40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Another good day - working hard to get these last 10lbs off.
    haven't been able to run in a couple of weeks, but have been doing well with my strength training and cycling. Enjoying my bike since not being able to run. The weather in my part of the has been cooperating, so I'm grateful for that. I hear the east coast is getting so much rain. Sure hope the sun shines for all of you soon.

    My scale was lower again this morning, by another 2 lbs. but let's see how I survive the weekend. :tongue:

    Just trying to get caught up with all my posts.

    Have a great night all.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Boy, is winter ever gonna end. We got another 6 inches of snow. Combine that with the new leaves on the trees and that equals broken branches and loss of power again. Not to mention I put out our awning not expecting snow and it broke. Oh well. I think the hubby can fix it.

    Didn't find my brothers ring BUT I did get the room spotless! :laugh: Guess thats what matters

    I think instead of running on the treadmill I'm gonna start doing more core workouts. Thats where I need the most attention anyway.

    My son, the baby, will be graduating this year. Gosh I cant believe how quickly the time flew by.

    Alf... My son in law is doing great. He just returned to Afghanistan after getting R&R for two weeks. They needed the time together. Hopefully the remainder of his time will fly by.

    Mkwood... I have the 30 day shred. I started it but never finished it. Maybe I'll pull it out again. What I did do I liked though
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Had a very weird day for me. After MONTHS of no fast food I just decided that today was the day...but when I got there I opted for the turkey burger instead of the full fat with BBQ sauce and onion rings burger. Did get the fries though! But that was a new thing for me........I think this lifestyle change thing just might be growing on me.......then as if I still didn't know who I was I came home and biked most of it off so my net calorie gain today was only 63 calories. Of course WAY over on fat, carbs and SODIUM (that's gonna cost me) but the point is that for me I actually took steps to care for myself even after my indulgence. I'm racking it up as a NSV! :flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey Guys - Just wanted to pop in and say hi....I do lurk on from time to time to see how y'all are doing. Singfree, you are not kidding on this soggy weather! it's a good time to be a duck here in PA.

    However, nothing can keep me down. Not sure the last I posted but hubs returns home today from his deployment to Afghanistan....his final deployment! YAY. 5 times in the last 8 years is enough, don't you think?:grumble: . He is an old man by military standards and full bird is not in his cards so he will have to retire a lt col. and return to teaching. We weighed in before he left for our own little biggest loser contest. He said he lost 15 pounds! to my 8! MEN! no offense Sing! I'm going to fatten him up before our official weigh in next week.

    I've been going to a personal trainer and absolutely love it. it's not so much the weight but the inches lost and I feel stronger everyday!

    Alf, do you still Zumba? Haven't gone back in a long time. Afraid of the hip flaring up! I ran my first half marathon in April. Girls weekend away. Had so much fun! Never thought in my lifetime that I would run a half. I can see how people say to themselves...hey maybe I could do a full marathon...that wasn't so bad.

    Stiring...how are the states treating you...you are in DC right? Did you run the Cherry Blossom 10 miler. I missed that this year.

    Nice to pop in and see you all. Welcome newbies. This is a nice group....I pop in from season to season!:wink:

    Off to pick up my man. Pull the kids out of school. Congrats to all the college graduates. dd just finished her first year at Penn State...I know it will go by in a blink of an eye!
    :heart: :heart:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sooooooooooo many posts, sooooooooooooo little time!!!! :ohwell: But it is so good to see so many people here. :drinker: :drinker: As for me, trying to get back to the routine after our trip, eating better that's for sure. It is amazing how a few days of poor eating can take a toll on your body, geez!!!

    Zippy, great seeing you!!!!!!! Welcome back to your husband!!! I am sure you are ecstatic!!!! Thank you for his service. Retiring Lt Col is not bad at all!!!! Yes, I still teach Zumba. I love teaching it!!!! Congrats on running a 13.1!!!! I did two on 2009 before my hip injury. I dont think I could do another one now with all my hip problems. :sad: But I can say that I had the satisfaction to experience it.

    Mkwood, enjoy 30 day shred, I love it. I combine the levels cause for me just one was not enough. I was doing 2 or 3 at a time. I have never tried the six pack one. Let me know what you think about it.

