40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Pepper, great to hear from you! OH gosh, I can't imagine seeing what has been going on down south. It must have been very sobering.....So glad considering all that you are doing right now you are maintaining everything.....status quo is sometimes good!

    Sing--good for you, getting out and hiking more! I have been too and can't even tell you how the shift in exercise focus and improved my mood.

    Alf, glad things are good--do stop at the farmers market!! Ours just started back up this week too and I'm due a trip too. And, also due to start my own little tiny garden.

    Stiring--so glad you had a nice day out w/your hubby for your birthday. Sounds wonderful!!!

    Welcome all the new folks!! And Hi to everyone else!!

    Everything is good here!! This week I realized is my 1 year Anniversary for entering "maintenance". I wrote up a little year-in-review that you might want to read and posted the link below.......

    But.....I wanted to give a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE, thanks to all of you who have been there for me throughout--Stiring, Sing, Alf, Pepper and everyone else....I couldn't have survived without all your great advice on this thread. Anyway, onto the next healthy year ahead for all of us!


    Have a great day!! Robin
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning All! The Sun is Shining, didn't recognize it!

    Welcome all new folks. Good to see everyone doing so well.

    Yesterday, I managed 1/2 hour walk at lunch, and then 90 minutes on an elliptical at the gym last night. Had a little birthday cake for my co-worker yesterday, and if that is all I do in the sweet department this week, I'll be good.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Another cool day in the north, but I will take the cold over the horrific storms they are having in the mid west. Those poor folks - that's is when I have to thank my lucky stars and be grateful I live in a country where the worst thing I have to worry about is snow & cold in winter and cold & black flies and mosquitos in summer.

    No exercise for me yesterday. I have company staying at the house. After work I had a meeting and then my guest suggested we go out for dinner, so....I was very good food wise and managed to stay under my cals for the day. :happy:
    There won't be any exercise for me today either. Guests are still here and I am cooking tonight and having a little dinner party for them so they can visit with a few of their friends while here. Hope to back into the swing of things tomorrow. Guess this is what it means when "they" say "life gets in the way". I am enjoying my company and I am happy to have them with me.

    Alf, yes I am the one that is soon to be a grandma. I have two sons and my eldest son and his wife are expecting a daughter!! I am so excited. Everyone teases me as I will finally have my princess to spoil. I love my sons to pieces, but I would have also loved to have daughters. I have two wonderful daughter-in-laws, but they have their own mothers, so I know it is not the same as having your own, but, my granddaughter...well, I have already claimed her as "MINE". :heart:

    I do B&B at my house, and in addition to my guests, I have a B&B guest staying with me. This morning I was busy preparing her breakfast and then getting myself ready for work, that it wasn't until I was at work for an hour that I realized I forgot to eat!! :laugh: I NEVER forget to eat and would scoff at those that would say that. Really, how can anyone "forget" to eat? Well, my friends, this morning I did. Thank goodness I packed myself an orange and some walnuts for my morning snack!

    Enjoy your day. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf...to be honest...the reason I asked about the DVDs is because I had already ordered them.:bigsmile: Glad to hear that a pro thinks they are good.

    :flowerforyou: zebras...you always eat so healthy. You are an inspiration.

    I am in west central Ohio. Been getting some horrible storms here. A couple of tornados. On Monday night my son was driving down the road when the car raised up off the pavement. Then was put back down. Of course, he being a 27 year old, thought this was great.

    I am so wanting the rains to stop so I can get my bike out.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm fairly new to MFP and was glad to see a 40+ group!

    I'm 41 and decided to lose a little weight starting at the end of February. My daughter is nearly two, so it's time I lost the 'baby belly'. I am pretty much at a weight I'm happy with, now I'm trying to tone everything and flatten my stomach. Not quite there yet! I've been doing the 30-day shred DVD for a few weeks now and I can really feel it. Hoping to be in my new swimsuit once it's warm enough to hit the pool! =)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Belated Happy Birthday to String

    I'm having a hard time getting familiar with all of you, I guess it will take some time.

    I hope you are keeping your goals in mind doing well.

    I had a celebration meal with someone, so I kind of went wacky on my calories and stopped logging, but I'll try to piece it back together before the night's out.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning All!

    Managed my 30 minute walk at lunch and then 90 minutes on the treadmill last night. Let me tell you, going to the gym really helps me keep on track versus working out at home like I used to. Last night I almost quit before the 30 minute mark, but then I said, you're already here, keep trying. If I had been at home, I'd have been distracted by my husband or the TV and would have easily talked myself out of working out. I just slowed it down and kept going. If only I could get myself to eat smaller portions, then I wouldn't need to work out so much to get results! LOL
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    zebras, I'm so glad the gym is working out for you. I hear you about the eating, though. I keep telling myself the same thing...if I could just control myself a little bit more on the food bit, I wouldn't have to workout as hard. But, at the end of the day, I think I prefer working out to eating less, so......

