Do you ever go to bed hungry?

Now that I am logging in my daily intake of food, I cut myself off from eating because I am near or over what I should be intaking. Last night, I was still hungry, but refrained from eating and tonight I am hungry again. I woke up in the morning starving and ate right away which is not like me.

Do you ever let yourself go to bed hungry?


  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    i can't sleep if i'm hungry! perhaps drink more water and wait til later in the night to have your last snack of the day!
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    No :glasses:

    I always schedule myself a snack in the PM (and save calories for it throughout the day) so that I'm not starving when I go to bed. It's so sucky to wake up with a fire in your belly!
  • jillleebean
    jillleebean Posts: 9 Member
    Yep....did that last night. But usually trying to leave myself with a 200 calorie balance in evening so I can have a snack around 9pm.
    The other night I just decided to drink 2 glasses of water since I didn't want to go over my balance. But if my stomach would have woke me up growling then I would have gone ahead and eaten. :)
  • sweetie89207
    no not usually because when i do im so unhappy with myself...but i will usually exercise enough to make room for my extra cals or if i have plenty i will have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn...lots of food and it fills the spot! and for 100 cals i mean thats nothing hahaha
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I've gone to bed because I thought I wanted to eat some more. But, I didn't have that empty pit in my stomach. If I have that empty feeling I just have a piece of fruit. Then go to bed!
  • alohajillian
    When that happens I'll either have some water, crystal light, or hot tea before bed. Seems to help.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I always save at least 100-150 calories for a bed time snack. Otherwise I'd wake up around 2am starving.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    if i am feeling that hungry i just drink some chocolate milk or eat a cup of cereal. for me, i would much rather go over a couple hundred cals than go to bed feeling hungry - it's not like i am eating a half of a pizza either, just something easy and healthy...
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I went to go look at your food journal, (but it was only viewable to friends). What are you eating? Are you eating empty calories (normally box cooked foods, things high in sugar etc.) or are you eating good foods? On a normal day I usually have about 500 calories to spare before my night time snack before bed. Maybe revise your diet a bit so that you can have that snack so your not hungry. I can never go to bed hungry I don't know how you are able to!

    But keep up the good work :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Not all the time. I usually try to make sure I have enough calories for a snack (usually something under 100 calories) before bed. But sometimes I'm just having a hungry day (or I'm stressed or upset which triggers my eat everything in the house mode) which case I've gone to bed hungry. I'll just drink a whole bunch of water.
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    No I do not go to bed hungry. I added evening snack to my food diary along with morning snack and afternoon snack. That way I am eating throughout the day and don't feel hungry in between meals. I save some calories for that. Usually it's popcorn. Nothing heavy but satisfying. That way I'm not starving when I get up. It works for me!
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Sometimes I do go to bed hungry...I just drink crystal light sugar free and fall asleep.
    But I have notice that when I eat a popsicle sugar-free it stops my hunger and Im good until the morning.

    Add me ;)
  • sixpackgoal
    Every day. I will be happy when my appetite and stomach shrink. My 2000 calories daily budget should be plenty.
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    I do. I don't like eating when it gets after about 8 or 9 though (my body physically doesn't like to eat, food doesn't appeal to me much) so I just go to bed hungry. It kind of sucks but I deal with it and when I wake up, I'm never as hungry as I was the night before. I drink like, 10-12 glasses of water a day though which helps I'm sure. If you are miserable, budget like 100 calories for an apple and a cube of cheese. Protein and fiber should help.
  • i24him
    I read if you save a protein for your last thing to eat. Your body will do better and sleep better.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Sometimes, but generally not since I stagger my meals towards the end of the day. I do wake up hungry though and don't have breakfast.
  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    I've had this problem and also woken in the middle of the night and had growling stomach. Drank a cup of Almond Milk and that stopped the growling and I was able to sleep fine.
  • LindieAndie
    I like to let myself go hungry at the end of the day, not completely rumbly tummy hungry, but hungry enough to notice. I can sleep fine, and I'm not normally that hungry when I wake up. I reason that it probably helps for my early morning weigh-in :tongue:
  • bangarangbree
    Hot tea is a good "filler." No calories (if you don't add stuff!) and tastier than water! If you make your food diary public, people could look at it and make suggestions! If you're eating a few big calorie items, that would explain it. If you are eating a bunch of small calorie foods during the day, then you probably won't be hungry. When I eat a dinner with two items higher in calories, I'm always hungry later. Probably because those foods don't exactly have a lot to them and digest quickly! And if you eat healthier and lower calorie items, then you'll have room for a bedtime snack! And when you have extra calories for a snack, a glass of 0% milk is always a good choice!
  • suziehomemaker
    it sux going to bed hungry....i personally i save some cals for a late night snack.....a good one tho with protein and fiber like oatmeal mmm