MUST Watch Food/Health Documentaries



  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member

    All of these are from a sole bias viewpoint, or highlight what we already knew, i.e. eating too much of the same thing is bad. There is no actual scientific fact in these. These are the Daily Mail of the food documentary world.

    Are you joking? There's tons of scientific fact in them? Have you not seen Forks Over Knives?

    Are you telling me Supersize me is scientifically accurate and eye opening? You didn't know that eating McDs every meal of every day, and eating far more than you should, would be bad for you?

    You said "all of these". By your reply I see that by all of these, you just meant supersize me, which is an entertaining gimmick documentary. I'd agree that isn't too scientific but before you say all of these make sure you are aware of all of these. ;)
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Yes, these are all biased (in my favor) but they are super interesting and make me think. I've become very interested in eating raw veggies now because of shows like these because of their health benefit. Being a former morbidly obese person, these shows are still eye opening and I watch them just for entertainment. They are extremely interesting and help me become more aware of what I put into my body.

    I'm actually watching Forks Over Knives as I type this!!!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member

    I feel so bad for this girl who got liposuction. What awful parents, no wonder she's gaining it all back- she never was taught how to manage her weight in the first place. I've also heard that when you gain weight again after liposuction, you gain it really awkwardly on your body because all of the fat cells are gone..
    And the effects of diabetes part was horrifying...

    OMG. I SCREAMED at the TV...Her parents are so EFFED up for putting her through that. They could have done so much more by modeling healthy behaviors to help her change her weight issues.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've seen most of the documentaries listed on this thread. Most are terribly biased, as many documentaries are. If you really want to know the science of nutrition you need to look beyond the film industry for the truth.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've seen most of the documentaries listed on this thread. Most are terribly biased, as many documentaries are. If you really want to know the science of nutrition you need to look beyond the film industry for the truth.

    Could you tell me what you mean by "biased"? For the most part, documentaries are meant to explain, and provide a ton of evidence for, a specific problem or even just a point of view. Is this "biased"? You are correct in stating that we should look beyond the film industry, but many of these documentaries aren't produced by big name people or companies with some other interest in mind.

    I listed these documentaries:

    The World According to Monsanto
    The Future of Food

    If you have seen them, please tell me what is so "biased" about them, by whatever definition of that you have.
  • amandamyers1212
    Has anyone seen the one about juicing? cant remember what its called atm, but its great!! I'm on the hunt for a good juicer now!!
  • Emmahayes2802
    Emmahayes2802 Posts: 1 Member
    My friend and i just watched Food Inc last night. It was so stressful to watch. A real eye opener though. It definitely convinced me to go organic when possible at the very least. Food Matters is the next on the list ....
  • fastmethod
    fastmethod Posts: 40 Member
    I'd say some are kinda biased, not all. Supersize me is pretty biased they kinda just attack Mcdonalds, and pretty much blame them for the whole obesity epidemic. but there were fat people before mcdonalds existed. and i think almost everyone has the sense to know eating mcdonalds is not a healthy balanced diet. mcdonalds dont force people to eat there.
    lol not that im all pro mcdonalds
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions!
  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
  • fastmethod
    fastmethod Posts: 40 Member
    yeh this thread is pretty cool- i just watch that Fat Head, really interesting stuff.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I have yet to see one that presented balanced and accurate information
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I have yet to see one that presented balanced and accurate information

    Is it inaccurate because it goes against something you've believed in and been doing or because you actually researched the claims afterward?

    I'm just not sure what one can find "inaccurate" about Food, Inc. Is it that you don't believe that's the way we treat animals? CAFOs don't really exist? The food system is clearly fine how it is now? Please explain.
  • fastmethod
    fastmethod Posts: 40 Member
    yeh they all have there slant i guess, as all film/tv does. but still interesting,
  • caison
    I'm studying to take the RD (Registered Dietitian) exam in a month or so...and I've found that everything I've seen so far is factual and true. Sure, they promote a (mosty vegan) plant based diet, because open your eyes people, that's what is the healthiest!

    Sure it's common sense a lot of the time, but well, if all of us followed common sense we wouldn't be fat...
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    I watched Supersize me a while ago and am proud to say that my family has not eaten fast food since January 1st! Still working on the rest...

    Tonight I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and it was very interesting and I would love to give it a go, but I have to be honest I don't think I am mentally ready. I am about to watch Food Inc. and about a year ago or so I read Skinny ***** and have not drank milk since. Yes, I have ate foods made with milk, but I am no longer able to sit and drink a glass or even a sip and that is big for me because I used to drink a couple glasses a day at the least.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    It's related to food/health, but in a different manner: No Impact Man.
  • theNurseNancy
    The most truthful and least bias was Forks Over Knives. The others have a LOT of sensationalism.

    Supersize Me was just a piece of crap documentary. Tell us something we don't already know?
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    I'm studying to take the RD (Registered Dietitian) exam in a month or so...and I've found that everything I've seen so far is factual and true. Sure, they promote a (mosty vegan) plant based diet, because open your eyes people, that's what is the healthiest!

    Sure it's common sense a lot of the time, but well, if all of us followed common sense we wouldn't be fat...

    I don't really agree that a mostly vegan, plant-based diet is the absolute healthiest for everyone. I find that my body doesn't function well if I cut so many things out and follow that type of diet.
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member