    Cletc, you'll get to know us in no time! Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    tladame, welcome! Glad you are enjoying 30 Day Shred. I know some people here have gotten some great results from that program.

    Swissmiss, let us know what you think of your DVDs when you get them. I'm really curious because I'd love to try Zumba, but don't want to do it in public. :laugh: So a good DVD may be my only option.

    sdereski, it certainly sounds like you are busy!! I've never 'forgotten' to eat, but I have let eating take a back seat to other things I'm doing when I get really busy and just don't eat....until I get way too hungry. Glad you had some food with you. How fun that you use your house of B&B, but, boy, that's got to be alot of work!

    All here is well. I got my Insanity workout in this morning and did a recovery workout from P90X (since this is technically my last recovery week from that program). One more Insanity workout and then I'm done with that rotation too! :drinker: I'm going to take a pretty easy week next week (with a few days off completely) and then jump right into Asylum. Should be interesting.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome tladame.

    :flowerforyou: zebras...I was going to the gym six days a week. Until I slipped up and quit entirely. I was taking classes and that really kept me in line. If I missed any classes the other members were sure to notice. I didn't want to have to explain whatever silly reason I had for not going.:laugh:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Swiss, whatever works, right? The classes at the gym are so crowded, I'm not sure I'd get to know anyone. I am making an effort to get to know the gym staff, so hopefully I will feel the same way, and not dissappear. My problem is, if I get a cold or something and don't work out for a week, and then something stressful happens, too, and it takes me months to get myself back in line!

    Stiring, I too, like the food too much. I really still get surprised by "proper" portion sizes. Growing up I really had no concept. I wasn't a huge child either, neither was I ever the smallest in the room. So I don't know why my perception of portion sizes are so off. Do others have this issue?
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    I walked two days this week. I started the Couch to 5K program, but I'm not sure I should do it with the blood clot. I was told not to do any strenuous work. Since I'm starting from the couch, everything is strenuous! Trying to get a hold of my doctor to ask his perspective is way easier than done. So, a leisurely walk with the dog is all I can muster now.

    It's 90 degrees here and hazy. It beats buckets of rain! I think the pool opens tomorrow--sweet! I LOVE summer.

    Have a great day!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Feel better Victorious

    Beautiful weather the past two days. I have been gardening and walking like crazy. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Another day of no exercise and over eating. UGH! I'll be happy when I am back to my normal routine.
    I did really well until after dinner tonight. I came home and just kept on eating! I was so hungry.
    Tomorrow is a new day, and another new beginning. :laugh: Thank goodness for tomorrows eh?

    For my American Friends - this is your long weekend. Enjoy and be safe!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday All! I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!

    I'm doing the happy dance. I am official down 3.2 lbs from last week. Happy Happy Joy Joy

    I also managed to log in the most steps I've ever logged in for the walking challenge at work. Over 16,000 yesterday.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: zebras CONGRATUATIONS !!!! I can feel your excitement. Great job.

    :flowerforyou: sdereski...your post sounds like most of mine.:cry: But you definately have the right attitude.

    I always dread the weekend when I am with my family. So much harder to be good.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Congratulations zebras! That's a great weight loss for the week! And 16,000 steps is ALOT! Regarding your question on portion sizes, I have issues with it as well. When I actually think of how little I would need to eat to maintain my weight if I weren't working out (something like 1300 calories a day), I kind of panic at the thought of it, especially when I think about how many calories are in the average American restaurant meal (many are more than 1300). My husband and I used to easily take a dinner recipe meant for four people and make it for just the two of us (dinner being the hardest meal for me to control portion sizes). It has been, without a doubt, my biggest struggle in this whole process....taking those portion sizes down. But I've managed to do it, and the way I managed to do it isn't very healthy or popular. But I did it by eating frozen dinners for a couple of months when I was losing the weight. One frozen dinner and big salad made up dinner three to four nights a week. Through that process I learned that I can get by on a main course between 280 and 400 calories just fine. I haven't had a frozen dinner in over two years now. But when I cook, I make sure the main course is between 280-400 calories and the rest goes in the freezer. But I am one who needed to learn that I could live off that number of calories first and then re-teach myself how to cook for that level.

    sdereski, don't worry about yesterday! If you were hungry, your body was telling you something. No doubt things will get better when you are back to your normal routine.

    Victorious_One, don't push yourself with that blood clot!! They are very dangerous, so PLEASE talk to your doctor before doing anything too active. I almost lost a sister to a blood clot a few years ago, so, again, please talk to your doctor! I know this must be frustrating since you are so close to your goal weight, but you'll be fine as long as you continue to monitor your food. I hope you've been feeling well!

