Very unmotivated

Lately I have been very unmotivated in both my eating and exercise. I haven't worked out in over a week and my eating has become atrocious. I have put on 1kg in a week.

I have no idea how to motivate myself.


  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    The best way to get motivated is to set up some goals that you want to achieve and understand and do what is necessary to reach those goals. If you are not serious and force yourself to do what is necessary, you need to re evaluate why you are changing your lifestyle in the first place. The only person who can really motivate you, is you.
  • atragicfate
    The best way to get motivated is to set up some goals that you want to achieve and understand and do what is necessary to reach those goals. If you are not serious and force yourself to do what is necessary, you need to re evaluate why you are changing your lifestyle in the first place. The only person who can really motivate you, is you.

    Thank you.
  • thisdamselflies
    thisdamselflies Posts: 92 Member
    The best way to get motivated is to set up some goals that you want to achieve and understand and do what is necessary to reach those goals. If you are not serious and force yourself to do what is necessary, you need to re evaluate why you are changing your lifestyle in the first place. The only person who can really motivate you, is you.

    What she said. Also, I was right where you are last week, completely lost my motivation after a weekend of travel-wedding-travel bingeing. Eating poorly and not working out tend to lead to more eating poorly and not working out for me. But luckily for me (and you, I hope!) the same thing seems to work in reverse, too. Eating well and working out tend to lead to more eating well and working out. :) All I had to do to get out of the funk was have one day where I worked out in the morning and ate what I planned to eat, and I was back on track. So set yourself the goal of eating well for the next 24 hours (starting right now!) and getting in some exercise by this time tomorrow. It's just one day! And tomorrow, you can re-evaluate how you feel (I'm betting you'll feel better) and decide what to do for the next 24 hours. I have absolutely no willpower or self-control, so if I can do one day, you totally can. Good luck!
  • cath14967
    cath14967 Posts: 27
    I find that making small daily goals works for me.
    For example:
    To have fruit for my morning snack instead of chocolate
    Drink a glass of water before each meal

    none of my daily goals have been really difficult and i keep them up until they become habbits then add another one on to my list

    I also find that coming on here and asking for help always works

    Remember you havent failed until you quit trying!
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    I suggest thinking about why you decided that you needed to lose weight in the first place. I assume that none of that has changed. This is not supposed to be easy.... It is a long difficult, sometimes gut wrenching process. Everyone is going to hit bumps in the road. It's important to pick up where you left off and keep going.
  • atragicfate
    Thanks everyone :)