jamkat Member


  • My kids, husband and I just finished eating a piece of this delicious cake! I didn't tell them the ingredients first. Once they started raving about it I told them. They couldn't believe it! My husband even said he's glad he didn't know beforehand because he wouldn't have tried it. The only addition I made to the recipe…
  • Yes that is a good catch! That's more like it - 11 wks to lose 10 lbs for me - 1460 cals on rest days and 1669 on workout days. I also chose moderately active. I've got nothing to lose but weight so I'll stick to those numbers and my workout schedule and I'll see if it works for me. One thing I am wondering about though,…
  • Well, this seems to be a very nice tool. However, what am I doing wrong? 18 weeks to lose 10 lbs for me?! 54 weeks to lose 30 lbs?! I'm 5'1", 159 lbs. I entered my BF%, 5 workouts per week, selected "faster weight loss", it's set for lbs not metric. Please tell me I'm doing something wrong...
  • Thanks Melissa! I like to do my intervals in the morning before work so I think I'll stick with that. If the heavy bags are up at the gym, maybe I'll do a little kickboxing after the B workout. I may be able to manage that. I just can't see myself sprinting on the treadmill no matter how short it is. lol Susan, I'm not…
    in Stage 2 Comment by jamkat September 2012
  • Hey ladies! I'm 44 and just finished Stage 1 on Sat. Starting Stage 2 tomorrow night.... so technically I'm still Stage 1 :laugh: I love my protein shakes!! I get the Body Fortress brand at WM. I use the chocolate flavor, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, a squirt of Hershey's syrup, ground flax seed, 1…
  • I had every intention of doing the AMRAP workouts. Now that I'm done with Stage 1 it does seems like a waste of time. I completely agree with holleysings. I know I am stronger and I just feel like after many reps I'll just get bored and stop anyway. My 14yo daughter has started the program also and when I grab a 50lb…
    in Stage 1 Comment by jamkat September 2012
  • Strange how just a slight adjustment or two makes such a differnece! I did all my squats in Stage 1 with my toes pointed straight ahead. Pointing them out like you describe helps me go lower into the squat. Thank you for sharing this tip!!
  • Wow, that's a great idea! Just reading your post and thinking about doing it that way makes my quads cringe. LOL Thanks for sharing!!
  • Hello Stage 2 ladies! I'll be starting stage 2 tomorrow. Can you please tell me how long workouts A and B average you? A seems to be much shorter than B. During the week I go to the gym after dinner and I want to make sure I leave myself enough time before they close. Also I can't imagine doing the intervals after the B…
    in Stage 2 Comment by jamkat September 2012
  • Well I FINALLY completed Stage 1 today! :happy: I started with the best intentions of working out 3x per week. It didn't quite happen that way. It seemed like it was always one thing or another keeping me from getting to the gym. Some weeks I only got 1 workout in, most weeks were 2. I had a moment or two of greatness when…
    in Stage 1 Comment by jamkat September 2012
  • Not me! And i'm still not. I have 35 lbs to lose. I'm 3 workouts away from starting Stage 2. I've actually gained a couple lbs so far, but I feel stronger and better than ever! I look at it this way - when I finally get to my goal, I'll have muscle tone and be fit and healthy instead of just skinny fat. Good luck and…
  • I live in FL (10 mins from the Atlantic ocean and the beaches). Believe me when I say this, you will look better than most people down here who walk around in a 2 piece! Wear it and Rock it!!!!!! Have a safe flight!
  • Not "bobble head" looking at all! You look fit and healthy! You don't even look like you were ever overweight. That's my fear - even when I get to my goal weight I'll look like a former fat person. Seriously, if I passed by you in the store I would think "That woman has stayed active and healthy her whole life. Why didn't…
  • Welcome! Sounds like you did it right. Most of us felt the same way when we started. It just doesn't feel right getting a workout done so quickly. I'm just about done with Stage 1. The other stages get longer from what I've been reading.
  • My sister has lost a lot of weight. YesterdayI took some after pictures of her so we could create side by side before and after pics with labels. I just googled it and came up with instructions on ehow, here is the link: http://www.ehow.com/how_5126712_make-before-after-pic.html We used the site recommended in the…
  • Sex and the City and The Sopranos - Sunday nights just aren't the same :sad:
  • I'm still in Stage 1, my last A workout, I squatted 95 lbs. After the 1st couple of reps I saw the cushion thing on the floor and realized I probably needed it. I found it to be useful and more comfortable. Good for you huckleberry for getting your 1st A workout done! Next, you'll get B done and then you'll feel somewhat…
  • From what I've read in the book, MFP, and other sites/books, I believe you should calculate your calories using "strenuous work" on the days you work and workout. I have a desk job so even on non-workout days for both of us, you will need more calories than someone like me who only gets up to walk to the…
  • For my first few workouts, I went to the gym on off peak times - Saturdays and Sundays late morning and after 7:30pm during the week. Now that I'm more comfortable, I don't mind going during busier times but I actually prefer not having to race home after work to change and then rush off to the gym. So I've been sticking…
  • Actually just the lifting portion is closer to 25 mins for me. 30-40 includes a warm up, stretching and cool down stretching. I also probably stretch it out because the "short" workout still doesn't feel right. I've been so used to hour+ long workouts that I feel guilty finishing up so soon. Pretty silly I guess! Thanks…
  • I agree with the others! Lots more definition in your arm, shoulder and back! Great job!!!!!
  • WOW!! Your results are amazing - and thats only stage 1! I definitely see a difference in your arms, shoulders and abs! I think I speak for all of us ladies doing this program that we can't wait to see your after pics once you're done with the entire program. I started about the same time as you and I would be done also…
  • Good for you! Just getting the 1st one over with was the hardest for me. I was no stranger to my gym but it was intimidating to me knowing I was walking in to use the weights without a trainer telling me each and every thing to do. But I got through it and so did you!
    in I did it!! Comment by jamkat August 2012
  • That's awesome!! Keep up the good work!
  • I've also recently started NROL4W and I love it! Check out the story in this link. If it doesn't help you to realize that worrying about what the scale reads is a big waste of time, I don't know what will. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/ I came across this link on…
  • I was bascially in the same boat as you. I completed the 1st two weeks and love the program. On my last workout July 12th I pushed my lunges a little too far with 20lb dumbells. I thought my knee should be going lower and tried to improve my form - not smart when you are increasing your weight! Form first and then…
    in Start Over? Comment by jamkat July 2012
  • I just started last Sunday 7/1. I'm doing 3 workouts per wk. This Sunday I'll be doing Stage 1 B2. I love this workout! I set my mind to Sunday, Tue, and Thurs with a Zumba class on Monday and Sat. I worked late on Thurs and started to talk myself out of hitting the gym on my way home. I let myself go on for about 1 min…
  • It's to believe that you haven't lost any inches! You looked great before but now there is so much more defination! Awesome job!
  • Well I FINALLY got around to doing the 1st workout! I loved it and can't wait for Tue night for the 2nd. I'm pretty sure my thighs will be speaking to me tomorrow and they won't be saying nice things! I had a dexa scan done 5/8 and have a follow up scheduled for 8/8. Even though I'll only have 5 wks of lifting in by then I…