I need reasons not to eat this cake.



  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    "I'm surprised at how many people are totally okay with throwing out her daughter's birthday cake, for two reasons. One: It's her DAUGHTER'S birthday cake! I'd be upset as a kid if my parents threw out my cake because one parent had no self-control"

    I agree with this. Gain some self control. You created an entire post obsessing over cake. The amount you consumed over the weekend should have satisfied you for a while, yet you still need all of us to convince you not to eat more. THAT'S where your problem lies. It's not the cake. Let your daughter (other kids) have the cake until it goes stale. You work on finding out how to overcome the fact that food has such a hold on your psyche.
  • mrscjwilson
    Toss it out and go an have a 100 calorie snack cake to replace it!
    Do self sabatoge, and that instant gratification only last for an instant!!! You can do this you are more than a peice of cake!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Cut yourself a tiny piece (if you must) and put it in the smallest bowl you can find. It will look so huge you will feel like a glutton for having a little piece and you won't even consider having seconds because oh-my-goodness-that-piece-was-huge. Keep a little for your family if they want some but keep it only until the end of the week -- then throw it out. Let them know that you will be throwing it out on a particular day and follow through.
  • LindieAndie
    Slice and give it to the neighbours. I had a morning tea a few weeks ago and was left with lots of tempting foods. I just gave it all away.