lautour Member


  • What that doctor said is not true. It's not what an actual dietitian would say or anyone who understands nutrition better than the one class mds get in med school. The two dieticians I've worked with both said it counts. Then I had surgery and could drink nothing but "clear" fluids for weeks. Plain water did not sit well…
  • lemurcat12 I really appreciate your questions and contributions in this thread.
  • Are you asking because you are interested in losing weight this way, or are you really just ranting? Do you want a burger but think you can't have it? Or are you happy not eating "junk" (burgers aren't junk!) and think your way is the best way? I'm curious about what other people do. I love heavy meals with dessert. I hate…
  • But ketchup
  • Well you're fortunate because you know your maintenance calories if you've truly tracked calories and maintained since December. Subtracting 15-25% of that is a good deficit I think. Assuming 1800 is maintenance, between 1350 and 1530 if my math is right.
  • I feel sick
  • And I was talking about myself!!
  • Truth. If someone is concerned about appearing obsessive this is the last place to be. Reading and talking on diet forums, logging everything that crosses the lips, figuring out BMR and TDEE and macros and all that other stuff normal people don't do? Tooooooooo late.
  • I read the book and tried it for a few weeks. I didn't try it long enough to tell you if it works, but I can tell you the structure of it. 1. Eat within 30 minutes of waking and every 3 hours (I can't do this so this is why I stopped) 2. He doesn't specify carb grams. The way the plan works is through controlling portion…
  • Educational thread! I think I figured out how to stop overindulging peanut butter. Use a spoon and not my fingers! This day I have become classier.
  • So clean eating is eating a low fat diet? Or eating "non processed" foods? Because I don't see why fatty meat is somehow more "processed" than lean meat, I really don't.
  • My diary looks like i frequently don't eat much (many sub-800 days in the past year). It's open but not like any other diaries I've seen. I had weight loss surgery a year ago and I currently do intermittent fasting so that's why it looks like that. But even on "normal" days, I eat a lot of heavy foods. Also, I'm a simple…
  • I don't celebrate Easter BUT last Monday was a special evening in my religion and my family went to an old diner that we used to always go to. And it was a feast day in my diet so I was ready! Unfortunately, new ownership meant the food was nowhere near as good. But I love spending time with my family anyway. Edit: lol…
  • I went months without eating a twix candy bar and when I finally had one it tasted dry and stale. Weeks later I had another and it was the same. A couple weeks ago I was in a different city, tried again, still don't like Twix anymore. I'm sure I'll have many more letdowns to come as I am trying new recipes this week.
  • I have gone cold turkey for some things (e.g. soda, juice, pop tarts) and it worked. After a few months when I consumed these things I could do it moderately. Actually I could live without those things forever now, but at the very least I'll never binge on pop tarts again. But for other things, I didn't actually want to…
  • I guess you should read this article everyone's on about this week: Yes, you may be undercounting your calories or overestimating exercise burn. Your diary is not open so it's unknown how much you're eating. But apparently the high stress from…
    in Not losing Comment by lautour April 2014
  • I look at calories on a weekly basis, not so much a daily basis. I eat a lot sometimes, a little other times. It makes sense that you would be less hungry the day after eating a lot. You don't have to eat "just because". It won't hurt your metabolism to eat less when you just had a lot yesterday. Of course, I don't know…
  • I've never tried the chocolate. I really like the plain, using sugar free vanilla syrup to mix instead of water (use half as much).
  • That's exactly what I took out of it and I thank you for it. I have to eat out a lot and can't cook like I used to because I recently became sick. I gave up completely on trying to lose weight because I didn't think it was possible without being able to prepare balanced meals with fresh veggies and I can't afford meal…
  • She's already not eating enough. This may be why she gets hungry in the middle of the night and hunger can make it hard to sleep. There is nothing morally or physically wrong with eating in the middle of the night as far as I know. I'm confused by these responses.
  • There is nothing wrong or dangerous with eating at any particular time of day, so have the 3am snack.
  • Today I'm trying 3 small meals and a snack. I'd been doing two meals but found myself hungry at night. Also, I do 16/8 on my fast day so I don't start eating until late afternoon and I eat all within an 8 hour period. I strongly feel I'd be unsuccessful if I started eating earlier. I too don't eat until I must
  • I found my people. I have tried, multiple times in multiple ways, to both cut calories AND eat healthy. I only succeeded when I was doing low carb, and only because I baked low carb treats as substitutes. Now I can't do low carb that way due to illness. I still need structure to my eating so I do the JUDDD diet (eat one…
  • Since Feb. 16th you have lost 15 pounds, that's two months (and Feb. is short), about 2 pounds a week. That's good! I know it's frustrating to plateau but people usually do after the initial burst. Have you been measuring yourself? I plateaued while eating correctly but I was losing inches and didn't realize it until I…
  • I use this to figure that out: Underestimate your workout rather than overestimate.
  • Exactly!!! When people say "eat what you want, just practice moderation" they almost always mean keep eating as you did before, just less. So next time have one slice of cake instead of two, but they assume there should be a next time and that time will come as it normally does. "Stop eating for months then gradually add…
  • The problem is she's scared to eat more because she doesn't know how to "add calories" and not go overboard. Another problem is, outside of myfitnesspal forums, there is a strong dieting culture around "less is more" so if you can eat less you might think you should. It feels virtuous to many women to eat under their goal…
  • I can't with this thread, so I'll just make a pb2 recommendation. I can go through a jar of peanut butter in 24 hours. I can happily eat it instead of meals. Pb2 wasn't quite right UNTIL I used sugar free vanilla syrup instead of water. That made it creamier and sweeter. Start with half as much as you would water or it…
  • I agree. If appetite is chronically low then something may be going on. But otherwise, eating only when you actually want to is great!
  • I only want my friends to be happy with their food. When I look at their mfp diaries I always think they look great.