these are my confessions.....

so i thought this would be a good place to do this ...

today's confessions there's no real format to this just a place for me say what i cant say to anyone else post your own if you need it!

i gave up over the weekend/holiday... i drank too much and ate too much my problem? i do good all week and then come Friday i loose my mind basically i start off not eating at all cause i get really busy cleaning or doing other things and when i finally do come to my senses im starving! and i eat way too much junk... for example between 2.5 days i ate 8 of those drum stick ice creams and a whole bag of hot cheetohs :embarassed: and now this week i have had to work long days and theres been a bounty of cookies just there! and i have not resisted! whats wrong with me... 1 year from now i could end up being 350 lbs whats that gonna teach my daughter?? i know what my husband is gonna think... but how am i gonna feel about myself... this is not ok... i have to get my will power exercised! and get motivated even when i feel like giving up


  • escort9580
    escort9580 Posts: 23 Member
    I got off track this week too, between my husband and the kids and just being in the house I lost it too. Don't be hard on yourself , you are human it takes a long time to create new healthy habits. Good luck.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I do the same thing. If I get distracted and forget to eat, when I get hungry I'm going to eat anything I can grab. Right now, it sounds like you're becoming aware of your challenges - we all have them. Now is the time to figure out strategies around them. Here's some of my suggestions:

    I have renamed my meals with a calorie allotment, for example "Breakfast - 300" This gives me a target even if I don't exactly "feel like eating." That way I make sure I'm taking in an appropriate number of calories so I don't starve and binge.

    Keep healthier snacks around. A protein bar and a handful of almonds or an apple might not be the greatest breakfast ever, but it sure beats Cheetos.

    Get some lower calorie cookies to keep at work. Thin Mints are pretty fabulous and two at a time isn't that many calories. That way you're not saying "no" to cookies. You're saying "yes" to cookies that you can fit in your macros.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    What's wrong with you?........ well, I guess (sorry to offend you) that you are normal. Just like the rest of us. I would bet most of us ended up in this situation because we aren't good at taking care of ourselves. Taking good care of YOU might involve slowing down and thinking before picking up the treat. That was really hard for me to learn. Don't beat yourself up, you have all the knowledge, tools and will power you need, slow yourself down and think about your own health and happiness.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    so i thought this would be a good place to do this ...

    today's confessions there's no real format to this just a place for me say what i cant say to anyone else post your own if you need it!

    i gave up over the weekend/holiday... i drank too much and ate too much my problem? i do good all week and then come Friday i loose my mind basically i start off not eating at all cause i get really busy cleaning or doing other things and when i finally do come to my senses im starving! and i eat way too much junk... for example between 2.5 days i ate 8 of those drum stick ice creams and a whole bag of hot cheetohs :embarassed: and now this week i have had to work long days and theres been a bounty of cookies just there! and i have not resisted! whats wrong with me... 1 year from now i could end up being 350 lbs whats that gonna teach my daughter?? i know what my husband is gonna think... but how am i gonna feel about myself... this is not ok... i have to get my will power exercised! and get motivated even when i feel like giving up

    Maybe consider to not have that junk in your house. Buy instead plenty of yogurt, sugar-free fudgesicles, puddings. Have lots of healthy alternatives easily on hand. Make a conscious decision to remember to eat before you feel starving. Being prepared is a key for me. As example, I buy chicken cutlets and soon as I get home from the grocery store I dump the entire package on a cookie sheet and bake unseasoned. I let them cool, slice them into strips, and toss into a freezer bag. They're handy to grab and microwave to top a salad and I'll even have a salad as a snack to avoid pigging out on something more fattening. I also have various tasty salad toppings on hand (Bolthouse Farms has delicious ones for approx. 45 calories for 2 tbls, I have the Ranch, Blue Cheese, and Honey Mustard ~ yum!).

    Willpower is important, but I find being prepared with handy, healthy snacks is even more important.

    Good luck! You CAN do this :)
  • mark_in_mo
    mark_in_mo Posts: 19
    I screwed up too because I grilled crappy food for the holiday and invited people who brought even more crappy food.
    Oh well, I can't change it, but this week I forced myself back on track. I hope I'm on the tracks more than off them.