    Friday check-in.....my third rotation of Insanity is complete!! YAY! :drinker: I still can't believe I managed to finish both a complete P90X rotation and complete Insanity rotation in the past few months. No doubt, my cardio endurance has improved tremendously from Insanity. And my strength has definitely improved from P90X. So, all in all, I'm glad I did the rotations together. But, man, was it brutal. :laugh: My eating this week hasn't been great but it hasn't been too bad either. I do feel strong, fit and healthy right now, and that's a good feeling at the end of a week in which I got older!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful long weekend!!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Just a quick check in with you guys. Kids are out of School!!!!!!!:glasses: Just in case anyone wants to know...it takes 30 1st graders a little under 30 minutes to go through 400 water balloons but it was a blast! :laugh: I've been under the weather the last few days. Think it's allergies now that the weather is better but those sinus headaches really sap my motivation to do anything. I've been hanging in there with my eating but getting up to excercise hasn't happened. I'm going on the bike tonight to at least convince myself I can do SOMETHING. I get to weigh in tomorrow YEA! Almost to my half way mark! Have a great weekend everyone and be safe! :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    We had salmon burgers with dill sauce and salad with romaine, arugula, carrots, peppers, and jicama for dinner. I didn't have a bun with my burger patty, but the rest of the family did. I am making everyone take fish oil capsules now, but we still like to eat fish.
    The weather has been much warmer, and partly sunny for the past couple of days. My teens are already vegetating in front of the computer and video games now that school is done.

    I did get the 16 year old to come to the gym with me this afternoon. We both lifted weights. I rode my bike for about 25 minutes after dinner, but it was getting kind of dark. I had intended to get out much sooner, but got involved with some chores and starting some sourdough rye bread. At least I did get in a bit of riding. I'm still not sure how many calories to log. My heart rate monitor reads much higher for calories than the MFP estimate. It said just over 300 and MFP was more like 160. My weight and age are set into the HRM, but I may have to adjust my fitness level down again to get a more accurate read on that.

    I have people coming over on Sunday for some games and dinner, so hopefully I don't overeat. It's tough at social events with other people eating a lot.

    Good luck with the allergies Crewella, sinus headaches are tough to deal with. Congratulations on your progress so far!
    Congrats to Zebras for the huge number of steps walked. I have trouble getting to 8k some days; 16k is huge!
    Congrats StiringWen on finishing your P90x and Insanity workouts, that's amazing. Lots of people seem to get good results with those.
    Victorious I would recommend not trying to run with the blood clot. i hope that clears up soon!
    Sdereski, I don't live right near Pikes Peak, but we have a great view of it much of the time. It's about 8-10 miles from here I think. The Pikes Peak Marathon is a tough one from what I've heard. Good luck if you do enter. The altitude really makes a difference, so if you can come out early to acclimate, that will help a lot. My house is on the plains but it's at 6660 feet. The mountains are much higher.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    I had bought a Timex heart monitor, and their algorythm is way off. The heart rate was right, as it matched what a Precor ellipitcal machine was calculating, but the calories burned was showing almost double. I assumed something was wrong with it, so I contacted Timex, and they ran the numbers through the algorithm, and said it was working up to spec. Since everyone says the elliptical machines way overestimate calories burned, I would have gained weight if I had used that to calculate what to eat. So, if you have a timex, don't believe it!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Sorry didnt post yesterday since it was check in day for this group. My exercise and eating goals were pretty much on track, not perfect, but almost perfect. :laugh: So I am happy about that. I had a fun day yesterday with my daughter, we went to Six Flags. I am going out tonight with some girlfriends, one is moving to Hawaii next weekend, her husband is in the Coast Guard. We are taking her to the Riverwalk tonight for dinner and some dancing. I offered to be the DD so no drinking for me.. :wink: Good strategy to save on calories and get all of us home safe. :drinker:

    Stiring, congrats on finishing your workout rotations. Insanity is mostly cardio right? My daughter has a friend who is selling his set for $40. I am not so sure it is something I can use right now with my hip problems and teaching Zumba. I think it would be better for me to concentrate more on lifting than anything else. Not sure...

    Zebras, congrats on your weight loss!!!!! :drinker: Keep up the good work!!!! Regarding portion control, I must say I have gotten better with time since starting on MFP a little over 3 yrs ago. Measuring portions, counting calories etc have really taught how to eyeball the right portions of just about anything. When I go to restaurants I can pretty much tell if it is a huge portion or not. I normally half my meal and pack it up and eat it the next day for lunch or give it to my son or husband. :wink:

    Sdereski, I was looking at your pictures. You look great! Where do you want to lose weight from? :laugh: You are on maintenance, right?

    Colorado, I am imagining the breathtaking scenes you see everyday. I have never visited Colorado but drove through on my way back from California to TN a long time ago. It is beautiful!!! About your HRM and calories burned I would go with your HRM, it is more accurate. It is really taking into consideration your weight, age, and the actual HR throughout your workout. Nothing is going to be totally accurate but nothing is perfect in this world. :wink:

    Swiss, just keep on going...sound frustrated. We all go through those stages...like Nike says JUST DO IT! :wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!! :flowerforyou: