Diet or die

Hi, I'm a young guy stuck in an 53 year old guys body (Oooerr missus! :embarassed: ) who has had that "Oh s**t!" realisation. Through my teens and early 20's, due to an active lifestyle of dancing the night away, not drinking, and martial arts I had a pretty constant weight of around 70Kg. Marriage #1 came and went and I was in my 30's at around 80Kg. Marriage #2 and 2 kids came, lots of food, booze and I hit 50 weighing around 100Kg. Marriage #2 ended may last year and nearly a year on from that, when I finally unpacked the box containing the scales last night, I found myself staring at 100Kg. :noway:

Yes, I have been buying bigger trousers; yes, lots of my clothes seem to have "shrunk". I can't run at the moment because my joints protest at the strain. Many of the tell tale signs that I am turning into, not am turning, have turned into a fat bloke, have been turning up.

I am stressing my body and I have the realisation that if I do not do something about it then an obesity related something or other will almost inevitably result in a premature end.

Well, I have too many festivals, raves and all-nighters to go to to allow that to happen. :smile: So, couretesy of my little android friend I am here calorie counting my weight back down to a target of either dropping 30Kg, (4st10, 66lb) or fitting into a 32in pair of Levis.

So I reckon it will be a case of if I can't enter it into my calorie counter it won't go past my lips. Day one, today was easy. 3 meals, and under the calorie target for a 2lb (max drop the calculator will allow) a week loss by 6 calories.

So.......lets see how easy it is to shift the weight.......


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    We don't diet here. We choice healthier choices. Diets never work but a change in lifestyle will. When you go to the store to buy your food, read the labels, all of them. It will take you a while at first to shop but you will soon learn what to buy and what not to buy. Make you diary open so that we can help you with suggestions. You can add me to your friend list and you are welcome to view my diary at some of the choices that I have been making. Welcome to the family.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    2 lbs a week can be a big step for someone just jumping in... May I also mention that you should try not to come in UNDER your calorie limit for that goal by too much?... If you do, you'll put your body into 'starvation mode' and it will hang on to the extra pounds. Just eat well, exercise regularly and drink lots of water. don't try too many shortcuts or eating too few calories. It can give you some discouraging results. Best of luck and welcome to MFP!!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi, I am a 53 year old woman who has had 3 back surgeries and can't do hardly any exercise and I love this site!! It is full of wonderful encouragement, motivation and healthy tips. We can do this together as we are all here for each other. If you want to add me as a friend please feel free to do so. I hope that all of us on here can help you get to your goal weight. It is never too late to change our lifestyles.

  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    Love it 'never too late' *S*

    congrats (on being so wise as to join here *L*).. and deciding to let your inner healthy person 'out'!
    i have to ask though... raves? seriously? *teasing*

    Do feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.. we can all use as much motivating as we can get!
  • tokes
    tokes Posts: 22
    Welcome not too late - isnt is amazing how we dont notice those pounds/kilos/stones creeping on. I for one have been fond of blaming the dry cleaners for my need to go up a size - nothing of course to do like liking the odd drink or 2 (if only) , takeaways, etc etc.

    Anyway I joined earlier in the week with my first weigh in looming on Friday ...........and can say I do feel a lot more in control of what I am eating/drinking just by writing it down - just need to get a move on with the excerise:frown:

    Good luck feel free to add as a friend
  • not2late
    not2late Posts: 98 Member
    We don't diet here......
    Yup, I get's just that from a literary perspective it looked nice :smile: It is about personal lifestyle choice. It is also an ethical choice. If one over eats or wastes food, that is food that could have been redisributed in the supply chain to those who have little food, or that food would not have had to be produced with a reduction in our reliance on non-renewable resources.
    2 lbs a week can be a big step for someone just jumping in
    I am a geek whose new BFF :love: is an android tablet. If she tells me 1460 cals, then I will do as best I can to do as she says. 6 cals is pretty close.....oh, and plently of chai and green tea
    i have to ask though... raves? seriously? *teasing*
    Seriously :happy: I love old school D'n'B and breaks and can be occasionaly found in fields, empty office blocks and abandoned warehouses having fun. That is as well as the regular dance music club and festival scene. A bit heavy on my feet ATM TBH

    Thanks to all for the greets and tips. Everything in moderation...including moderation :laugh:
  • Manda1987

    I feel your pain... I used to do martial arts as well (have my 1st dan in karate) but it fell by the wayside when I went to university. I'm working on getting back in shape so I can get back into it!
  • cyncynt
    cyncynt Posts: 8 Member
    :smile: If you think of it we are killing ourselves by bad eating habits and inactivity.. We get depressed , life is not fun, ...... If we are willing to kill ourselves with these bad habits maybe that realization can motivate us to diet and exercise and treat ourselves with the respect and love God treats us.
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    This site sure has helped me. I need to lose 100 pounds! I have lost 13 so far and I began January 1, 2011. I am anxiously waiting for spring and to see how much I can lose, and of course be healthy by then. I am 61 years old. And I know that this is the last time in my life that I will be able to lose all of the weight because I have done this before, this HAS to be a life time commitment on my part and it is. I am a stress eater, depression eater, happy eater, you name it, and I will eat sooooo good luck to you and there are a lot of caring people on this site and they will help you with anything - receipes-exercises-blogs, etc. I am glad you are with us! And I will be your friend!!!