40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope I can join the group. Sometimes the board seems filled with 20 somethings who can blink and call it exercise!! I am about 28 pounds from my goal but the kiddos are gearing up for summer vacation. Which means lots of stress and lots of visiting place where I had better bring my cooler or I will eat junk! My exercise is going well - I spin about 2-3 days a week and have a semi-personal trainer 2 x week. Working so far - but I need to get my eating on track (who doesn't right?) So I'm trying my best this weekend to stick to my calorie goal. That's my mini-goal for the weekend. Stay on track!!!! I'll check back here on Monday and let you all know how it went. Accountability is the best!!!!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome Aimee. I am an old member who is just coming back to the group. This is a wonderful place to find support and encouragement. I have to hand it to you...doing well on a weekend is something I struggle with. I do alright during the week while at work. If you want, you can chat here during the weekend to keep yourself on the right path.
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    On the road again... LOL. Just passing Alabama. Might stay the night somewhere in Louisiana. We had a great time in Orlando. Now can't wait to get back to normal whatever that is. LOL OMG Swiss I've so missed you so much glad to see you again! My baby is 18! He had a great time at the parks he handled the crowd really well. So proud of him. My husband well not so well. He definitely had pms every day. LOL. Sing, you are so funny. Writing from phone, don't worry not driving. LOL hugs!!
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    Saturday is in the bag and I'm not over by more than my exercise calories (which I don't eat - usually LOl). Plus today I moved a lot of heavy furniture around so that has to count for something right? Okay - deep breaths, deep breaths, tomorrow is another day!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    aimeetu....you have the right attitude. We have to take it one day at a time. I have a tendency to want it right now. Need to take it slow.

    I am only going to the gym once a week. I need to add more days.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great evening. Will try to appear here in the morning.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd love to join your group. I'm a 42 year old Mom of 2 great kids (10 and 6), and a full time Veterinarian. I've enjoyed MFP SOOOO much since joining but sometimes feel a bit old when reading the threads. So really pleased to find this thread, feels a bit like home. Had to laugh at the Summer Simmers. Had a woman at work 2 years younger than me complain to her doctor that her hormones where just out of control. The Dr. gave her the "well remember you ARE pre-menapausal" talk. 2 weeks later she found out she was pregnant. Beware of hormone surges! Overall, I do well on MFP but my wt loss has been agonizing slow and worse....comes and goes in long stretches so it is difficult to stay motivated sometimes. I'd appreciate any support! :flowerforyou:
  • trishobr
    trishobr Posts: 120 Member
    Hello! I'm over 40 and love this site!
  • ladie_sapphire65
    Hello everyone!

    Today's my first day toward really being committed to lving a healtier lifestyle. My biggest struggle.......wine! I enjoy it. In moderation of course and mostly just on the weekend. I think this is what's prohibiting my weight loss because I'm very conscious about what I eat. Any suggestions? Thanks everyone!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome new folks!

    Crewel, your poor friend! I only say that because we're at my friends' 14 year old's soccer game, and my husband says lets adopt a kid! I said I would only adopt one that was graduated from college already LOL. Eric and i got married when I was 39, and some of my friends were having their first child, and some were having their 1st grandchild! So, 40s is definitely a time that anything can happen to us!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I really hope I can get my workouts in this week. I am working 7 pm to 7 am, filling in for a supervisor on vacation. I had a great weekend, although not eating-wise. Just take it one step at a time. No PMS for this guy (except for the bloating)...I have PMA (positive mental attitude)!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hooray for PMA! We are all working toward that.

    I had a slightly sugary weekend, hoping that the routine of the weekday will keep me in check. The walking challenge at work as helped keep me motivated. I can't beleive how many people have dropped out because they can't be bothered to log in or lost their pedometer. Amazing they can keep motivated to come and do their jobs here! Hope everyone is well on this slightly damp morning!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Swissmiss - So glad to see you posting! Support is the key to success for sure.

    Aimee - Any kind of furniture moving counts as triple the exercise in my book! I hate moving, even re-arranging my furniture in the same room.

    Welcome to Crewellademel, Trishobr, and Ladie_Sapphire65!

    Ladie_Sapphire65, I'd say to try wine spritzers. They're half sparkling water and half wine, but they taste mostly like wine. You can also alternate between wine and another low-cal drink, like a sparkling water or regular water.

    Singfree - Please pass some of that PMA my way! :-) Hang in there with the 12-hour shifts. I loved working those, but not the midnights! 7a-7p was my dream, 3 days per week.

    Zebras - I'm glad the walking challenge is working well for you. Hopefully you will inspire others to get back on track.

    I can't believe I'm within 2 lbs of my original goal. When I get there, I will have lost 100lbs since my surgery--that's 100lbs I will NOT be trying to find again, that's for sure! :happy: I'm going to celebrate with some clothes shopping.

    Today I'm working solely on cleaning up this house. It's turned into a pig pen! I have to figure out how many calories 6 hours of housework is worth. I won't stop until it's done!

    Have a great Monday, everyone.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all!!! Totally missed logging in all weekend - our youngest graduated from college on Saturday, and I'm STILL exhausted!! :laugh:

    Her commencement ceremony was at 8:30am on Saturday, which meant that Saturday was just like getting up to go to work - no sleeping in for me:grumble: SOOOOOO proud of her; she now has a bachelors of Human Nutrition, a bachelors in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Physiology and a minor in Leadership Studies :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: . Now the job hunt begins. Don't remember if I posted on here that she did not get the slot for Army Officer Candidate School. :frown: She was pretty devastated, but took a couple of days to get a handle on things before she talked to us. She can apply again in six months, but doesn't think she's going to. She's accepted that it wasn't meant to be and that she's supposed to do something else with her life. Who knows exactly what that means, but she knows she needs to get out there and find a grown-up job!! Her student loans begin repayment in 90 days, and it'll be over $400/month payments. Good part is they will be paid off in 5 years and are interest free.

    Swiss....welcome back!! You're not the only one who is struggling with weight gain this spring; I'm not at 15 pounds gained, but still totally frustrated these days!!

    Alf........hope you've made it home safe and sound and full of wonderful memories!!

    Stiring...........thanks for the Six Week/Six Pack feedback. I'm going to look for the DVD and try it out. I think a big part of my problem is I've become bored at Curves (after 4 years) and I need to find a new challenge.

    Duffyz............. I hear ya on the menopause issues! I've discovered that my hormone fluctuations may be a factor in the weight gain I've had this spring.......:grumble: :grumble: . I'm just grateful I don't get full blown hot flashes (at least yet), just my feet daily!! Quite entertaining to watch them go from pale to bright red and feel the heat radiating off of them......not!!! The other night I actually got 2 cold gel packs out of the freezer and wrapped them around my toes - it really helped!!

    Sigh...........gotta get back to work; still trying to catch up from being gone Friday.

    Have a great week all!!
  • gbryant
    gbryant Posts: 24 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well, I have not had alot of time to spend reading everyones threads, or even exercise. Alot to do at work, alot of overtime being put in. I am just greatful I have a job to be able to work at.:happy: Some are not as lucky.
    I have gained 1.4lbs since my last weighin. Not to happy about that, but considering the eating I have been doing, I am glad it wasnt more. I hope to get back on track by the end of May, My project will be over and I can have more time to log information.

    I wish you all great success this week. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone... Good to see you all again!

    My brother and his family left yesterday. Its really hard to get in a lot of exercise when they are here because of the fact that I am going with them to look at houses and when I am home I usually have their 9 year old who thinks she needs total contol over the TV. Sponge Bob is WAYyyyyy more important than my workout DVD's . Haha

    I dont know how long they will be gone this time because on Wed. a supervisor is gonna be calling my sister in law to give her an offer on a job and also they found this foreclosure down the street that they put an offer on... Beautiful house, minor repairs such a shame to lose it. I think it must have been a nasty divorce because its too nice of a house just to let it go. But in todays economy who knows.

    I've gotta search, while cleaning my house today instead of working out because my brother lost his wedding ring and I'm hoping to find it here. If its not then he lost it at one of the houses we looked at and that would be such a shame.

    Hope you all have a terrific day and I will be on again later...
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Good Evening everyone. Zebra- thanks for the welcome. So nice to read all your updates on your day! Today was total Insanity....and I don't mean of the workout variety...ran from one thing to another all darn day. :tongue: Good News! Down 1.5lbs today after weigh in. That makes a total of 2lbs in the last 7days....so happy! Never had a week wt loss like that! Now the important thing is that next week when I lose less and the week after that when I lose nothing or most likely gain (thank you SOOO much hormones) you're gonna remind me that it all evens out, even when I'm ready to rip my hair out! Kids only have 7 more days of school! I can't wait. No having to get them up in the AM, no lunches to make........heaven! OK going off to excercise.... Have a good night everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to reality!!!!! :laugh: I was so busy yesterday that I didnt have time to read posts and respond. We had a wonderful time. I could tell that my son enjoyed it very much. My husband? Not so much... :laugh: Oh well!!! We didnt do it for him but for my son.

    I taught Zumba last night, it was good to be back. Did a quick workout this morning and have to get ready to get back to work. My diet is getting back on track. I did not eat clean while on vacation but Hakuna Matata. :laugh: :laugh: It is in the past now and what matters now is the present and the future so back to work.... :laugh:

    So happy to see so many of you on here!!!! :drinker: Welcome to all the new members!!!! I am sorry I cannot respond to all the posts.

    Victorious, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now go get all those nice clothes!!! I love your picture, you are so beautiful, love the smile!!!

    MK, congratulations to your daughter on her graduation!!! I love her degrees!!!!! Tell her not to beat herself about not getting selected, hey, it might be a sign of better things to come for her. Think positive, always!!!!!

    Tron, how is your son in law doing in Afghanistan?

    Crewell, congrats on the weight loss. Take it one day at a time. Perhaps think about what you did differently these past two weeks that helped you lose 2 lbs and do it again. The main thing is to be consistent with clean eating and exercise, drinking lots of water and sleeping. Try not to weight yourself too often either or you will go crazy. Once a month should be enough.

    Well, gotta go get ready for work and get my son ready. Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • terrt
    terrt Posts: 16
    Liking this thread! I walked/ran this weekend. Hadn't run since the winter got to too cold to be outside, but I ran a combined 15 mins for the 45 that I was out. Good for about 4miles. Thought that was a nice start!