

  • This has become my regular: - Thomas Bagel Thins whole grain - One whole fried egg - One egg white - One piece of Weight Watchers Reduced Fat cheese (tastes good, promise) - 3-4 slice of Jennie-O or Sara Lee turkey (cracked pepper tastes the best) Altogether, it's 300 calories and 31 grams of protein. Keeps me full for…
  • Lol aww that's horrible. My boyfriend has done similar things... I asked once if he would share a cookie from Mrs. Fields with me because I really wanted one, he agreed and then went back on it and tried to get me to eat the whole thing. -_- I ended up giving it to someone at work, but I was annoyed that he didn't help me…
  • If you want something non-fiction, I've heard Tina Fey's "Bossypants" is a hilarious audiobook.
  • I'm an editor at a local newspaper, and I love getting calls and emails like this... Resident: I just wanted to tell you how biased and liberal your opinion page is, and I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves for not offering fair and balanced coverage to your community. Me: Well the opinion page is a space for…
  • Whoooaaa I would've put HR on his *** STAT.
  • I agree with everyone here, but also know that you look FAB!! Be proud!!
  • Thanks! It stands for Non-Scale Victory. Things that make you feel good unrelated to how much you've lost. :)
  • Had a friend call me Shamu once behind my back and another friend told me about it. Never forgotten it. Also had a boy I liked tell me in 6th grade that he liked my friend more because I was fat... Oh yeah, and another boy I liked in 9th grade said he didn't want me to sit at the table he sat at with his friends because I…
  • Awesome, good luck!! :)
  • Because she doesn't give people any results...right.
  • Actually in a few Jillian Michaels DVDs she talks about how you shouldn't use weights to try to get rid of leg fat. You don't want to bulk up muscle there. For some people it's just not in their shape, but I would suggest running and workout DVDs. No More Trouble Zones is great for those types of exercises.
  • I'd suggest going to a reputable shoe store and having them evaluate what type of shoe would give you the best support. I have really flat feet, so I need shoes that help give me an arch or it kills my knees. You might also look into a knee brace, which you can get pretty cheaply at the store, or you could see an…
  • Well...none of them are exactly FUN for me, but Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism from Jillian Michaels is a great burn and it's fast paced. No More Trouble Zones also kicks my butt, quite literally. My butt muscles are sore for several days after that one.
  • Do you mind if I friend you? Your journey is exactly like mine, only I'm inching closer to halfway through! You're a total inspiration to me.
  • I love Asian Pears!! My friend's Japanese grandma always had them at her good when they're just ripe.
  • Lol I was so confused at first. Sometimes dropping that kind of weight is even better than the physical kind though! Stay strong and enjoy being happy. You deserve it. :flowerforyou:
  • I don't really agree that a mostly vegan, plant-based diet is the absolute healthiest for everyone. I find that my body doesn't function well if I cut so many things out and follow that type of diet.
  • I accept requests from both, but some women might feel really uncomfortable about men knowing what they eat or looking at pictures of them if they're not at their ideal weight or whatnot. That's just a guess, I could be wrong. Or they've had too many men try to flirt with them perhaps?
  • If you're having withdrawals, it's best to wean yourself off more slowly so you don't get those kinds of headaches. I tried quitting caffeine and sugar cold turkey one day and ended up with a monster headache that stuck around for a couple of days. Treat it like the drugs they are...quitting in stages! But it could be the…
    in Headaches Comment by kmozymoz March 2012
  • Being able to eat closer to how I would normally eat, since I eat back at least 1/4 of my exercise calories. It helps keep me motivated and not feel deprived! I also weigh myself every day, so I think about stepping on the scale every morning and how quickly it could turn back in the other direction if I don't keep up on…
  • You might try intervals more than just high resistance. If your muscles get used to a certain type of workout, it'll stall your weight loss. Try changing things up, increasing the speed and decreasing resistance, going at 5 minutes on one speed and resistance and switching to another for 10 minutes, etc.
  • That made me laugh out loud. I much prefer Ryan Gosling's look to Super Jesus.
  • Check out some of the reviews on this site, they talk about canceling your membership. Sounds like it's a pain, but doable.
  • YES. I always lose weight in my butt and legs first, which is so annoying because they don't really need it. My butt is flat as a pancake already. :grumble: But I've lost 15 pounds and have definitely lost some of my stomach, but I wouldn't say it's "even" yet. I still have problems with my lower abs carrying weight, which…
  • Mine is too, and I hate hate hate it. Always have. The worst part is the lower abs, because one side has more fat than the other, so until I get really close to my goal weight, they'll continue to be there, looking ugly and awkward. :grumble:
  • I HATE The Surrender! She does that on No More Trouble Zones too. Suuucks.
  • Hahaha I just reached my previously lying ID weight!! Feels good. But soon it will be lying again because it will be OVER what I actually weigh. :bigsmile: Good thing I have to renew at the end of this year.