Anyone give you a hard time about counting calories?



  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    No one has teased me because I haven't told anyone :-)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Everyone teases me. I have no support, but I keep on keepin on.

    Eff yea! That's the only way. :)
  • LindieAndie
    Everyone teases me. I have no support, but I keep on keepin on.

    Way to go! It's tough when you're in a non-supportive environment.
  • LindieAndie
    I've been counting calories on and off for years. I used to take a notebook to work and log my calories in the book. My boyfriend found it and teased me a little... But he's not being serious in the teasing.

    I also had a friend sort of berate me for counting calories, but I told her that since I've been counting for so long I can accurately guess calories of just about any food plus or minus 50 calories of prepared meals and 10 for fruit/veg etc. She gave me a few random dishes/food stuffs and she ended up being impressed.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    that the donut won't hurt

    I hear this too. When I don't want to eat something, they're like "Just eat it. It don't matter." If I know correctly, it DOES matter. If I don't want to eat it, I DON"T HAVE TO. Take that, people. hahha:laugh:
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Man, you've dropped 90 lbs!

    If I had lost 90 lbs and someone gave me a hard time about counting calories, I would...ignore them.

    Man, you've got lots of folks here that have your back.

    Friend me.

    And keep logging your meals.
  • jodie1306
    U guys are awesome & just what we all need in a support network. :-)

    When we are feeling good about life, these type of comments are like water off a duck's back, but when we are "struggling" & sometimes that can be all the time, they hurt. We know that they are only made out of jealousy & guilt that the other person is feeling but it still hurts.

    Keep strong & perhaps you need to take a different tact, "Doctor's orders" is a good one for shutting people up.

  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I just think there isn't a single person out there who doesn't wish they weighed a couple lbs less. And that's where their criticism really comes from.

    Yes, yes, yes!! I tell myself this whenever I get attitude from anyone. Someone at work made fun of me because I am *dieting* and yet I ate a half of a candy bar one day. He thought that was hilarious. I saw stopping at half as a victory, immediately logged that half candy bar and went for a walk to work it off, and I've *officially* lost 8 lbs so far! Who's gonna be laughing when I reach my goal??
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I don't get any crap for counting calories per se. However, ALL of the ladies in the office are trying to lose weight. They talk about their Sketchers ShapeUp shoes. They talk about the new fat free ice cream they found. They talk about all this frivolous stuff. When they ask how I lost my weight I tell them about this web site, and tell them to count their calories. But then I get this "But you're a runner, I could never be a runner"

    You don't have to be a runner. I lost 30 lbs walking and counting calories before I even thought about running. Counting calories is the only thing that has ever worked for me as far as weight loss. And when I don't, I start gaining it back. Guess I'm going to have to do it forever. But if it keeps me healthy, gives me a better QOL. Oh freaking well. Better than the alternative.

    And, yes the heaviest of the bunch's favorite saying is "One donut won't hurt". I decline and just say. It's not apart of the "The plan" and usually it's not.
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    I work at a group home where we have to cook for our residents, and the staff usually eats with the residents. Unfortunately (and despite my protests), we are pretty much locked in to cooking ridiculously unhealthy crap for our residents on a regular basis, so I bring my own food and log it. My coworkers give me a wicked hard time, ragging on me about how I'm "too good for them."

    And yet the ones who pick on me the most are the ones who are jealous of me losing weight ... funny how that works, lol.

    Similar here, except a daycare center not a group home.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I get it from a few people but I just stand my ground and don't shy away with excuses --I am proud that I am doing this for myself and that I am seeing results. That is the most important part.

    My coworkers and some friends say why do you count do you count recipes etc and when I tell them they say thats too much work and not worth it...some of these are the same people that wonder why they aren't losing weight etc.

    My husband makes fun of me using my food scale on and off, even went as far as saying whats the point of counting calories you are just going to gain it back like you always do. (he's never complained about my weight). I know I can do this-I did before and he's seen the results --its just when I stop tracking it gets out of hand and I gain. I am determined to break this cycle and make this a permanent change.

    I don't let what others think get to me--tracking my calories and seeing progress makes me happy and thats the way I like it :)
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    How dare they criticize your calorie counting? Do they see how much weight you've lost? Obviously it works!

    My coworkers are all skinny skinny skinny, tall and size 2-4, and know I'm counting calories and they are think I should! I am pretty lucky that they want me to get thin too. However, it does not help when they invite me to these lunches like going out to Greek, or Thai, or something like that... Then I get a salad and THEY feel bad for eating the wrap with the dressing! Maybe this is because I work at a Wellness Company...
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    I've lost a lot of weight so nobody dares say anything. They can't. lol
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Nobody gives me a hard time about counting calories but I resisted doing it for years.
    One person that started her weight loss project emailed me her formula that she was using ... 1800 calories to start! plus her workouts which at the time was just walking.
    Now she's at 1500 or 1600 and has lost over 120 lbs.

    I wish I would've taken her advice 2 years ago.
    Perhaps I'd be where she is now.

    If you're curious to see her google "A Deliberate Life". Her name is Chris. She writes a great blog.
  • Rockin23
    my own mother! she's been making fun of me ever since i weight less than her.. we used to compete against eachother to see who could lose more and i beat her. ever since then she says that im not enjoying my food and that im getting too skinny. that lady needs to relax before i go off on her. lol
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    i have had mixed results. my friends are SUPER supportive after i explain to them that YES, i DO need to lose some weight despite what they think. EVERYONE i tell about MFP and my goal weight look at me like i'm insane and that there's no way i need to lose as much as i say (20 lbs total). i suppose i carry my weight well. my parents on the other hand just act annoyed when i figure out how many calories are in whatever we're eating. i don't even bother telling my extended family. they are ALL overweight and they think i'm the skinniest thing in the world. just because i'm healthIER doesn't mean i'm as healthy as i should be!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Tell folks you are tracking sodium for your blood pressure. I started MFP to track my sodium and stayed to drop some pounds. No one gave me a hard time after I said it was for sodium. It makes folks shut up because they think you'll have a stroke!

    This made me laugh. :) Clever.
  • pineappleroo
    pineappleroo Posts: 47 Member
    For me, it's split. I have some people that are super supportive and are asking for tips. Others do everything in their power to sabotage me. They give me a hard time about what I eat and mare comments when I pass on snacks. It was a real eye opener when people start treating you differently because you look don't look the same anymore.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I hear about it all the time, from my partner, as he sits on the couch, eating cookies and offering me one, and really from his parents.... they are actually a little hostile about it. When we visit them I take fruit and vegetables because those aren't things that appear regularly in their meal plans. His father actually told me it was rude to count calories while we were visiting them, I should just eat what they make and be grateful.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I call those people 'My Haters' & I embace them with open arms...and prove them wrong each time I posted a stunnin' picture of my ABS on my profile....Bahahaha :laugh: