the other day etc......Today though biked, worked out on the Bowflex and ran......yes ran....again. :tongue: Feel soooooooo much better!

    Colorado, thanks for the pedalmybike link, it's fun. Biking is my thing! :love:

    Alf, 6 flags...... aren't you the one who just got back from Disneyland? I'm just jealous, I LOVE rollercoasters

    Stiring, I don't know if I'll EVER even think about PX90 or Insanity, let alone AT THE SAME TIME:noway: ........you're an inspiration!

    Victorious......watch that blood clot and take care. I can't imagine how frustrating it is to have to wait but your health comes first!

    Zebra, I know what you mean about portion control. I've really learned a lot since joining MFP and even more after getting my food scale for Mother's day. I'm getting better at portions and my kids think it's COOL that I measure everything. They help me measure and it helps them with their math skills and they learn (hopefully in a good way) what a portion is. As I've thought about it, when I was young we were fairly poor and didn't have a lot of extra food around. Portion control was always there in the sense that everyone got one scoop of this, or only one helping of that, because that was all there was. When I moved into the" land of plenty" I just had no idea about portions and how could MORE food be a bad thing, ya know?

    Swiss, try not to get so down on yourself. You're doing well, what can I do to help?

    I really hope I haven't mixed anyones names up with the topics they've discussed. If I have I'm really sorry..:ohwell: ...I'll try harder to keep everyone straight! Have a great holiday tomorrow and a great week ahead. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is everyone doing??????? I kinda survived the weekend. :laugh: Went out with my girlfriends on Sat evening. My dinner was not that healthy but I enjoyed it. I also had one mojito with my dinner and it was delicious. Then drank water the rest of the night. We danced danced and danced. Our feet were killing us but we kept on dancing. LOL I scheduled a relaxing massage today for me and my husband, his first. :drinker: I worked out my legs and abs this morning. No Zumba tonight, the center is closed.

    Crewel, yes, that is me!!! LOL I live in San Antonio and we have a Six Flags and a Sea World in town. I have season passes for both. I also love to ride roller coasters. I feel like a kid when I do. :laugh:

    Have a great one!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Hope everyone is enjoying the last day of their long weekend. Our long weekend was last weekend, so it's a work day for me today - and a busy one! Had a new employee start today, so all the paperwork and orientation stuff, then it was time to pay the bills and do the payroll.
    Just got onto MFP this aft, whereas I am usually on first thing in the morning.

    I finally ran yesterday. Did a 10km run, but my ankle started to hurt later on in the evening, which tells me I am not yet 100% and need to still take it easy. So, back to the bike.

    Alf - thank you for your kind comments, however, I am not on maintenance, although my body thinks it is! I am trying to get down to 140lbs, but I don't think that will ever happen. I just can't seem to lose these extra pounds. I was really determined to do so in the month of may. I think I lost 2 lbs. ARRGGHH!!:grumble: I am just...stuck! I have tried, eating more, eating less, exercising more, exercising less, doing more cardio - less cardio, strength training...you name it, I've tried it and nothing has worked! I have lots of jiggly bits that I can certainly lose - my weight sits between my hips and my knees. :laugh: I know it is the "healthier" place to carry your weight, but it is also the most difficult part to lose it from.

    Enough complaining - I am off to do some strength training and then riding The Big Bike for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. It is a 30 seat bike that travels across the country as a fund raiser. Lots of fun.

    Have a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hope all of you who had yesterday off had a wonderful time and are happy to be back to work. :noway:

    :flowerforyou: zebras....my HRM always shows that I hadn't burned many calories at all. In fact, I can work very hard at Zumba class and it will show a 200 calorie loss. Doesn't sound right to me.

    :flowerforyou: stiring..watched one of those infomercials on the P90X this weekend. It looks like it would work, if you can last long enough.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: crewell...speaking of how we ate as children...We had a huge vegetable garden. Whenever we got hungry and wanted a snack we would pull out a carrot or pick a tomato. We didn't eat the garbage that kids now eat. Portion control is so important. I think that we could just about eat whatever we want as long as we don't go overboard with it.

    :flowerforyou: sdereski...I would love to see The Big Bike. Think I will google it and take a peek.

    I am sure to check out the pedalmybike web site. I love to ride but haven't done so this year. We have had too much rain do be able to do much at all outside. I didn't log in at all this weekend. Reason being....I did so bad. I didn't want to record what I had to eat.:noway: Hoping now that the work week is back that I will be doing better.

    I am now having to get up at 4:00 in the morning. My husband's work hours have moved back an hour so he had to be here at 5:30. And, since we only have one car, I have to get here early also. We work for the same company but I don't start work until 8:00. So, here I sit with almost two hours to go til I start. Thinking of bringing a pillow and going back to sleep here.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!! :drinker: Off today cause my husband is off. Have PT this morning, then a nail appt and then we are having lunch at a Brazillian steakhouse yikes!!!! I will try to focus on their delicious salad bar. It is wonderful. I am sooooo sore from yesterday's massage, it was brutal!!!!! She said that I am super tight and need to release all that. I am thinking about making another appt in 2 wks. I have always had tight shoulders and neck. She also said my glutes are very tight. She said I need to stretch more than I do...

    Swiss, do they have a gym or how about showers? Maybe you can workout in those two hrs and shower and start the day fresh out of a workout!!!! Just an idea.

    sdereski, how much do you weigh now? How tall are you? Maybe you can get the eat clean book stripped from Tosca Reno. She is from Canada. It is for people who need to lose those last 10 lbs. Maybe you can get it at your library. I did. I am reading it right now. I struggle to lose those last 5-10 and maintain. :(

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi all! We had a nice long weekend here in the DC area. It has definitely turned hot, though I don't find it that bad. There is a heat advisory in effect, but we played golf in it yesterday and I thought it was warm but beautiful. Of course, I just heard that a school in Maryland is closing early today because of the heat. :noway: Maybe they don't have AC. Or windows. I must be getting old because I just don't get closing school as much as I've seen schools closed around here.

    Anyhow.....moving on to other subjects. I'm taking a bit of a slower week on the workouts this week. I'm doing a 4 day split series, meaning I'm doing about 30 minutes of cardio followed by 30 minutes of strength training (working one or two body parts a day). The break from those tough workouts feels good on my body right now. My eating has been all right. Not great but not horrible either. I was wearing a pair of my size 1 shorts yesterday golfing, and they were a bit loose! :noway: So I can't complain too much right now.

    Swissmiss, sorry to hear about the early hours. Like alf suggested, maybe you can do something active during that time. Is that possible? My husband and I lived with just one car for about 18 months, but, finally, last month, I'd had enough. I really wanted to make it work for us, but it just got to the point where it wasn't working anymore. So you have my sympathies.

    sdereski, you ran for 10K? Great job! Sorry to hear about your ankle, but that's an amazing accomplishment. But, yeah, listen to that injury and don't overdo it!! Those last 10 pounds are very hard to lose. I know I had to eat VERY cleanly when losing those last pounds. I didn't have any unnatural sugars, no alcohol, no processed carbs, etc. And I worked out VERY hard. The amount I was eating didn't seem to matter as much as what I was eating, btw. But it is different for everybody.

    crewellademel, I think it is great that your kids are helping you with this. That should teach them some good skills. Like you, I definitely remember the days when we got one of whatever was being served, and that was it. When I think back on it, we ate very little growing up (my sister and I would share everything, including burgers and such). When I see what kids are being served today.....well, it is a different story. It is so difficult to retain any kind of perspective on proper portions in this society, that's for sure.

    Enjoy the day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Tuesday All:

    I'm off to Maine for the rest of the week, will try to check in, but won't guarantee it. ONly got one workout in over the weekend. Will try to keep some walking up in Maine as the walking challenge has two more weeks left at work.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Hot Tuesday All!

    Heat Advisory here in SE Michigan today. It is starting to drive me crazy that we only have two temps lately cold or hot. Where oh where is the warm. Thursday I had to turn the furnace back on and Yesterday it was back to A/C. Go figure.

    I'm still chugging along with the Sparkpeople 5K your way program. My pace is definitely getting better. Today I've decided to stick to weights in my nice cool basement as the air was already hot and humid early this morning.

    I'm still avoid the scale...trying to do a monthly weigh in so this Friday will be the day. This week I'm hoping to get back to healthier eating. Too much fun this weekend with BBQ and a Tiger's Win! Gotta love beer and dogs at the ballpark.

    Stay cool all!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks, LadyPersia! I do feel better.

    Sdereski, I have those days when I'm just crazy-hungry, and other days when I'm not. It will balance out for you in the end and yes, beginning again is good!

    Zebras, congrats on the weight loss and the accomplishment in your walking challenge!

    SwissMiss, how was your weekend? Were you "good"? :-)

    Stiring and ColoradoRobin, yes, I'm going to talk to my doc about the running and exercise, especially since I guess the level of meds in my blood is not as high as they'd like it to be. My arm is not swollen anymore, so that's good. And, adding swimming is its own version of strenuous exercise since I haven't done any in two summers. Thanks for checking in!

