these are my confessions.....



  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    never mind this post didnt work right lol
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    :love: flaming hot Cheetos!:love: I stare at them every time I'm at the grocery store
  • nicsalt
    nicsalt Posts: 86 Member

    This^^^^^^^^ is what i need to remember yall

  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    :love: flaming hot Cheetos!:love: I stare at them every time I'm at the grocery store

    i remember in high school all i really ate was those (bags at a time) pepsi and oreos and pb... of course i smoked :blushing: and walked every where... but then i remember that was then this is now :drinker: lol
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    for cryin out loud why is it so hard just to say no!? :noway: :sad: ... i always feel like crap after i have too much sweets... why is it so hard just to say no :angry:
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    Saying "no" is the hardest thing ever! It's how I got this big to begin with! Just don't give up. Focus on being healthy and forgive yourself your indulgences. The worse you feel the more you want to self-medicate with food! This sounds stupid, but thinking happy thoughts helps curb my cravings. I'm not hungry I'm sad/mad/bored/frustrated and that food will make me will make myself happy and that food will make me fatter!

    And I really miss Cheetos!
  • Penelopeleidy
    I'm not sure If I want to eat healthy to gain weight or whether I want to eat healthy to lose weight. Sometimes I wan to be my adolescent weight 100lbs sometimes I want to keep losing weight so that I'm 85lbs. I guess it's good that i don't know so i just stay where I am in between :/
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I stopped struggling with eating too much junk food. The reason it's not a struggle is because I won't buy trigger foods and have them in my house. That is just begging to have a problem. I don't really call it eliminating those foods though, because I will have them on occasion a small bag of crackers for example when I am out and it's hard to find real food. I have been doing this since October and it's working, I rarely crave junk food now.

    My definition of junk food is those foods that are high in sodium, have a lot of calories for a low volume of food, or are high in sugars with little volume. I also pretty much confine most my eating to meals and that also helps because I can then devote more calories to my meals and I get full from that rather than eat a candy bar then not get full from that and then not have enough calories for a meal then I don't get satisfied from my meals either. I don't want to play that game anymore so the junky snack foods had to go.
  • madhamey
    madhamey Posts: 70 Member
    Enjoy what you had and start again in the morning we all have off days, allow yourself an extra 500 calories for that one day if you really feel a binge coming on.
  • emily_ebooks
    emily_ebooks Posts: 55 Member
    Hey, it's okay! Just keep going and try not to stress out too much over a binge. Whenever I get some serious cravings for junk food, I limit myself to three bites of whatever I want and then I call it quits and that works for me. Maybe try getting rid of most of your unhealthy food? I notice that a lot of people who don't have access to junk food will eventually stop craving it after a while.
  • dlrobbins46
    I just restarted south beach eating. For some reason I drop off it after I lose 10 lbs. Confessions I need to stop thinking of the food I eat as a diet with an ending date. I have weight loss goals, but eating healthy has to be my every day goal.
  • LouLoulost
    LouLoulost Posts: 181 Member
    for cryin out loud why is it so hard just to say no!? :noway: :sad: ... i always feel like crap after i have too much sweets... why is it so hard just to say no :angry:

    I have a quote I put on my fridge -sound goofy but It means a lot to me cuz I am facing it everytime I go to the fridge :)
    " Wake up with Determination, Go to bed with satisfaction"

    I use to feel great all day -then I would crap all over it at night- this has helped me. -Good Luck
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time. I'm sure what happened feels bad and clearly you feel guilt about it. The good news is, you're reaching out and asking for support. We have ALL faced similar challenges at one time or another so we get it. It sounds like you know what your hurdles are. Long days, under eating followed by binging, alcohol which turns off your willpower and sensible decision making abilities and lastly having the junk food and temptations in your home. All of these things are totally fixable. With some simple changes and planning ahead you can be successful. The only thing standing between you and your goal is you!

    You probably already know these tips but If I may suggest,
    1 Get the junk food out of the house. You don't need it and neither does your family. If it's unhealthy for you, it's unhealthy for them too. You'll be dong your family a huge favor. You do not want your daughter fighting this same battle later in life right? If they are supportive of your efforts, they'll understand.