    Tex, Congrats to your daughter!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Tron, glad to hear your son in law is doing great and got some well deserved R&R. IMO, you might not want to stop doing cardio if you want to get rid of belly fat. You might want to combine the two, cardio and core strentgh workouts. Snow???? No way!!!!! It is summer time in San Antonio already!! :noway:

    Crewel, I know exactly how you feel right now. :laugh: It is great that you decided to go for a healthier option. I do that from time to time and as long as I keep it that way there is not that much harm. I am also perfectly ok about ordering a salad at a fast food joint. :laugh:

    Sorry cannot respond to all the posts, have to get ready for work now. Swiss so good to have you back on here!!!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I am a day early and a dollar short but I wanted to chat while the sun was out. What a wet week. Tornados and heavy rain, but the trees look fabulous.

    Welcome Goron59

    Zebras and DuffyzMom- Love the Summer Simmers Menopause group!!

    Alf1163- Glad you have a great vacation!!

    MKwood10- I have six pack and it kills me. I could use a motivation boost also. You can count on me for a booster! I have learned lately change is GOOD!?

    SwissMiss Welcome back

    Tron3002 Congrats on your childs graduation! Well done Well done

    stiringwendel Thank you. I am trying to find balance. You are doing awesome with Insanity and P90x Woohooo

    Zippy111 a half...wonderful. Glad you Husband is home safe and Thank you for serving!!!! He may have served but you have supported. Thank you!!

    Aimeetu- welcome aboard

    crewellademel congrats on your healthy choices on a splurge day! Pardon my failed education in acronyms but what does NSV mean?

    Texssippian A big congrats to you and your daughter!! Great accomplishments on our board!!

    JuliaSoCal Welcome back

    Cletc welcome
    Catdub welcome

    With support like we have on our post everything is easier!!!


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone...quite a lot of new posts here since I last posted. To many to read at this time. Will try to do this at lunch.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning All! Had an insane drive home last night in the pounding rain. Still raining today! I had to get gas on the way home, and I go to a station that still pumps it for you, and my poor guy was like a drowned rat!

    Did 90 minutes on the treadmill last night, but missing our lunchtimes walk is really showing. Not making progress this week! Good to see so many people posting. This is the place to be!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome ColoradoRobin, Sdereski, Seashells42, Cletc :flowerforyou:

    Crewellademel, what a party! Wish I were there, sounds like fun. (I'm a first grader disguised as a middle-aged chick :laugh: ). Great news on your positive change. Sodium is a tough one to get down. At Weight Watchers, they would tell us to just up our water intake as much as possible to flush it out.

    Singfree, I hope the shift change is going OK for you.

    TxMs, glad to hear that the scale is changing in your favor. Congrats to your daughter. My BFF stayed in Austin after her grad degree in library science. She loves it there.

    Julia, good to see you checking in. I do hear that maintenance is harder than losing. I can't imagine...but I'll find out soon!

    Catdub, I'm an honorary Canadian :happy: . I have tons of Canadian relatives, and grew up across the border from Windsor in Detroit.

    Zippy111, so glad to hear that your hubby is home! I too love working with a trainer. I really want to find it in my budget to do so again. It makes all the difference.

    Yeah, so, that thing I did to my arm? It's actually a blood clot. :frown: The clot is from the IV I had in my arm when I was taking the TPN nutrition. I have to take blood thinners for six months and make sure I don't bang my head or cut myself during that time (not that I was planning on it). I'm working hard to be positive. I've had a lot of health challenges in recent years and I've been feeling sorry for myself, but mostly I'm grateful to God that they found the clot and that they can treat it so it doesn't move around and do damage. So, this is my official excuse for not lifting weights for half a year. :happy: There's no excuse for not walking and drinking my water, though, so I better get on it.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Mama_cc
    Mama_cc Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Guys, So glad to see a 40+ group!

    just joined MFP this week because it seems my metabolism has come to a screeching halt. I have tried many things for the past year, but without success. I used to just work out more, journal my intake, and boom- pants fit. But now, I am battling something I have never had to deal with before: a very slow metabolism.

    Did anyone else have a sudden slow-down? I am looking forward to seeing progress.

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome Mama, you've come to the right place.