    Crewellademel, the water baloons sound like a ton of fun! Yahoo! I hope you feel better. My daughter is struggling with allergies right now, too. It's a bear.

    Alf, did your hubby enjoy his massage? I love getting them, and my hubby is learning to like them, too.

    Silvana, that Big Bike sounds fun. I haven't heard of it. What a worthy cause! :flowerforyou:

    Duffyzmom, you gotta love a Tiger's win! They're my only baseball team. I haven't been to a game at Comerica yet (still holding a grudge about Tiger Stadium :mad: plus I've been away for four years).

    I had a really fun day yesterday hanging out with some new friends from church. The food was AMAZINGLY good! My hubby brought a banana pudding that was great hit, and made some for us in the middle of the night last night. Ooops! I didn't over-eat, but my food got stuck in my tummy somehow during the gathering:embarassed: . I had to go change my shirt from a cute, form-fitting one to some loose Tshirt I bought on sale before we got there. Fashion goes out the window when your stomach is screaming! :laugh: I'm almost embarrassed about it, but not really. We went for a long walk in the sweltering heat, so I feel I did my part to shake off whatever excess I had going on.

    Today I have a thousand errands, but the weather is great. No complaints.

    Welcome to summer, everyone! Have a great week.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Victorious_One...My weekend was spent doing everything that I shouldn't do.:mad: Oh well, today is another day. How does anyone behave over a holiday?

    :flowerforyou: duffy...Hot here also. Remember when we were complaining about the cold? At least when it is cold we can put more clothes on..there are only so many items of clothing that we can take off when it is hot.

    :flowerforyou: zebras...speaking of temperatures. Will it be much cooler in Maine? I would think so but then, I have never been there.

    :flowerforyou: stiring...They close school because of hot weather now? When we were kids there were no air conditioners. We just suffered through it. I think that the windows in my daughters' schools don't even open.

    :flowerforyou: alf...What is a Brazillian Steakhouse? I never thought of using my extra 2 1/2 hours in the morning to exercise. The gym I am a member of is in the town I live in. We work 12 miles to the North. So, I would be putting an extra 24 miles on the car every day. But, that is a good idea. I have a jump rope that I can bring to work. Actually, this morning I was having a horrible time staying awake. Not used to getting up that early yet.

    I need to go and make a phone call about this evening's class. Have a great afternoon Everyone.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    We had salmon burgers with dill sauce and salad with romaine, arugula, carrots, peppers, and jicama for dinner. I didn't have a bun with my burger patty, but the rest of the family did. I am making everyone take fish oil capsules now, but we still like to eat fish.

    @ ColoradoRobin -

    Salmon burgers sound GREAT! How do you make them? Is it just a grilled salmon steak, or do you do something special to it?
  • KimKelly65
    KimKelly65 Posts: 51
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. :frown:
    I was having some difficulty juggling work and family life, plus with my back issues and PT I've been struggling.

    Good news: I have not gained any weight. I have maintained my weight over the last month. YAY! (- 24 lbs since Jan)
    Bad News: Not sure when I'll be able to get back to regular exercise. Will see doctor Thursday for reevaluation. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    This is making me very frustrated and decreasing my motivation to stick to my healthy life plan. But Im going to try and turn it around this new month. A new attitude and perhaps a new exercise regimen.

    I need to catch up on everyone's posts and get back in the groove.
    I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. :smile:
    Im glad I found the new posting.

    Have a good evening!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone: Well back in the swing of things after the long weekend. Work was a real "bear" today....... can a veterinarian say that?Seems fitting! :happy: Crazy insane as everyone waits out the long weekend for stuff that wasn't feeling well Friday or Sat so lots of sickees today. But tonight after work my 10 year old son got his Webelos Badge in Cub Scouts YEA!!!!!! Then off I went to the pool to swim 1/3 mile in prep for my relay triathalon I signed up for....I'm the swimmer........came home and biked too! Ate well today so very psyched. Get to weigh in tomorrow....very excited to see how I'm doing...almost to my half way point....sorry I keep pointing that out!....I'm just sooo excited!

    Kimkelly: Hi ! Good job on not gaining any weight! I hope everything works out for you.
    Swiss: I would definetely look at excercises during that extra time in the AM.....even if you could just walk it would be great!
    Zebra: Maine? Toss a kiss to Cranberry Island for me on the way by!
    Sdereski: That super bike sounds cool.....anything like that in the US?
    ColoradoRobin: Ditto on the Salmon burger recipe....sounds delis
    Stiring: Have a sis in Baltimore who was melting with the heat. Out here we were at 50 degrees yesterday but today it was warm and sunny. I think it's gonna keep bouncing back and forth for awhile yet.
    Swiss: Hope you're hanging in there with work and family schedule.