    2 Plan ahead. You must know that you absolutely cannot lose weight if you don't feed your body, all day long. Starving or being too busy to eat is going to work against you! Not only will your body NOT give up the weight you are garanteed to binge...feel guilt...give up...? Plan ahead, get some snacks ready. Plan what you'll eat, log it all in first thing in the morning and stick to it. Set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to eat if you have to. Yes this might take some effort but you are totally worth it!

    3 ditch the alcohol, for now or at least if you know you'll want a drink later, budget for it in the morning as above and stick to it. Reasoning goes out the window with too much alcohol.

    Lastly, leave the past in the past. Don't let one bad day become two or three. Forgive yourself and move on. Today is a new day. The weekend was a setback and it wil take you longer to undo what's been done but you did not become overweight overnight. There will be bumps in the road but the point is to recommit everyday. Each day adds up and eventually you'll get there.

    I read a great quote and it seems fitting here.

    Losing weight is tough.
    Maintaining weight is tough.
    Being overweight is tough.
    Choose your tough.

    Hang in there and start making a plan now..the weekend is coming.:wink:

    I love this quote.....I'm making a point to put this someplace I will see it every day. :-)
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh, I feel your pain. I'm an emotional eater and last week my stress levels broke the scale. Somehow I stayed on track. I think because I didn't have junk at home and I struggled but made better choices at work (peanut butter crackers instead of pop tarts. I also exercised a lot. For every good choice I made and every extra minute of exercise I not only patted myself on the back but I told a friend who is incredibly supportive of my struggles.

    However, I still needed a pizza fix Friday but instead of thick crust and meat I got thin crust and veggies, that really reduced the calories. I also put extra effort into my workout.

    So I guess I'm just learning to negotiate with myself so I don't have to be perfect. I'm also setting small daily goals that are much easier to reach, they are really confidence builders.

    Good luck
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    two thin mints....yeah sure what planet are you from....LOL JUST KIDDING!...the old me would eat just two...two sleeves that is!......a tasty cookie is snackwell crème cookes four cookies totally satisfying
  • joystick1
    joystick1 Posts: 13 Member
    2000 + calories every day this week
    1 alcohol free night
    0 trips to the gym

    I've been using MFP for 8 weeks now and up until this week have been doing really well, lost 14 lbs (1 stone) but it is hard work and this week felt I needed a blow out, the kids were off school and I was off work. Apparently it takes 12 weeks to change a habit so I'm not there yet but I'm back on it tomorrow.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    hey everyone thank you for sharing your struggles with me its been helping me to realize one day is one thing its what i do the next day that counts....

    and on that note i have to say yay me! even though ive been in a fairly foul mood this weekend i havent had any junk food and ive done some form of exercise saturday and sunday :)
  • evereves
    evereves Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, good thing about the future is it comes at you one day at a time.

    Pretty much reiterating what everyone else has said, avoid buying those snack foods and having them in the house. Bring some high protein snacks with you to work (like raw almonds etc) and have that instead of the chocolates. Well done on avoiding junk food and doing exercise. How about rewarding yourself with a massage or facial or something? :)
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Good to know that I'm not the only one struggling hard.
    I don't buy junk, my teens do, so it's all over the home.
    My life is pretty much on track, but my kid's isn't , which makes me want to eat my pain away.
    My husband and I attend a lot of meeting with (you guessed it) meals served, some good and healthy, some tempting like molten chocolate lava cake (who ever came up with that wicked temptation???)
    So for the last 2 months, I've been adding 3 lbs, losing 3lbs, staying the same weight, despite meeting my walking and exercising goals.

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Friday I had Jack in the Box for breakfast, Five Guys for lunch, jalapeno cheetos for a snack, bbq wings, mac and cheese and copious amounts of alcohol for dinner. Yesterday we went to a baseball game and I had hot dogs, peanuts, coke and cotton candy. Today, I'm back to it. No guilt. I figure as long as I keep trying, it's a damn sight better than 70 lbs ago when I ate whatever I wanted all the time and never worked out.