    For me, I wish I had a speed up before the slow down! LOL
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Still not able to reply to everyone. Worked through lunch so didn't have the time then. At home now. Had a wonderful dinner of turnip, carrots and fish. My only fault is that I am not working out. Still can't get back to it.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hey everyone......had a good day today. Excercised and ate right!

    LadyPersia- NSV....no worries....had to have one of the "kids" on MFP tell me too! :laugh: Stands for "Non-Scale Victory"

    It's WET here too! What the Heck? More rain and up to another 4-6 inches of snow in the Mountains. Alta just got 15 inches of powder. Supposed to have a family reunion at family cabin end June....likely going to have to swim there! Went in last week on snowshoes......don't they know it's MAY for crying out loud! :explode:

    Victorious1: So sorry to hear about the blood clot in your arm. Serious stuff that! Take Care and do what your doc's tell ya!

    Mama CC: Welcome! I feel your pain! Might want to think about having your thyroid checked.

    Hang tough everybody...you can do it! No matter what it is! :flowerforyou:
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Hit the big 50 in Jan 11, Hello to everyone!

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening! It's Friday for me and only 5.5 hrs until the weekend!!! Our Grandson is visiting us, but I did not see hime yet, because he arrived after I left for work at 6 pm. "He" called me and we talked for a minute before he was off to play with his Thomas train set. He just LOVES his new bed. When we were in Utah, our carpenter installed a Murphy (wall) bed in our guest room with built-in cabinets covering the entire wall. He now has a "big boy" bed to sleep in. It's funny to imagine a little guy like that sleeping in a queen bed!

    Friday check in day again. Not too much progress for me, due to the LONG work hours and lousy weather we've been having around here. I'm still trying to get my eating under control, but it's getting there. I just told Swissmiss that I am trying to get in shape for the summer season...if I can get out on my bike. I hate riding-running-walking-hiking (you get the picture) in the rain.

    Have a great weekend!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Still raining.....

    Thank you crewellademel....

    Welcome Jttaylor and mama_cc

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Quick check in for me, sorry... It is amazing how just a few days of clean eating and exercise can make a huge difference. I feel so much better after coming back from my trip. Yeah!!!!! No weigh in for me though. I only weigh in once a month, first Fri of the month. Weekend plans? My son is supposed to play his last challenger baseball game tomorrow morning if it doesnt rain. We are supposed to get some rain. In a way I want the rain, we really need it. In the evening it is some girls night out to bid farewell to a friend who is moving to Hawaii, hubby is in the Coast Guard.

    Sing, have a great time with your grandson!!!!

    Swiss, dont worry about not responding to everyone, just let us know how you are doing.

    Welcome to all the new members!!!! Keep posting. We are here to listen even if sometimes we dont have time to respond. We are all very busy with our lives, no slowing down for us!!!

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    singfree..hearing of your grandson makes me even more anxious to get to Florida. Four and a half years is a long time for not seeing grandchildren.

    alf...you can come to Ohio and have all the rain you want.:laugh: I actually saw a goose on the interstate on the grass between the lanes. There was probably a lake there.:wink: It looks like LadyPersia may know what I am talking about.

    Still doing well with my eating. Not exercising much yet.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday All. Welcome New Friends.

    Down .2 of a lb this week, so a little progress! Broke my personal best yesterday for # of steps logged in for our walking challenge. Wanted to break 14,000, looked at my pedometer, wasn't quite there, and the next time I looked I was at 15,000.

    Still threatening rain out today.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I am still trying to "get to know" everyone - that may take me a while.
    I keep hearing about all the rain and lousy weather, and have to admit, it's been quite nice around here. It is usually me complaining of the cold, snow, rain, etc. But,....it's feelin' like summertime 'round here! :bigsmile:

    Did not get to exercise yesterday. My evening to host bridge, so was home right after work to finish getting everything ready. I also was over in my cals - because of the dessert! Darn coconut cream pie. :grumble: I skipped dinner, because I knew I was having this dessert, but still...o well, double workout for me today!

    I have been working my *kitten* this month, even though I have not been able to run (I'm a runner) as I am determined to get these last 10lbs off. They've been hanging around for over a year now. I've incorporated weight training into my routine, hoping that is going to help some. We'll see. Gotta keep on, keepin' on. :tongue:

    Long weekend coming up, but no big plans -other than my workouts.
    Hope everyone has a great, safe weekend. :flowerforyou: