thisdamselflies Member


  • I wish! But goat's milk is just as bad for me. Hives, trouble breathing, etc. I can consume very small amounts once in a while, but too much at once or too frequently triggers a reaction, and I can never predict how bad the reaction will be. Much as I'm not a fan of the processed nature of margarine and other dairy…
  • There was just a post about this a couple of days ago, and I posted in there. It's here, if you want to check it out: There's another thread here with a bunch: Have fun with your blender!
  • Go see a doctor! It's possible that it's just a strain or that you just need to stretch more, but if your Achilles is weakened, well, the last thing you want is to rupture your Achilles. A partial tear will put you out for a few weeks or months. A full rupture would mean surgery and a year of recovery before you regained…
  • Not so much with the not going back for another muffin...if I have enough leeway in my calories to eat it, I totally will. The word "thinspiration" has some really bad connotations about deprivation. But one of my inspirations for eating better and working out every morning is the fashion/sewing blogger Mimi G. She's…
  • Every day: walk the dog for 25 min M, W, F: 20-30 min weights + 10 min yoga/stretching T, R: 20-30 min HIIT S: 40 min bike ride S: yoga/rest day I also bike to class three days a week, and bike or walk everywhere within about 1-2 miles as long as it's not raining, snowing, or below 40 degrees F. I don't go to the gym,…
  • Haha. Right now, I have an ad for a 2013 Cadillac (I'm a graduate student with student debt...not exactly their target audience), and also for Victoria's Secret, whose lingerie doesn't actually fit my body... haven't purchased anything from them in almost a decade. Usually, I get Craftsy ads or Lululemon ads, which creep…
  • I've heard a lot of good things about the Shock Absorber, but it actually didn't work for me. I'm a 30F, and I bought the Panache sports bra at the same time, and I'm planning on getting another two of those. It's the best sports bra I've ever put on.…
  • I toss half a scoop of protein powder in my morning smoothie to help fill me up and get some protein in the morning. I also take calcium supplements because my dairy allergy keeps me from getting enough calcium. I absolutely believe that supplements and vitamins can be healthy, with one caveat: There have been several…
  • I've had stretch marks on my hips and breasts since I was a teenager (ah, puberty), and I've never been overweight. I also don't think I've owned a one-piece since my mom let my buy my first bikini. :) Be proud of what you've got and wear whatever makes you feel good. Odds are, those other girls are way too concerned about…
  • Got a page of coupons for Jets Pizza (best pizza in the world!) when I got home from class a few days ago and instead of ordering some then and there like I wanted to, tossed it in the recycling bin and made dinner myself. Walked past the box of donuts at the IT desk this afternoon without taking a single one (donuts are…
  • It kind of depends on what you mean by "better." Most butter has fewer chemicals, partially hydrogenated oils, etc. than margarine, so if you're trying to avoid those things, butter is "better." However, for people (like me!) who are allergic to dairy, margarine is better. :) Also, it depends on the brand you're buying.…
  • I have a smoothie for breakfast every single morning. My smoothie base is 1/2 scoop protein powder, 1/8 block smooth tofu, and 1/2 cup unsweetened soy milk. The base makes the smoothie super creamy and provides lots of protein. To that, I add 2 cups of fruit, part of which is almost always 1/2 a banana. Today it was 1/2 a…
  • Some more veggies might help. Or veggies at all. And they can be super easy and tasty, I promise. Honestly, if you cut them into bite-size pieces, drizzle some olive oil over them, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, and pop them in the oven on 400*, they're one of the most delicious things you could ever eat on the side…
  • Essentially, that's my understanding. Although I must admit to being confused by the reasoning behind putting your activity level at anything other than "sedentary" if you're adding in all of your activity (especially things like housework!). Is this because more active people burn more calories even when they're standing…
  • I don't consider myself totally healed from binge eating yet, but I've only binged once in the past 5 weeks, which must be some kind of record for me. Around 5 weeks ago, I read The End of Overeating, and while the book is a lot of research and the history of overeating in the U.S., (and a lot of skippable junk in the…
  • I'm 5'4", and I weigh 130 lbs (58.5 kgs), which is almost dead center in the healthy weight range for my height. I've lost 6 pounds so far (since May), and I'd like to drop another 12 pounds or so (5.4 kgs), so I'm pretty much exactly where you're at. I eat an average of 1650 calories per day and burn an average of 350, so…
  • Wow. You look amazing! Also, not 48. If you told me you were in your mid-30s, I wouldn't question it for a second. :) Your results are super inspiring.
  • Mine is open. I log everything unless I'm out of town and it's too hard to get to a computer. I also usually pre-log my day's food and exercise so I can see where I have some wiggle room. :)
  • What she said. Also, I was right where you are last week, completely lost my motivation after a weekend of travel-wedding-travel bingeing. Eating poorly and not working out tend to lead to more eating poorly and not working out for me. But luckily for me (and you, I hope!) the same thing seems to work in reverse, too.…
  • A couple of people have mentioned, and there are still great videos over there, but they've moved to a new website and stopped updating at bodyrock. The new website is Also, I'll add my voice to the "check your library" crowd. You can try out their entire collection of videos and books for free!…
  • Bumping. You all look amazing and are so inspiring. I hope to add to this board one day soon. :)
  • I have the same problem sometimes: once I go off track, it becomes a downhill spiral. Some of the previous posters suggested that you add some friends here and create a support system on MFP, and I think that's a great idea. If you'd like, I'd be happy to be one of those people. Feel free to add me. Also, don't do this:…
  • A lot of the advice you've already gotten on this thread is really excellent: log your food and exercise, cut down your portion sizes but don't try to limit yourself too much (that will cause bingeing!), try walking for exercise, etc.I'll add two things to the mix: 1) If you feel like you do want to change something about…
  • ^ This. Clean eating is eating as close to the original food as possible, with minimal processing. I eat (mostly) clean purely because it makes my body feel better, more energetic, etc., than eating junk food filled with sugars, preservatives, and partially hydrogenated oils. For some of us, the choices we make about food…
  • This is a huge problem for me as well. Every time I have some success, I eat badly at a party, injure myself and stop working out altogether, etc. I've managed to stay mostly on track since February this time, working out at least 4 times a week and eating mostly well. The key is that every time I've fallen off this time,…
    in yep Comment by thisdamselflies July 2013
  • Not a video, but a book I recently borrowed from the library would fit your needs. Mark Lauren's You Are Your Own Gym is a bodyweight strength training program. There's a general book and then there's a book that's specifically for women (Body By You: The You Are Your Own Gym Guide to Total Women's Fitness), which is the…
  • I get debilitating cramps every month (pain in my abdomen and back, and even spreading down my upper thighs), and I have since I was 15. In the last 6 months or so, they've gotten slightly better (I don't spend the day in bed), and that could be either because I've been exercising more regularly or because I'm just getting…
  • I would probably use belly dancing or one of the other dancing options. Aerobics would work too, but it's not quite the same. I think belly dancing is the closest.
  • My healthiest weight was 118. Anything below 115 and I start to look downright emaciated in my face and shoulders. Funny how just a couple of pounds can make such a huge difference. However, last time I was 118, I was skinny-fat (no visible muscle, just soft everywhere!). There's one photo on my Pinterest of a girl who's…