I disapointed myself please help

I have been trying to lose weight for months now with only a 5 pound loss. I couldn't shred a pound. I have started a low carb diet which went well-ish. What am I doing wrong? I excercise I eat well i am still so over weight. I recently found out that I have gall stones and an ulcer in my esophagus which puts my eating selections to fresh veg most fruit carbs and fresh water white fish. Can someone please HELP!!! I am hoping to start the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred in a few day ( i bought it in amazon) in the mean time I do cardio at the gym, which is usually boxing, running, pilaties, and weight training. I DON"T GET IT


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I just tried looking at your food diary but it's empty. Have you been carefully tracking all your food?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I would personally encourage you to continue the low carb lifestyle, but check out Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It is well worth the read. I am a firm believer that the body is capable of healing itself when given the proper tools. Dial back your cardio. There's work, and then there's working too hard.
  • jennmer
    I totally understand your disappointment, but don't let that get you down. Eating the fresh fruit and fish should help. Also, my doctor recommended a book to me that she really likes called "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. Even if you don't follow his eating plans the information presented explains how food affects your body. It is very inciteful and informational. Just keep trying, make sure you are drinking your water and be nice to yourself. Also, try switching up your exercise to keep your body challenged.:happy:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I would personally encourage you to continue the low carb lifestyle, but check out Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It is well worth the read. I am a firm believer that the body is capable of healing itself when given the proper tools. Dial back your cardio. There's work, and then there's working too hard.
    In my book, you can never work too hard. If you work too hard, your body will stop you. Like falling over or something.
  • LindieAndie
    Have you had your thyroid checked? Might be time to mention it to the doctor.
  • emeraldshan
    emeraldshan Posts: 20 Member
    I can relate, I'm having a hard time losing the weight as well. I CAN ESPECIALLY RELATE TO DIET BEING "WELL-ISH"!! I know what that means!! Listen, I have joined a boot camp and i work out 4 times a week but my problem is I LOVE FOOD TOO MUCH!!! Bottom line if you can't control the food, none of the hard work put towards working out is really going to pay off!! So instead of going cold turkey and cutting out the foods i love completely, I'm transitioning into it!!

    Another thing....

    Also don't beat yourself up, too much!! Give yourself credit for the work you do put in. Five pounds is great, your heading in the right direction you just need to keep going. Don't worry about how fast you get there, JUST KEEP GOING!!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Please don't waste time being disappointed with YOURSELF- perhaps you should rearrange your thoughts to situate it so you realize that you are disappointed in the results of your *efforts* vs. you, the actual person? Be kind to yourself and instead try to find solutions and alternatives. I'm not an expert, so I couldn't tell you fifteen ways of altering what you're doing so you can get results...checking in with a doctor might not be a bad idea. Educate yourself regarding proper nutrition perhaps. Your post is vague about exactly what you've been doing these past few months necessarily.
    I see this a lot around these forums where people start to lose hope etc- but let's be honest- if we saw our own children lose hope the way we allow ourselves to sink, would you want your child to just quit? Nooo..as good parents we would encourage our children to reflect upon their mistakes and move forward. You can do the same without disrespecting yourself.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    It looks like you just joined MFP.. I would encourage you to use the tools here and give it a chance. I know that I have "eaten better" and "tried to lose weight" many times with little success. For me, losing weight only came when I started writing down everything I was eating and making it a priortiy to exercise/move more. While my eventual goal is not to have to measure and log everything I eat... for now it is something I need to do to get to a healthier weight.

    I've also learned to look at more than just the scale. Are you stronger than before? Do you see any changes? Can you do things tht you couldn't before? All of these are indications you are getting heatlhier too. Particularly if you don't have much to lose (and I haven't checked your profile), the weight can be slow to come off.

    I hope you have great success using hte tools here on MFP! Feel free to add me as a friend if you need some support along the way!
  • Mrs_Hewi
    Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? Might be time to mention it to the doctor.

    I agree.
    With gallstones they can often be caused by diets that are very full on...
  • ajonescox
    ajonescox Posts: 2 Member
    Have you tried Dr. Ian Smith's 4day diet.. He is the doctor from Celebrity Fit Club. It's a 7 phase diet. Your f food choices change every 4 days. I love it. I did it and lost 12lbs. after the 7 phases you can restart it with the first two phase and do the other 5 phase in what ever order you want.. You can download the book from boarders for $9.99 or get it from the book store.
  • Krizg
    Krizg Posts: 3 Member
    O my goodness thank you everyone for taking the time to try to help me. honestly made me feel really good. I was I going really well with eth food diary for a bit but hen when all this happend with the doctor I gave up for a little beit fell back in to bad habits. With gall stones and an ulcer it's hard to be on a low carb diet. although i hope I am making the better choices with the whole grains instead.

    Really just wanted to say thanks to everyone.