  • nicsalt
    nicsalt Posts: 86 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time. I'm sure what happened feels bad and clearly you feel guilt about it. The good news is, you're reaching out and asking for support. We have ALL faced similar challenges at one time or another so we get it. It sounds like you know what your hurdles are. Long days, under eating followed by binging, alcohol which turns off your willpower and sensible decision making abilities and lastly having the junk food and temptations in your home. All of these things are totally fixable. With some simple changes and planning ahead you can be successful. The only thing standing between you and your goal is you!

    You probably already know these tips but If I may suggest,
    1 Get the junk food out of the house. You don't need it and neither does your family. If it's unhealthy for you, it's unhealthy for them too. You'll be dong your family a huge favor. You do not want your daughter fighting this same battle later in life right? If they are supportive of your efforts, they'll understand.

    2 Plan ahead. You must know that you absolutely cannot lose weight if you don't feed your body, all day long. Starving or being too busy to eat is going to work against you! Not only will your body NOT give up the weight you are garanteed to binge...feel guilt...give up...? Plan ahead, get some snacks ready. Plan what you'll eat, log it all in first thing in the morning and stick to it. Set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to eat if you have to. Yes this might take some effort but you are totally worth it!

    3 ditch the alcohol, for now or at least if you know you'll want a drink later, budget for it in the morning as above and stick to it. Reasoning goes out the window with too much alcohol.

    Lastly, leave the past in the past. Don't let one bad day become two or three. Forgive yourself and move on. Today is a new day. The weekend was a setback and it wil take you longer to undo what's been done but you did not become overweight overnight. There will be bumps in the road but the point is to recommit everyday. Each day adds up and eventually you'll get there.

    I read a great quote and it seems fitting here.

    Losing weight is tough.
    Maintaining weight is tough.
    Being overweight is tough.
    Choose your tough.

    Hang in there and start making a plan now..the weekend is coming.:wink:
  • halama626
    halama626 Posts: 16
    I have the same exact problem. I had 5 days off for the holiday and had a housewarming party and ended up eating and drinking whatever I wanted. I was doing really well for 3 weeks and lost around 3 lbs. Stepped on the scale after having 5 days off and I weighed even more than when I started. I can do really good during the week when I am at work but it is always a struggle over the weekends and after work when I am at home where all the good food is... I try and buy healthy things but always end up resorting to the fast, easy things to eat like chips and dip... I wish there was an off button on my brain when it is telling me I am hungry even when I just ate. Sometimes I just want to give up feeling like I will never look like I want to so what is the point? Any suggestions?
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    thank you every one reading your posts was a big encouragement for me today

    i have to just try harder ... i will keep coming back to this post regularly (and posting my frustrations) i think it helped me a lot to "get over it" and start a new day well continue the new day lol :wink:
  • bubxenalexis
    Hi I completely understand I struggle every day
    I've started doin Atkins as I go away on holiday in 6 wks so I need to lose 2 stone but Iove my bread lol any tips xx
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member

    Even Super Man can't be your "Superman"
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I struggle with this. I was doing a splurge meal but have reached a point where I think I am overeating and therefore not losing as fast as I want to. I know for me, I will need to eat a little more through the week so I am not starving hungry on a Friday night or Saturday. I'm still trying to figure out how many calories I personally need to fuel my body and my workouts. I was eating 1500ish (including exercise calories) but will probably eat closer to 1700 or even more now so I don't blow it on the weekends.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    so i thought this would be a good place to do this ...

    today's confessions there's no real format to this just a place for me say what i cant say to anyone else post your own if you need it!

