Labeling pictures

Is there any way of labeling the pictures we upload? I have just put on my "before" and "half way" pics, and would like to be able to date them, label with a weight or similar, but don't see any way to do this. Has anyone found a way to put on a caption on a picture? Thanks.


  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    My sister has lost a lot of weight. YesterdayI took some after pictures of her so we could create side by side before and after pics with labels. I just googled it and came up with instructions on ehow, here is the link:

    We used the site recommended in the instructions. It was fairly easy. The only trouble I had was trying to resize her after pic so proportionately it looked good next to her before pic. Called in my IT department (my 16 yr old son) and he did it somehow. The side by side with the labels came out great!!! I can't wait to do it for me when I'm at goal.

    Good luck!!