I need reasons not to eat this cake.



  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, guys.. I wish I could throw it away, but Alayna and her brother know that the cake is still there and they get to have at least one more piece. Plus, we have some friends coming over for the Super Bowl (the male-super-metabolism-types) that will want some cake for sure. Even though I know some facts about why sugar is bad for me, reading all of the negative information over again helps to keep me away. I also looked up some calorie calculations on the web.. the average I can find is 500 calories per 4.6 oz.. and that's not even that big of a piece.

    Reading everyone's responses really motivated me, and I swear as soon as tonight's over, the rest of the cake will go in the garbage bin (after everyone else had a piece of course).

    I need to keep my cal intake on point for the next few days to make up for this "celebratory" weekend. :)

    Thanks again.
  • sixpackgoal
    Give it with a smile to someone who needs extra calories.:happy:
  • wanda1956
    Throw it out now, because you Know you shouldn"t eat it...get rid of it! :explode:
  • DBritt1
    DBritt1 Posts: 15 Member
    When I am in that type of situation, I go ahead and figure out the calories and enter it into my food diary. Once I see how much it would put me over my recommended calories it is easier to throw it away.
  • bbw265
    bbw265 Posts: 9 Member
    I hope you havent eaten the cake yet - just think how much more quality time a healthier you can spend running around with your daughter if you dont eat the cake, how much happier you are going to feel if you can get over the craving and lose weight this week as a result.

    Its a win win situation for you and hopefully you can get into the mindset where you can through it away.

    Sending you a little bit of my willpower with this message and hope it helps. :bigsmile:
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    it was my housemates birthday last week - I bought her a cake, took 2 slices each and gave the rest of the cake to my parents to share amongst the rest of the family and my neice and nephew who I knew would love it. 2 slices was more than enough and we didnt even miss not having a big cake in the house - my mum quickly told me that my neice enjoyed every last bit of it and thankfully no extra calories on my belly for me to burn!!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Do not throw it out. Kids are developing anorexia and bulimia as early as 6 years old these days. Since your daughter knows that the cake is there, explaining to her that mommy threw the cake away because it's bad for you and makes you fat is not going to have a positive impact on her and may even cause her to start counting her calories or refuse 'bad for you' foods.

    To help you not eat it, remember that it is there for your daughter, not you. Remember that everything is fine in moderation, but if moderation cannot be acheived then it should be avoided. And remember that you only have 15 pounds to go ... that cake is not worth it.
  • heatypablo
    I agree with freezing it! Great idea!

    Did anyone ever see that episode of Sex and the City where Miranda squirts dishwasher soap on the cake so she won't eat it? :D

    Hahahaha yes!!! I love SATC. :happy:
    I had also read one time that Kim Kardashian sprays windex on her meal once she is "full" so she won't be tempted to eat anymore... uhm hello, throw it away?
  • honorwarren
    honorwarren Posts: 3 Member
    DONT GIVE IN!!! You have an addiction, DON'T GIVE IN! In my opinion you should have sent the leftovers home with the birthday guests...but it's to late for that now so it needs to be gone! If your family doesn't understand that then they need to get on the bandwagon. Being overweight is shortening your lifespan. So do you want to be there for your kids next sixty or so birthdays or do you want a piece of cake??
  • Katcatters
    Katcatters Posts: 90 Member
    PUT IT IN THE BIN!! It's ultimately your choice ... and your choice is to be slim, and eat healthy - the cake is not helping you stick to the choice you have made.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I do not agree with your statement. As a mother I would never say we are throwing this out because it is going to make you fat. I'm not sure of any mother that would say that. When we did go through our cupboards and clean out the junk food, we explained to our children that our eating habits are not healthy. That we are making a lifestyle change, so we can all be happier and healthier. I personally feel it would be worse to have my daughter see me binge out on cake than it would be to make a healthy decision to not eat it and either give it away or throw it away. That is just my thoughts on it though.

    I am glad to see you made your healthy choice though! kudos to you!
  • goldenbutterfly
    if you really want it just be prepared to exercise it off i find if i say no to my self i end up eating way more.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    My statement is actually well researched. You may not use the exact wording that I did, but the fact remains that it's the gist of it, and is what children will often gather from measures like throwing the food away or ruining it so that it is unfit to eat. It is more than fine to disagree with it, though.

