alglenn2013 Member


  • Great Job!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Friday I will do Week 5 Day 3 it's a straight 20 minute run. I'm am so scared! I have never ran for that long before! I am sure I will have to stop at least once, but I am determined, and I will press on!
  • I do this too. I love sour cream on my baked potatoes and tacos, and when I switched I barely noticed the difference. I can't say that I could eat it by the spoonful though. I definitely view it as a condiment!
  • Coffee! I just learned that coffee has more potassium than a banana, like way more! Yay for my morning cup of joe!!!!!
  • Agreed. That is crap! Go out, have fun. That's part of life and if you can't go out and have fun once in a while, then what is the point? Personally, I am here to make myself happier, and healthier. Denying myself a good time with friends is NOT on my list of goals! Edit to say, Love all the pet pics!!!!
  • Good for you! What an uplifting story! Good luck and way to stand up to your doctor! Sometimes medication is not the answer to a problem, and some docs are so quick to pick up the prescription pad. You took control of your health and you succeeded. Way to go!
  • What did you set your activity level to? Mine is set to sedentary, because I work at a desk all day. My current weight is 180lbs. My calories are set to 1310 per day for a 1lb loss per week. I log any exercise and eat my exercise calories which usually puts me at just over 1700 per day. check your activity level and see if…
  • Fun sized! Yay! Much better than "short". I'm 5'0 and need to lose about 40 pounds to hit my first goal. Where I'll end up is unknown since I haven't been that low since before puberty and have no clue what I will feel like that small! Everything I read "suggests" I should weigh less than 120, but my mind just can't…
  • I love you. You say what I feel and cannot put into words. Thank You!
  • Great job!!! You got this! What is it about the 3 minute mark that feels so good?!?! Week 4 is kicking my a** right now, but I WILL DO THIS!!!
  • If you're going to have access to fire and a pot to boil water in, this pinterest link shows you how to do a campfire omelet! You can mix up the eggs ahead of time and store it in a milk jug or other water-tight container, and you can chop the veggies and other fillings ahead of time too! I bet the kiddies will love…
    in Camping Comment by alglenn2013 June 2013
  • Don't worry about next week! I am on Week 3 now. I was so nervous on Day 1, but I did it and you will too! When the little voice announced the end of my 3 minutes I cheered and jumped up and down! Good thing I am in the country and there wasn't anyone to see me besides the corn and soy fields!
  • Way to go! I knew you could do it! Never underestimate your own strength and determination! I am right there with you. I start Week 3 next week. Yikes!!
  • I'll be doing Week 2 Day 3 tomorrow. I felt the exact same way when I got up the morning I was to start week 2, but thought, "what the heck!" and plugged in Week 2. It wasn't as bad as I had feared, and definitely not as bad as Week 1 Day1!!!! Nothing could be as bad as that, and if I could survive Day 1 I can survive…
  • I use Run Double, and so far I really like it. I can listen to Pandora (I have never gotten around to putting my own music on my phone) while i run and the voice just tells me when to run/walk. I also like that it reads my stats to me so I can see my progress from week to week and day to day. That really helps keep me…
  • This is a fantastic idea! You get to have a good time with friends and share the bounty!
  • Powerful article, thank you for posting. My son is 5, and about a week ago he was looking at me and then he looked at himself. He patted my belly and said "Mommy, you have a big belly. That's nice! I want a big belly too!" My instinct was terror! Oh No! My little boy thinks it's O.K to be fat because I am! I curbed those…
  • Great stories! I just started week 2 and this really give me motivation to continue. I think I might even get a dog so I have a running partner! i will definitely want one this fall/winter when the sun rises later. I go out at 5:30 am.
  • Great Job! You look amazing! I love the haircut too!!!
  • Kit Kat commercials drive me insane! I have to change the channel when they come on! All that crunching! Ugh! My husband once invited a friend of his to stay with us for a few months while he was looking for a new apartment. Not only was this guy rude and abrasive, but he grunted, sighed and moaned while eating anything!…
  • My hubby doesn't say a whole lot about what I am doing. He smirks a little when I dish up my plate and he catches me measuring out the salad dressing with a measuring spoon, but that doesn't bother me. He's told me he has noticed, since I have been working out, that I am in a better mood and have more energy (and drive…
  • I turned mine off because I updated my weight today and my ticker didn't update. (I was really offended! I had lost 2 more pounds!) I wonder if there is a bug?
  • It looks like it should be O.K. I'm sitting at my desk feeling myself up trying to judge how far down my straps go, and hoping nobody walks by! :blushing:
  • I got fatter! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: High School was so long ago that I don't really remember that girl anymore. I guess I am more confident and outspoken. I got married had a kid. I am MUCH happier now. :heart:
  • Saying "no" is the hardest thing ever! It's how I got this big to begin with! Just don't give up. Focus on being healthy and forgive yourself your indulgences. The worse you feel the more you want to self-medicate with food! This sounds stupid, but thinking happy thoughts helps curb my cravings. I'm not hungry I'm…
  • To not see my flabby belly sticking out farther than my boobs when I sit!
  • I felt like this yesterday. I hadn't lost in about 2 weeks, and I started to get discouraged. Once I checked my measurements, though, I noticed I had actually lost quite a bit even if the scale wasn't showing it. Measure your self, weigh occasionally and don't give up!
  • I have to laugh at myself now, but yesterday was no laughing matter! I was so upset that I hadn't seen any change in the scale in 2 weeks and I was complaining to my hubby that I was getting discouraged, and all my hard work seemed to be doing nothing, so I took my measurements. I hadn't had a chance to check them against…
  • Ugh! This article fired me up! What this woman is teaching her child is that all accountability for the food we CHOOSE to put in our bodies lies with the companies who make it. I enjoy eating McD's once in a while and I won't stop. It is my choice and my body and I am intelligent enough to make that choice! How dare this…
  • I was going to say get a tattoo, but then I saw all the pinup girl photo shoot ideas, and now I am undecided. Having a photo to give to my hubby for all his support might be fun! I know he would enjoy it!