

  • Hi there - you sound as though you are exactly in the same place I was about 1 month ago - like you people would say "you dont need to lose that much" and i would drop and put on the same 4 or 5 lbs every 2 or 3 weeks. So whats changed............... well since the start of June i have lost 7lbs. Consistency was my biggest…
  • Hey Brian - at various times during our relationship my husband and i have had v diff weight goals. Usually me trying to lose and him working out like a demon and trying to gain muscle mass. I have never felt jealous or upset with him because his goals are just so different to mine - if you speak to you wife and perhaps…
  • Hi there - we have similar target for weight loss am hoping for 20lbs! - I'll add you :-)
  • hi there and welcome from sunny scotland ;-) -I have a had a few false starts but am determined this time and like you the weight doesn't exactly come flying off - so I know Im just going to have to get stuck in and get on with it - will add you as a friend....
  • Mark welcome to MFP I would love to see you reach your goal - you will find lots of supportive people and useful tool on here and I really think they will help - but hon dont just "hope" for your dreams go out there and grab them with both hands x
    in Hi :) Comment by tokes March 2011
  • hey there welcome to MYP - feel free to add me as a friend but it would be helpful for folks if you put some details on your profile - ie how much you would like to lose, do you have a family - work etc etc then they can see what they have in common and what goals you can work towards together - remember they''ll be…
  • Hi there welcome to MFP I have been on the site 2 weeks and have lost 3lbs so far. Also a working mum (2 boys) so appreciate how difficult it is to make time for yourself - I add you as a friend - looking forward to seeing you post your first loss
  • wow - well done a real inspiration. Dont worry your mind will eventually catch up with the wonderful new body you are creating for yourself. Good luck on getting to your goal.
  • hi there - another mum of 2 boys here - welld one on the 10lbs thats a great start i just joined last week - ill addt you and we can help each other stay on track
  • HI there welcome to MFP - WW never worked for me either the points system has good intentions but at the end of the day it all comes down to simple arithmetic calories in/calories out- I lost 1.5lbs here on my first week here (aiming towards 20lbs). Its a great site with lot of encouragement - feel free to add me as a…
  • Hi Marie - welcome to MFP I joined just over a week go cause like like you life just "got in the way" of all my healthy intentions. I'm a working mum of 2 boys and owner of a very sweet but 13 yr old dog. Am aiming to lose 20 lbs and get back into my running ("I will do a 10k this year") - enjoys the site its got lots of…
  • hi there welcome - yes is a great site expecially when it comes to avoiding housework (*repeats to self "chores = calorie burn") I love 30 day shred too have stopped and started with it a couple of time so just need to commit to it as i know it will deliver results good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a…
    in Hi Comment by tokes February 2011
  • Hi jackalope welcome to MFP - I joined a week ago and like you I dont eat a lot of cr@p -but i eat a lot of what I like ;-) - also you only need to look at the tag on my profile to see like to "treat" myself to the odd glass of vino as well For me thejust the writing/logging the amount/calories that I have eaten/drank has…
  • Welcome not too late - isnt is amazing how we dont notice those pounds/kilos/stones creeping on. I for one have been fond of blaming the dry cleaners for my need to go up a size - nothing of course to do like liking the odd drink or 2 (if only) , takeaways, etc etc. Anyway I joined earlier in the week with my first weigh…
  • hi there i only joined last week too and although I havent had my first weigh in yet i feel much more control of what I am eating. You have made a fantastic start - well done you will be heading towards that goal before you know it - feel free to add me:happy:
    in Hullo Comment by tokes February 2011
  • All the other folks here have said the losses can be higher at the start and then slow down - I would aim for a 1.5-2lbs loss per week which would give you a target of 6-8lbs a month which is probably more achievable on an ongoing basis and is steady enough not to mess with yor metabolism - good luck!
  • Im 5'1' would luv to get to 116 but am going to aim for 120 to start with and see how easy that is to maintain first - every pound shows at this height!
  • hi there welcome I joined today too - am trying to lose the pre and post baby weight LOL! will friend you and we can help each other get back into those killer jeans!
  • hi eveyone another small fry here ;-) 5.1 with about 20 lbs to lose not made any easier by having had 2 kids and heading for the big 40 this yr..............for me I can be v strict with my diet for a limited time but after a while the results need to come from excersie - I just joined today so look forwad to seeing how we…
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