

  • That's fantastic! What a wonderful NSV.
  • Slice pumpkin and place in a pot of water set to boil. I normally use about a quarter of a pumpkin and enough water to just cover the top. Throw in some chopped onion, lots of chopped garlic, a cube or two of chicken stock (depending on your tastes), a bay leaf, and if you have some carrot or sweet potato (I think…
  • Nothing goes past pumpkin soup for me! It's so filling too. The soup I make is about 80 cals per bowl.
  • If you're feeling satiated don't eat! No point forcing yourself to eat if you're not hungry. If you weren't counting calories today you wouldn't consider having something more, so just call it a day. You've eaten really well and a lot of great filling food.
  • If you're feeling satiated don't eat! No point forcing yourself to eat if you're not hungry. If you weren't counting calories today you wouldn't consider having something more, so just call it a day. You've eaten really well and a lot of great filling food.
  • I'm not in the US, but that price is amazing. Hopefully I can find something comparitively cheap over here. How heavy was the kettle bell?
  • Fantastic. Thanks for the ideas, will definitely give these a go. I need to build leg strength and I'm sure he'd love being propped up on my feet.
  • 13 months PP here and mine have almost faded to nothing. You can still feel them but they're very pale, almost gone. I spent a lot of time outside gardening in a bikini top so that probably helps.
  • Oh yeah, I was horrible constipated those first couple weeks (sorry if TMI) beans are definitely the way to go. Drinking coffee helped too.
  • I ate a lot of frittatas and omelettes with eggs, peppers, tomato, light cheese, low fat deli meat. For breakfast I would cottage cheese sprinkled with a little splenda, for snacks i would portion out 20 peanuts, or a couple slices of avocado wrapped in low fat ham. I can't really remember it was so long ago! Dinner was…
  • I"m breastfeeding. I just keep a watchful eye on my milk supply and eat nutritiously... So lots of fruit, veg, protein and good fats. My LO is 12 months old so I can restrict a little more, since he doesn't need as much anymore so I aim to keep my calories at around 1700 each day and if I exercise I eat more.
  • I don't think you can eat as much dark chocolate as milk. To me, milk chocolate is more like candy whereas dark chocolate is like a rich treat you can only have a 'taste' of.
  • OP, I would be doing SBD if I could, but I'm breastfeeding so carbs are crucial in my diet at the moment.
  • South Beach Diet is low carb but only in the beginning. You cut out all carbs and then slowly reintroduce healthy, low GI carbs. There are 3 phases to the diet and it's very lifestyle oriented. The good thing with SBD is if you're on the maintenance phase and you gain a few pounds you just drop back one or two phases until…
  • I did the South Beach Diet, from Phase 1 through to 3. I have the book on my shelf. Can't recommend it enough, but it's damn hard. I lost 20kg doing it in a few months (can't remember how many, it was in 2005). Phase 3 is the sustainable maintenance phase and very doable. It taught me to eat well and I still do.
  • Slice and give it to the neighbours. I had a morning tea a few weeks ago and was left with lots of tempting foods. I just gave it all away.
  • I normally try to leave a couple hundred calories left over in the evening so when bub goes to bed I can snack a little, but I make sure it's fairly healthy stuff. I normally start with a hot milky drink like a milo to fill myself up and I try to distract myself with cleaning, watching TV, reading etc. One hint I read was…
  • OP - pre-pregnancy when I wanted to lose weight I had to eat around 1200 cals a day. Now post-pregnancy I'm eating around 1800 and seeing a decent weightloss. I have to eat nourishing foods though since at these amount of calories my supply is sensitive.
  • I don't think that should mean she should eat as though she isn't breastfeeding. I have to eat extra otherwise my milk supply drops. I've spent the last week struggling to get it back up again. I won't be making the same mistake twice, I had a very unhappy young boy on my hands as a result!
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? Might be time to mention it to the doctor.
  • I used to not keep track of my exercise from walking when I was at work. I don't know if this is true or not, but I always rationalised that my body was used to that level of fitness from before I started losing weight that it didn't really need to exert itself to walk or do whatever it was I was doing. So I only logged…
  • I think typically those watches asks your age and weight too. Might be time to invest in a new one? You can buy them pretty cheap on eBay.
  • Juice is (almost) entirely empty calories. It takes 3-4 oranges to make one glass of juice, and on top of that it doesn't have any of the fiber that you would get from eating the fruit. Juice is essentially concentrated, fruity sugar. I like juice, but what I do is buy sparkling plain mineral water and pour 1 part juice 3…
  • You should pick a time to weigh yourself and remain consistent. Someone else mentioned it above, but I also weigh myself naked first thing in the morning after using the toilet. I can vary as much as 3kg throughout the day... So I only step on the scales during that time.
  • I've been counting calories on and off for years. I used to take a notebook to work and log my calories in the book. My boyfriend found it and teased me a little... But he's not being serious in the teasing. I also had a friend sort of berate me for counting calories, but I told her that since I've been counting for so…
  • Way to go! It's tough when you're in a non-supportive environment.
  • OP - you answered your own question. He's building muscle. Go and grab that measuring tape from the shop now!
  • That's a great approach. I guess I do that too, but I've never really thought about it consciously. It's just like taking it one small step at a time, instead of committing to a goal that seems unattainable. It does work best!
  • I like to let myself go hungry at the end of the day, not completely rumbly tummy hungry, but hungry enough to notice. I can sleep fine, and I'm not normally that hungry when I wake up. I reason that it probably helps for my early morning weigh-in :tongue:
  • This sounds delicious! I will definitely have to try.