    Whoever mentioned the clean eating book....there was just a good thread on MFP about clean eating and it was mentioned, sounds really cool. I think I'll look into that.

    Take care everyone and have a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone. My senior daughter had an award ceremony for the show choir last night. They had food.:angry: But, I think I did fairly well. Had some fried chicken, though. Had not had that in a long time. Tasted great until I had it all eaten and then I felt bad. Tonight...another award ceremony. This one without food.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: crewellademel...You are right...I should be getting in some exercise during those long AM hours before I have to begin work. What I am doing at this time is visiting MFP.:laugh: My fingers are getting a workout.:happy:

    :flowerforyou: Kim...Glad that you are back and doing well. A lot of us have had setbacks. Illnesses, surgeries, life changes. I know that when I had my two surgeries in March of 2009, I felt bad that all I could do was sit. After I got the OK from my doctor and began exercise classes the weight began to come off. Be sure that whatever you do is alright with your doctor. And, if you want to talk just post here or message someone. Good luck.

    :flowerforyou: tladame...Since you like the salmon, I was wondering if you have tried bison? I have just about given up all red meat except for this. Bison is even lower in and calories than ground chicken. It also tastes great. We had bison steaks on Monday.

    Still have an hour to go. Maybe I will bring out the jump rope.:bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have a guestion and forgot to ask it.

    Does anyone still have children at home? Do they keep you busy in the evening? I had planned on starting back at the YMCA but every night one of my girls will have to be taken somewhere or has something planned. Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble getting done everything that has to be done. I realize that school is just about over for the year and that some of the activities will stop. But, not all of them. One of my girls has a job but no car. So, this means I have to take her and pick her up afterwards. Just to let you know just how crazy all the activities have been....we are driving 300 miles on the weekend alone for them.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Swissmiss - I have a toddler at home, so I am always extremely busy in the evenings! I get home from work, make dinner, take her to the park, then start the bath & bedtime routine. It's around 9:00 or later when I'm finally done...and beat. That's why I exercise in the morning. I get up at 5:00, do a workout video, then start getting ready for work. I would have no time to go to the gym if I belonged to one! Right now I'm doing Jillian Michaels' 30-day shred.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tladame...You are doing so well. I know that I should be utilizing the extra time I have at work in the morning to do something. My problem (and this is going to sound stupid), I really want to go to the gym. I have a membership just no time in the evening. I need to sit my family down and tell them that I will be going to workout and they will have to keep their schedules in line with mine. Please let me know how the Jillian Michaels' 30- day shred goes. Have you been doing this long? And, does it last only 30 days?
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    KimKelly65 - Hang in there with the back issues! I understand that they're hardest to deal with medically.

    Crewellademel - A triathalon sounds exciting! Congrats to your son on his badge, that's an accomplishment!

    Swissmiss - Who can turn down fried chicken? :laugh: Those kid-activities can put a bend in the schedule for sure. The only thing I know to do is to schedule right around them. If it's safe for your kids to wait a few minutes after work or an activity and you need the extra time, take it!

    It's my hubby's birthday this weekend. He wants to go to an Ethiopian restaurant. The food is totally delicious and very nutritious, EXCEPT a) I can't eat anything green because of the blood clot meds I'm on, and b) that bread that comes with it has to be 100 carbs per bite, and that's the whole yummy of the meal. Yowza. I'll look it up on MFP and see if I can figure something out. Other than that, I'm hoping to get him to the boardwalk just to hang out, since he refuses to go to the beach. Hopefully all that walking will help me get in some exercise.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Victorious_one...I have no idea what is served in an Ethiopian restaurant. I will have to google that. I think that I would stick with the bread and then do a little extra exercising.

    I am doing better today. For lunch I am having 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese and 2 cups of fresh fruit salad. I have some sea scallops in my fridge that has to be eaten soon. So, that is what I have planned for dinner. Already let the family know that I will be going to the YMCA right after I drop my daughter off at work.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Today is my sons graduation. The baby. Where did the time go? My eating has been pretty good, don't think I've gained any weight but still haven't gotten back into the workouts.

    I think my husband won the biggest loser contest at work. He should find out tomorrow I would think. I hope so cuzhe would win $200 if he did.

    My daughter is doing the insanity program she said shes gonna see if she can copy it and send it to me. Looks super hard. My son really wants to do it though. He wants to get the t shirt. :laugh:

    I hope you are all doing well. I will catch up on all your posts later. Right now I have to get things done for the graduation.

    Have a terrific day! :flowerforyou: