

  • agreed...I went form a 50 to a 38 waist and gave away ALL my big clothes....never going back!
  • What Alecta337 said...also its important to remember to eat WELL on top of a good work out... I went for the easy low glycemic list and it satisfied my hunger and taste buds... Think of it this way...there is LESS of you to move around so your body has to work less to get around and work out you burning less for…
  • Hit the heavy bag for an hour. 1000 gotta work up to it but once you're there its a good full body cardio work out.
  • Thanks for posting this...I am in the same boat and these re plies have been great...I am working in the ball and the planks...
  • Good for you too...the days when it seems like a grind I put it in my head, "This is just how it is now"... That being said, the way "it is now" is great and Im loving life SO much more and I don't feel anxious about eating. What's worked for me: 1.) update daily (i.e. work the program) 2.) make sure to do…
  • Thanks everybody!
  • All of the above PLUS don't forget to change your weight and then your goals in MFP.... Odd as it may seem, again, unless you are trying to put ON some mass, you need LESS calories as you lose weight. My net cals were up at 2200 when i started and now its 1440...and I lost 82 lbs (havent weighed in this week yet). You need…
  • Yummm sounds trying this tonight.
  • Not insane, but cautious....and that's ok. You're not changing anything, you're adding something. The idea is to make sure you;re doing stuff that helps...for example you;re probably like me and don;t need to bulk up so what you need is rep's and sets with light weights. e.g. working the meat you got on ya.....also, make…
  • First, like everyone else says, one day or one week do not a healthy life style make Its 5 lbs. You'll lose it again. I feel ya about eating on the road...I work in television production and when I;m on the road its tough to eat right; but I do make the conscious effort to make sure to keep the cals if not the GOOD food in…
  • I always double check on this site to make sure I'm not over or under... Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Good for you hon! Keep on keepin' on! I;m hoping to be there soon myself.
  • All of the above/below are right... I'll tell you as someone how has/had a "fat tooth" that before anything was ever successful for me I had to make a point of retro fitting my diet. I had to get my portions in order and my appetite readjusted and the foods I was eating as my new meal program before any exercise regiment…
  • Hey Chris - Nickstrer is some point you have to realize that regular exercise and at least paying attention to what you eat is going to have to be one of those things like brushing your teeth that you're gonna have to do everyday. The good news? It gets easier and like all wont even notice after…
  • I started at burning 500+ a day and worked up from there. I'm burning 1000 + a day now. Mostly cardio i.e. walking. I started at 2 miles and then upped to 3 and after 2 months I am doing 5-6 miles on a hike or a walk around my neighborhood or alternately I do an hour on the treadmill @ 3mph 3% grade + an hour on the heavy…
  • Back at cha... For me, I use the MFP golas as a minimum back stop and try to do better (ya know with out totally passing out or being unhealthy). I have also posted a Glycemic Index (good/lo vs bad/high) food comparison chart on my fridge. When i was first starting out I used it religiously, but I didn't realize HOW much…
  • Go for it Tim... The frist month..>SUCKS...just truth....but it get SO much easier every month after that... SO take it on 30 day chunks... I started by putting this Lo MED HIGH Glycemic Foods chart on my fridge and it made me conscious of what I was eating…