Mimoki Member


  • I'm 26 5'3 150lbs and on my excercise day I average about 1800-1900 calories. I set TDEE - 15 percent at sedentary is 1489 and I excercise 300-400 calories a day and eat those up (I don't work or do any movement otherwise) and I can still eat more. I don't weigh myself so not sure how much I lost but I deffo look smaller…
  • My high school was majority black. My college had 18 black kids outta 5000, we all gave each other the 'nod of acknowledgment' when we walked by and when I lived in Ireland I was the token black american girl ya'll know what I'm saaayyying? Lol I'm only half black. Also I am living with my in laws at the moment here in…
  • I use two 500 ml water bottles, there only a little more than a pound, but weights are exactly easy to come by out here in the middle of no where. Lol.
  • Im aCO wash gal as well. ;)
  • check out curlynikki.com and her book "better than good hair" . I used to relax my hair now I've been natural for a few years. I don't have to gel or put too much product in my hair at all. I just put a bit of morrocan oil and it falls nice and big curls. Just research and experiment, trust me you will find what works best…
  • We eloped because we were living overseas in Ireland. We threw a massive party at a club and it was a monday so it was free. We all got so sloshed and piss that both my husband and I ended up at 9 a.m. The following day doing the walk of shame wedding edition lol. It was brilliant! We spent less than a grand for the entire…
  • In my opinion a wok is a wok, unless you can get non stick woks then thats best. Here I've got no choices lol. Oh and unless you use a gas stove then thats best for a walk since the bottom dips in but in western countries most stoves are flat tops so the wok doesn't get so hot on the side and it traditionally would.
    in Wok Comment by Mimoki May 2013
  • I LOVE chilies sooo bad. I can no longer eat food with out chilies for instance if I must go to a restaurant that serves mainly european food that entire saucer of pepper will be gone. I put chilie flakes on sandwiches, pasta, toast, almost everything thats savory. I am half thai though and we thais can't survive without…
    in spicy food Comment by Mimoki May 2013
  • Im a pescatarian (10 years). You can add me if you like. For me personally I like fish and veg I could just never get with the other stuff lol since I was small. My mom used to try to trick me into eating chicken and what now. Now its been so long that it doesn't even occur me...
  • Thats a tough situation with relaxed hair. I now wear my hair natural so I just co wash after my workout and let it air dry. I read online too that you can get natural astringent and cotton swap your scalp to get rid of the sweat, wear it in a bun and a scarf or sweat band around the edges. Others mention aligning your…
    in Hair Comment by Mimoki April 2013
  • I will be moving back to my hometown, Boston in a few months after living abroad for 5 years. Prob be like navigating a whole new city and social scene again lol. You can add me :)
  • Welcome! and good luck on your journey :)
  • I think its all up to you. I have my setting on sedentary because I don't leave the house, and barely do house work but I do all the clothes washing for my husband and myself and down here we can only hand wash (no washing/drying machines) and trust me if you want a good strength workout you should get into hand washing…
  • Shouldn't do push up's on your palms because they are bad for the wrist for everyone. Its suggested to do them on push up stands but if you don't have those to do them on your knuckles with a cloth under them, this will get WAY less tension to the wrist.
  • This, I always wear 3/4 sleeves as well, way more flattering on my big ole arms lol
  • Congrats on getting accepted :) and also look into your college dining hall facility. The college I went to was very good in terms of it. You could request anything, and the next day it would appear, we had vegan desserts, low fat, gluten free, asian, wester, etc... But it was buffet style so that was the down side though…
  • Oh tofu curries are the best, check out shesimmers.com. Just replace all non veggie stuff with tofu and etc. Yummmers!
  • A thai dish called Hom Mok which is curried fish with herbs on top of blanched cabbage steamed in a banana leaf, just like grandma used to make. Delish!!!!
  • Most folks don't see change well until level 2 and level 3. Keep it up and you see change in a few days. Also because you are doing something you body hasn't quite let go of water weight yet especially if you haven't taken a rest day for you muscles to heal. Good luck!
  • I use two thai brands, either Chef's Choice or Aroy D. I only use them for making curries though... They are both great flavours but not low calorie or anything.
  • I must be the only American who doesn't like peanut butter. I feel left out lol.
  • I'm 26, anyone can add me if you want ;)
  • I usually have dinner at 11pm lol. I don't go to sleep until about 4 a.m. Though but I just eat when I feel hungry, which is all the time. I definitely need to get more protein and fiber into my diet :(
  • add :) anyone else can add me too if you like:smile:
  • I lived in Ireland for 5 years and more than one of my Irish friends would often get drunk and do a jig lmao. Great way to work off those alcohol calories!!
  • Yep... Lolat Bra-moan.. Dang... Nah still better than Samzilian. Sounds like a dinosaur.
  • I'm black and asian. I eat collardgreens with chopsticks :glasses:
  • If they offer a menu in mandarin or cantonese, they ain't messing around lol.