    i gave up over the weekend/holiday... i drank too much and ate too much my problem? i do good all week and then come Friday i loose my mind basically i start off not eating at all cause i get really busy cleaning or doing other things and when i finally do come to my senses im starving! and i eat way too much junk... for example between 2.5 days i ate 8 of those drum stick ice creams and a whole bag of hot cheetohs :embarassed: and now this week i have had to work long days and theres been a bounty of cookies just there! and i have not resisted! whats wrong with me... 1 year from now i could end up being 350 lbs whats that gonna teach my daughter?? i know what my husband is gonna think... but how am i gonna feel about myself... this is not ok... i have to get my will power exercised! and get motivated even when i feel like giving up

    It's okay...I've done that in the past and realize that I will eat way too much if I have goodies in the house...I don't want to deprive my 3 girls of treats but if you need to eat cheetos maybe go for the baked and if you need to reach for something sweet maybe skip the drum sticks and grab some frozen yogurt:)
    It's huge that you even admitted this to everyone and you should feel proud of yourself for even doing this...I can't say that when I've messed up in the past with my eating that I would be so upfront about it!
    Take care and just take it day by day...I recently attended a baseball game and knew I was going to have more than several beers so I worked out twice that day before heading to the game lol.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member

    I have binged every night this week eating more in a 5 minute period then I had all day. I suck but I am going to keep on trying.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    blondageh - keep trying!!! you don't suck human weakness is a beast, just get up the next day and do better make yourself do better!
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    so i thought this would be a good place to do this ...

    today's confessions there's no real format to this just a place for me say what i cant say to anyone else post your own if you need it!

    i gave up over the weekend/holiday... i drank too much and ate too much my problem? i do good all week and then come Friday i loose my mind basically i start off not eating at all cause i get really busy cleaning or doing other things and when i finally do come to my senses im starving! and i eat way too much junk... for example between 2.5 days i ate 8 of those drum stick ice creams and a whole bag of hot cheetohs :embarassed: and now this week i have had to work long days and theres been a bounty of cookies just there! and i have not resisted! whats wrong with me... 1 year from now i could end up being 350 lbs whats that gonna teach my daughter?? i know what my husband is gonna think... but how am i gonna feel about myself... this is not ok... i have to get my will power exercised! and get motivated even when i feel like giving up

    It's okay...I've done that in the past and realize that I will eat way too much if I have goodies in the house...I don't want to deprive my 3 girls of treats but if you need to eat cheetos maybe go for the baked and if you need to reach for something sweet maybe skip the drum sticks and grab some frozen yogurt:)
    It's huge that you even admitted this to everyone and you should feel proud of yourself for even doing this...I can't say that when I've messed up in the past with my eating that I would be so upfront about it!
    Take care and just take it day by day...I recently attended a baseball game and knew I was going to have more than several beers so I worked out twice that day before heading to the game lol.

    this is a great idea! its hard to push myself to exercise once a day as it is but if im gonna be that weak that im gonna overkill on junk then i need to push myself to work out harder/more!
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    i think that is my other problem... is i've gone through this journey before and it was much easier the first time i reached my goal weigh and then some... life took its toll gained some back... and then pregnancy and no support at home or work... now its so much easier to give in :frown: ...

    today i told myself no junk food at all... low and behold work refilled the chocolate bowl with one of my favorites and brought a bunch more cookies :noway: ... so ive eaten 4 fun size candies already - still under my calorie goal but now i want more because that is the cycle:grumble: ... and i have to be at work another 4 hours:sad: . that is the killer.... so ive been downing green tea and water hoping it would help me just make it! and telling myself just do a quick workout when you get home dont even think of anything else just do it ... but will i? :yawn:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    When I was on Weight Watchers, I reserved enough points to eat three fun sized candies a day.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I have binged every night this week eating more in a 5 minute period then I had all day. I suck but I am going to keep on trying.

    This tends to happen if you are undereating. I can't see your diary, but you might want to see if bumping up your goal by 100 calories helps this.
  • ValentinaSofiaG
    I have been eating like crap the last 2 weeks, I have eaten so many cookies and sweets.. but I'm still trying to get back on track, summer is almost here and I don't want to ruin my results just because of my stupid cravings!
    Today I made an inspiration board with lots of pics and now it's in my kitchen near my fridge :)
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member

    This^^^^^^^^ is what i need to remember yall