    Experts say the children who develop eating disorders are mostly girls who are often following examples set by their mothers.

    "The majority of the young children we see or hear about who are over concerned about their weight, interested in dieting, or who have already developed a distorted body image have mothers who are preoccupied with their own bodies," said Susan Willard, director of the Eating Disorders Treatment Center at River Oaks Hospital in New Orleans, and a professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the Tulane University School of Medicine.

    The mothers, she said, "devote a great deal of time and energy to dieting, exercising, counting calories and fat grams, and expressing their own displeasure with their bodies."
  • jlsironen
    jlsironen Posts: 39 Member
    Looks like an almost unanimous "throw it out" here, I agree! Or like someone said, freeze it, that way it cannot possibly instant gratification because it will have to thaw. And if you eat it, just work off a good portion of the calories. Good luck!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Do not throw it out. Kids are developing anorexia and bulimia as early as 6 years old these days. Since your daughter knows that the cake is there, explaining to her that mommy threw the cake away because it's bad for you and makes you fat is not going to have a positive impact on her and may even cause her to start counting her calories or refuse 'bad for you' foods.

    To help you not eat it, remember that it is there for your daughter, not you. Remember that everything is fine in moderation, but if moderation cannot be acheived then it should be avoided. And remember that you only have 15 pounds to go ... that cake is not worth it.

    I think childhood obesity is more prevelent...but I understand what you are trying to say.

    Throwing it out because it is garbage and is bad for our overall health, cholesteral levels, heart, etc. is a good reason and modelling excellent behaviour.
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    I will always remember a quote my track coach told me, "A moment on the lips but a lifetime on the hips". Comes to me every time I'm scavenging for my "naughty" foods! :)
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Go to www.fatloser.com and get a free 21 day coaching program which will really tell you WHY YOU SHOULDN'T eat that cake....it's a great program from an international best selling author and coach. His name is Steve Siebold. Try it. It's cool.

    Thanks for the tip - I will look into this!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I wouldn't throw it out unless it was bad and went moldy or something. This can be a great opportunity for you to learn some will power and self-control.

    Once I know how many calories/how much fat is in something that I want, I am MUCH less likely to eat it. My boss put a big candy jar full of candy on my desk at my office at work. It tempted me. I looked it up. 9 grams of fat in one little piece? Nooooo thank you- that's almost a quarter of my day's worth of fat! No way is that worth it to me. I was never tempted by the candy again, and he kept refilling the jar when it got low. He put it out there over 6 months ago and I have been fine.

    You have to learn to live with these things. And if the other people around you want things that you don't want to have (because it is never can't, it is that you don't want it), you have to live with that and them too. My husband is always wanting to bake/buy sweets and have stuff like around the house. It isn't a problem because I can control myself. I will measure out exactly how much I can have of the cake/cookie/brownie/donut/whatever the hell it is and eat that and only that, and only once. If I want a little bit again a few days later, I plan for it, add it into my day, and eat it.

    When I was visiting my family, my parents made an early birthday cake for me. It was my favorite- yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I planned on having one small piece. I had one small piece. And it was so rich and filling, I was done. I had no desire or temptation to have any more, not that night, and not any night the rest of my trip. It just sat on the counter the whole time, and I saw it every time I was in the house, and it didn't matter, because I had already had some and I didn't want it anymore. You can train yourself to be like this.

    Throwing out food is a waste. The money that you spent on it could have gone to other things. And unless it goes bad, there is no good reason to throw it out. Give it away to friends/family/whoever, but don't just throw out something that is perfectly fine or destroy it so that you have to throw it away. I completely disagree with most of the posters in this thread.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Say in your mind you dont want it then say out loud

    'I dont want it and dont need to eat it'

    it has a better affect than 'I cant have' cause then thats just forbidden fruit syndrome
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm surprised at how many people are totally okay with throwing out her daughter's birthday cake, for two reasons. One: It's her DAUGHTER'S birthday cake! I'd be upset as a kid if my parents threw out my cake because one parent had no self-control.

    And two: How wasteful! I'm just pretty shocked at the people who are totally okay with throwing out perfectly good food, cake or not. With the number of people who do not have food on the rise all over the world, tossing out food for really no good reason other than the fact that you are craving it and feel you can't control your own impulses is sad IMO.