Hi. Looking for motivational Friends!

To introduce myself I would like to say I am a young mom of a beautiful girl. Unfortunaltey I have lost sight of taking care of myself the last few years and its resulted in HUGE weight gain for me. I am going to be a bride in 2012, we just recently set a date so now is the time to jump on the bandwagon and get healthy I don't want to look back on my wedding day pictures and be dissapointed. So, if anyone can be a motivational friend to keep me in line Please add me! I am going to the gym tonight with a friend in the first time in a couple years. Wish me luck! Happy losing everyone! :D


  • fat2ittybitty
    Where are all the motivational people? I need friends on here to keep me going! Please lend a hend I am on this site looking for support!
  • tokes
    tokes Posts: 22
    hey there welcome to MYP - feel free to add me as a friend but it would be helpful for folks if you put some details on your profile - ie how much you would like to lose, do you have a family - work etc etc then they can see what they have in common and what goals you can work towards together - remember they''ll be looking for motivation from you too :-)

    good luck
  • kaymac1908
    kaymac1908 Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome! I just got married in September so I know what you might be feeling. feel free to add me too. Best wishes!
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Welcome and don't get too frustrated if you don't see many people reply to your post. Sometimes it just gets overlooked. I usually try to make a post a day and always comment on friends achievements and goals. Try another post and don't be shy to ask for friends. Feel free to add me if you like, i'm always looking for more support. Good luck with your goals!
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome to the site. You can add me if you would like too
  • awilliams0209
    awilliams0209 Posts: 33 Member
    Good Luck! If you or anyone needs any additional support, just send me a request. I think we all could use some more friends on here.
  • not2late
    not2late Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, there is an interesting mix of motivational and mad people here :) I am one of that latter but be free to add :D
  • zcosborne86
    Welcome aboard! :happy:
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member

    Ive been here since July 2010, I did well then I fell back into old habits and gained 10lbs. But now I feel that this time when I lose them I am saying goodbye to them forever. So now I'm kinda starting again.
    Still got a long way to go til my goal. But I have learnt that however desperate I am to see big numbers every weigh in, this isn't actually an episode of biggest loser, this is my life and slow and steady definitely wins the race!

    I have great motivational friends on here. You just have to read the forums and not be shy of putting yourself out there and friend requesting the people that seem like they are the support you need from the replies they have given to others
    Good Luck
  • fat2ittybitty
    There we go! Hehehe, Thanks to everyone! :)