Are you a Mum who wants to lose 20or so pounds? Or a stress

Hi if you are either a Mum who wants to lose 20 or so pounds or like me are a stress binger who is fighting the temptation to binge on biscuits or crisps everytime the going gets tough then please get in touch as I think it would be mutually beneficial to encourage each other on this weight loss journey...

My husband and I have recently completed a total renovation, the last year has been completely stressful and has involved holding down my job, looking after the children and dealing with all the little problems that moving and starting new schools brought. My husband was working really long hours building up his business for a prolonged period and I was left to deal with fianances often at times a lack of, tradesmen, and all that is involved in a complete renovation. I dragged myself through each day with the help of lots of comfy food. At times almost in a daze as I munched through packets of chocolate digestives. I have gained over two stone in just over a year going from a healthy and feeling great 9st 10lbs to a miserable and uncomfortable 11st 10lbs - I have managed to get down to 11st 4lbs since the new year before finding this site.

I would love to hear from anyone who can empathise!!

Kindest Regards - M:)


  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    my 20lbs or so is more like 50!! lol.... i have 3 small children, harry 4, ella 2 and a half and lola lou 6 months.

    stress and pregnancy is my reason for being over weight.

    i put on 5 stone when i had harry. living in a very violent relationship. lost 2 and a half, then piled it back on having ella..... in the same relationship!! lost it again after fleeing to refuge (altho that process wasnt exactly stressfree i can tell you!!) lola was a surprise, i found out over half way through my pregnancy... the day i had her i weighed myself and only put on half a stone...... so i still have 3 stone to go to get back to pre pregnancy (pre harry!!) weight.

  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    hi marie, I too am a mum of 2, stopping myself eating the kids left overs is very had indeed! I have about 24 lbs to lose, I'm training for a half marathon in may and the last time I did it was 2 years ago and I was at least 1 stone lighter so this year might be a struggle!
    I'm struggling with losing weight at the moment and have just re-adjusted my goals online so I can eat more and I'm hoping that my half marathon training will help with the desperately needed weight loss.
    Sounds like you've had a hard time for the last year, hopefully this year will be good for you.
  • mother23ts
    I have 3 children and it can be really hard to find time for myself. I am determined to carve out a few minutes of each day because when I make time to workout Im better at everything. Im happier and more focused when I make time for me. This site helps me pay attention to what Im eating and connect with other people in my same situation. Its great to get to know others with the same goal. Good luck to you and small changes will make a big difference.
  • tokes
    tokes Posts: 22
    Hi Marie - welcome to MFP I joined just over a week go cause like like you life just "got in the way" of all my healthy intentions. I'm a working mum of 2 boys and owner of a very sweet but 13 yr old dog. Am aiming to lose 20 lbs and get back into my running ("I will do a 10k this year") - enjoys the site its got lots of great support Ill add you as a friend xx
  • ttfadm
    Hello, I'm a mother of 8 and need to lose about another 47lbs. I just got off of the HCG diet, where I lost 20lbs, but now it is time to just eat right and exercise and that is scary. I am a catering director for a local Italian restaurant and am around food all the time. I could use all the motivation I can get(my fiance is not so supportive of my dieting). He's sweet and says he loves me just the way I am, but I am unhappy and unhealthy at this weight and need to get into shape. I would love to help motivateand encourage all of you ladies as well. Here we go ladies! WE CAN DO IT!
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    look at you all runing marathons!! i wish i could, my mum did a half marathon, but everytime i run or bounce everything jiggles haha. im doing a sky dive at the end of april in aid of the lymphoma association. i figured gravity works well, id be good at that haha x

    ttfadm - 8 !!!!! your one brave lady!!!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    heya...yeah...mum of two very active boys who's social life is busier than mine! My hubby-to-be is busy building up his empire too! a few years ago I was skinny-winny, but Ive somehow managed to adopt 3 stone! Life's ups and downs eh! Since october I have started to eat healthy and exercise but the bad weather in december and christmas time...Ithe 10lb I lost, I put 7lbs back on!! SO here I am, New start...11lbs down...21lb to go!! Got my goal set to April/May time as I want to get fitted for my wedding dress...after that i want to maintain...or go slimmer, Im not fussed once I get to my goal and stay there, FOR GOOD! haha...positive attitude!!!!

    What exercise are you planning on doing?
  • KerryLee78
    Hi... I'm mum of three, stressed to the hilt, depressed and hell yes, I need to lose 52lbs!

    I also think it's beneficial to encourage each's so hard spending all your time taking care of others, and so easy to forget to take care of yourself.

    We could help remind each other to focus on our needs a bit more.......... we deserve it.

    Be good to yourself xx
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Mom of four, wife to one, and a teacher by profession. Be on this site for about a month, lost 10 pounds and would like to lose 25 more. This site has been very helpful and the encouragement of others is terrific. Please feel free to send me a friend request as well as you other awesome moms on this post!
  • geminisam
    Well im a mum of 3 and am just about to start week 5 on MFP,im finding this site very easy to use and have lost 9lbs already.Ive always been a big girl but have put more and more weight on since i married 15 yrs ago and had my kids.Ive found alot of freinds on here and great support.The best thing i ever did was start with MFP.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    aaawwww arent we all a lovely bunch haha x
  • caitlin_rose
    I am a mom of 1 who is looking to lose 15 or so pounds!!
  • caitlin_rose
    I am a mom of 1 who is looking to lose 15 or so pounds!!
  • MrsPeachy
    I'm a mum of two girls (ages 6, 7) ... and a definite stress eater and sugar-a-holic (recovering)!
  • mariehayter
    Hello ladies,

    I am so encouraged to find so many other lovely ladies all trying to shed the weight whilst battling all the day to day stuff of work and being a Mum. I used to think there would never be a good time to start, then I went into a changing room with 3 mirrors in it and kind of shocked myself into doing something. Now I feel like I can definately get going. I have been getting very early nights for the past week which has helped to keep me on track. I find that tiredness makes me want to binge (usually about 3pm I was hitting a wall), and it has kept me out of the fridge in the evening. Getting the first week out of the way was definately the hard bit. I have joined a gym and plan to go two or three times a week. And I am going to walk to the school to pick up the kids on the days I can. Thats the plan so far. Definately no big goals just yet. Anyone else watch those TV shows where the family or individual trying to lose weight sets themselves a massive challenge? I think its called X-weighted.
  • CurriedGrasshopper

    I'm a 26yo Mom of 1 daughter who turned 3 this December. She is a lot of fun but does keep me busy along with working part time - at a desk job in the fall/winter and very physical in the late spring/summer.

    I'm working to lose 21lbs, just found this site the other day, definitely happy to be here. I think it will be a huge help tracking my exercise, foot intake and especially getting to know people in a community to hold myself accountable to!
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Hi. I've only just joined MFP too. So far so good! I want to get from 150 to 130 lbs and am feeling pretty determined. I've two young kids and along with working the only time I have to exercise is after they're in bed, and by then I'm knackered! I'm clinging to the thought that exercising gives you energy. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • erinkelly2
    erinkelly2 Posts: 43 Member
    HI I am a Mom of 2 little boys. I am in basically in a similiar situation. Too Stressed out ot pay attention to what I am eating. Sometimes I find my self snacking on the "kids food" without even realizing that I am doing it. Add me as a friend. Good Luck to you in your weight loss efforts!!