5'1" and a little extra weight



  • foodbuzz
    foodbuzz Posts: 39 Member
    AMEN to all the above comments from a 5'3" shortie trying to lose her extra weight. I'm new to this site and am loving it. Thanks to everyone that helped me through my first week to lose 1 pound. I'm thrilled and motivated to keep going. :wink:
  • KristenY18
    Hi All!

    I'm in the same boat...holding onto 15lbs :) Im 5'1 and would like to be 115. I just bought a treadmill last week and its my new motivation! I spent a pretty penny on it....so I feel guilty if I dont use it. My problem is late night snacking....anyone have ideas? Everyone says to get up and doing something to take your mind off eating. However, thats the only time I have in the evening with the hubby and our little one and we watch our shows together! Hubby is a snacker too, but you cant tell by his waistline. What are some snacks that wont sabotage my day? Sweet or Salty....I'm versatile :laugh:
  • tokes
    tokes Posts: 22
    hi eveyone another small fry here ;-) 5.1 with about 20 lbs to lose not made any easier by having had 2 kids and heading for the big 40 this yr..............for me I can be v strict with my diet for a limited time but after a while the results need to come from excersie - I just joined today so look forwad to seeing how we all reach our goal
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm in the same boat...holding onto 15lbs :) Im 5'1 and would like to be 115. I just bought a treadmill last week and its my new motivation! I spent a pretty penny on it....so I feel guilty if I dont use it. My problem is late night snacking....anyone have ideas? Everyone says to get up and doing something to take your mind off eating. However, thats the only time I have in the evening with the hubby and our little one and we watch our shows together! Hubby is a snacker too, but you cant tell by his waistline. What are some snacks that wont sabotage my day? Sweet or Salty....I'm versatile :laugh:

    How about air-popped popcorn? You can have about 3 cups for just 100 calories. If you want to add a little oil, then 2 cups-worth of popcorn in 1 tsp of oil will help you to get the salt to stick for 100 cals.

    Other snacks, just keep a good supply of raw cut-up veggies on hand. I usually have a mid-afternoon snack of celery sticks with 1/4 cup of hummus dip. The celery is almost a free food, and the hummus is about 100 cals. This is a filling snack, and there are multiple flavors to choose from, so it keeps things interesting. And, if you want to substitute other veggies this is generally not a problem.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I bought an HRM monitor though and it had the nerve to say it was like 50 calories or something retarded! I blame it on my height! Any one else have an HRM that's reading crazy like that?

    oh yes I was so excited with my xmas gift.... and it is a great toy but I had got used to the big numbers MFP gave me for exercise now it is pitiful, I will walk brisly for 90 mins and get about 100 cals as I say pitiful, but I guess the lower the cals I eat for my exercise the better it will be for me but hey I used to eat all those exercise cals and I lost lots of weight!!!!!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    ^ So you think the HRM calculations are more accurate???

    *passing out*
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I guess so, pi@@er huh! I get well under half the cals..... maybe I am just superfit and my bod doesnt have to work hard....... so why do I sweat like a sweat factory I wonder
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    That bites!!! I might have to be in denial about that cause I swear I know me and I will stop working out.
  • bluemartini6
    5'2" my goal is about 15 pounds but bmi wise it should probably be 20-25 pounds. I started at 152 and would like to be around 130-135. Anyone else think the bmi charts are a little unrealistic? Especially if you are short but not petite? Been on here almost a month and have been seeing progress so far. I still have treats but make sure I workout at least 3 times and keep tracking calories.

    Question for those who have made progress-does our cal intake ever increase? I've gotten used to the 1200ish cal and manage (some days it's hard to eat all my calories but some days not) but I like to eat out and really don't see how I will be able to with cal restrictions (I mean you can only guess about preparation so much)
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    I am 5'1" and currently at 128, down 2# from the beginning of January. My ultimate goal would be to reach 115 and never go above 120 again.
    I am eating between 1200-1300 C a day and alternating between SHRED OR 6 week 6 pack for 6 days a week, taking one day off. When the weather gets nicer i will be outside walking and running a lot.

    But I am SO frustrated at my weight loss so far. I was eating out of control before I started tracking on MFP, I am much more in tune with what I eat now, and I am working out 80% more than I was before, but still only 2 pounds loss. Ugh. I feel defeated. I am definitely eating enough, I eat my exercise Cal's and make sure I am eating clean most of the time. I wish it would be easier to take off with the hard work I am doing.
  • pocketsam
    OH I am so glad other people feel my pain. Friends can do the same Jillian Micheals DVD as me or even half of it and STILL burn more than me doing the whole thing!

    That being said, I have lost 9 lbs in 4 weeks. Now weigh in at 100.8 at 5 ft tall

    If anybody would like meal ideas (not saying they are better than other peoples) the last two weeks have generally been really good for me keeping cals down but eating really filling meals. As a dance teacher I can easily out eat lots of people so I ve really been practising good recipes/researching etc. I now have 2 breakfasts (one pre and one post workout). AND I have a couple of scrummy low cal pudding recipes too!

    Hope to be helpful. Sam xx
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I have heard it said that it is more difficult to lose once you get closer to your goal. I do believe it is true for me.

    Another thing, it tends to be more difficult for us "shorties" because of smaller window of opportunity that we have. For me, it is 1200 cals to maintain my BMR, so it is important to not eat much below that. However, unless I exercise, my maintenance cals are set at 1600. So, it doesn't take much to bump me out of weight loss into maintenance! So, exercise is REALLY important, and the least amount of mistakes is important, too.
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    I'm on the same boat girls....
  • heavenrain
    heavenrain Posts: 36 Member
    i'm 5' feet anf i hate it when people say if i was taller i would be smaller. I am tring to loose 20lbs also. It is so harfd
  • ropedancer
    Hi! I'm 5ft1 (and a half!). My initial goal was to lose 20 pounds. So far, I've lost 8 in over the past 2+ months. Hope you don't mind if I friend you. It's nice to know someone else in the same boat!
  • leahsevilla
    leahsevilla Posts: 127 Member
    It's so nice to find other people who have struggled with being short/losing weight! I'm 5'1 and 119 lbs. I dropped from 125 to 114 in Nov. then shot back up to 119 and want to lose another 9 lbs.

    I've always heard never to go under 1200 calories...but being so short I dont feel like it applies. How low do you all go? I've done everywhere between 800-1600 so I definitely fluctuate.

  • Debx12345
    Hey everyone, I'm 5'2", always been chubby, lost a fair bit through illness 18 months ago and it got me to 130lbs, so decided to get fit and lose another 10lbs, and in that 18 months have lost a big fat nothing !!! I've done ww, and now calorie counting and still nada, now giving up with the scales and buying a body composition monitor to look at my body fat etc. Desperately want to tone up, i have muscles on muscles in my legs and arms, but blobby bit in middle is well blobby. Lol
  • phipps
    phipps Posts: 7 Member
    you are 113 lbs and you are disappointed? I would give my left and right arm to ever be 113 lbs again....be proud of yourself this is huge....I can only dream for now....but am working on it....!!